- Anime/Manga
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
- Negima! Magister Negi Magi
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- NightWalker: The Midnight Detective
- Ninja Scroll
- Noir
- Nurse Witch Komugi
- Oh My Goddess
- One Piece
- Onegai Teacher
- - Original art
- Orphen
- - Other series not listed
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Outlaw Star
- Paradise Kiss
- Paranoia Agent
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Peach Girl
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- Pilot Candidate
- Pita-Ten
- Please Teacher!
- Pokémon series
- Powerpuff Girls Z
- Prince of Tennis
- Princess Ai
- Princess Mononoke
- Princess Tutu
- Prétear
- Ranma ½
- Rave Master
- Read or Die
- Real Bout High School
- Reborn
- Record of Lodoss War
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
- Ronin Warriors
- Rozen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saber Marrionette
- Sailor Moon series
- Saint Seiya
- Saint Tail
- Saiyuki
- Sakura Wars
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Samurai Pizza Cats
- Scrapped Princess
- Serial experiments lain
- Shaman King
- Shamanic Princess
- Shinzo
- Shugo Chara
- Silver Fang
- Sister Princess
- Slam Dunk
- Slayers
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sorcerer Hunters
- Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
- Soul Eater
- Soul Hunter
- Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
- Spirited Away
- Star Ocean EX
- Steel Angel Kurumi
- Studio Ghibli (Miyazaki) series
- Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shōganai!
- Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran
- Super Milk Chan
- Tactics
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjho Tenge
- The Law of Ueki
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- The Super Milk-Chan Show
- The Twelve Kingdoms
- The Wallflower
- To Heart
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Mew Mew
- Transformers
- Anzu/Tea
- Bakura
- Cards
- Chibis
- Crossovers
- Doma characters
- Espa Roba
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Fan Comics (doujinshi)
- Groups/Couples
- Guards
- Hiroto Honda (Tristan)
- Ishizu
- Jounouchi (Joey)
- Kisara
- Mai
- Mana
- Marik
- Mokuba
- Noah Kaiba
- Otogi/Duke
- Pegasus
- Ryuuzaki
- Seto Kaiba
- Shadi
- Shizuka/Serenity
- Weevil Underwood
- Yami/Yugi
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Duel Monsters)
- Advance wars
- Adventure quest/Battleon
- Aftermathzone
- American McGee's Alice
- Ape Escape
- Assassin's Creed
- Azure Dreams
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Baten Kaitos
- Bioshock series
- BloodRayne
- Bloody Roar series
- Bomberman series
- Breath of Fire series
- Bust A Move/Groove
- Call Of Duty
- Capcom vs SNK series
- Castlevania series
- Catwoman
- Chaos Legion
- Chrono Cross
- Chrono Trigger
- Chu Chu Rocket
- City of Heroes
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Crash Bandicoot
- DOOM series
- Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)
- Dark Cloud
- Darkstalkers
- Dead or Alive series
- Devil May Cry series
- Diablo series
- Dino Crisis
- Disgaea
- Dragon Quest series
- Drakengard
- Dungeons & Dragons series
- Dynasty Warriors
- Earthworm Jim
- Eternal Darkness
- EverQuest
- Evolution Worlds
- F.E.A.R.
- Fable
- Fallout
- Fatal Frame series
- Final Fantasy series
- Fire Emblem
- Gaia Online
- Galerians
- Gitaroo Man
- God of War
- Golden Sun
- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series
- Grandia series
- Guild Wars
- Guilty Gear series
- Gungrave
- Half-Life
- Halo series
- Harvest Moon
- Haunting Ground
- Ico / Shadow of the Colossus
- Jak & Daxter series
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Jet Grind Radio
- Jet Set Radio Future
- Katamari Damacy
- Killer Instinct
- Kingdom Hearts series
- King of Fighters
- Klonoa
- Knights of the Old Republic
- LEGO Bionicle
- Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver
- Legend of Legaia
- Legend of Zelda series
- Lunar RPG series
- Magic: the Gathering
- Magna Carta
- Makai Kingdom
- Mana series (Seiken Densetsu)
- MapleStory
- Mario series
- MechAssault
- MechWarrior
- MegaMan series
- Metal Gear series
- Minecraft
- Mortal Kombat
- Ninja Gaiden
- Nutrinopets
- OddWorld
- Okage: Shadow King
- Okami
- Onimusha
- - Other Game Not Listed
- Pac-Man
- Panzer Dragoon
- Parappa the Rapper
- Parasite Eve
- Perfect Dark
- Phantasy Star Online
- Phantom Brave
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
- Pokémon series
- Prince of Persia series
- Psychonauts
- Quake series
- Radiata Stories
- Ragnarok Online
- Ratchet & Clank series
- Rayman
- Resident Evil series
- Ristar
- Riviera: The Promised Land
- Runescape
- SSX series
- Samurai Spirits / Showdown
- Samurai Warriors
- Shadow Hearts
- Shin Megami Tensei series
- Shinobi
- Silent Hill series
- Skies of Arcadia
- Sly Cooper series
- Sonic the Hedgehog series
- Soul Calibur series
- Space Channel 5
- Spawn
- Splinter Cell
- Spyro the Dragon
- Star Ocean series
- Starcraft
- Street Fighter
- Suikoden
- Syphon Filter
- Tales Of... series
- Team Fortress
- Tekken
- Tenchu
- The Elder Scrolls
- The Sims
- Thief series
- Threads of Fate
- Timesplitters
- Tomb Raider series
- Tony Hawks Underground
- Toontown
- Touhou series
- Twisted Metal series
- Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
- Undertale
- Valkyrie Profile
- Viewtiful Joe
- Virtua Fighter
- Vocaloid
- Warcraft series
- Warhammer series
- War of Genesis
- Wild Arms
- World of Warcraft
- Worms
- Xenogears
- Xenosaga
- .hack series
- Ayane
- Hitomi
- Jan Lee
- Kasumi
- Fan Characters (OCs)
- Chia Xianghua
- Couples/Pairings
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Heishiro Mitsurugi
- Isabella ("Ivy") Valentine
- Kilik
- Nightmare
- Raphael Sorel
- Soul Calibur III
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Inner Series Crossover groupings
- Aeons (FFX Summons)
- Chocobos
- GF's (FF8 Summons)
- Moogles
- Aeris
- Barrett
- Cait Sith
- Cid
- Cloud
- Jenova
- Red XIII
- Reno
- Sephiroth
- Tifa
- Vincent
- Yuffie
- Zack
- GF's
- Irvine
- Laguna
- Moomba
- Quistis
- Rinoa
- Seifer
- Selphie
- Squall
- Zell
- Eiko
- Freya
- Garnet
- Kuja
- Vivi
- Zidane
- Aeons
- Auron
- Fiends (Monsters)
- Kimahri
- Lulu
- Seymour
- Tidus
- Wakka
- Baralai, Gippal, Nooj
- Couples/Pairings
- Lenne, Shuyin
- Mithra
- Marth
- Ottsels
- Ashelin
- Baron Praxis
- Erol
- Fan Comics (doujinshi)
- Fanfiction Art
- Jak 2 Crossover
- Metal Heads
- Pecker (and Onin)
- Torn
- Vin
- Daxter and Tess
- Dark Jak
- Light Jak
- Naminé
- Roxas
- Sora
- Aerith
- Cloud
- Donald, Goofy
- Kairi
- Leon
- Riku
- Sephiroth
- Sora
- Yuffie
- Axel
- Couples/Pairings
- Demyx
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Fan Comics (doujinshi)
- Larxene
- Lexaeus
- Luxord
- Marluxia
- Roxas
- Saïx
- Vexen
- Xaldin
- Xemnas
- Xigbar
- Zexion
- Link and Zelda
- Twilight Princess Link
- Wind Waker Link
- Young Link
- Characters (Gerudo)
- Characters (Goron)
- Characters (Kokiri)
- Characters (Shiekah)
- Characters (Zora)
- Enemies, Bosses
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Malon
- Navi
- Triforce Godesses
- Twilight Princess Zelda
- Link
- Midna
- Zelda
- Link
- Alice
- Silent Hill 1
- Silent Hill 2
- Bowser
- Daisy
- Luigi
- - Mario
- Princess Peach
- Wario
- Yoshi
- Fan Yoshis
- X (himself)
- Zero
- Samus Aran
- Fox McCloud
- Krystal
- Neopet Types (Anthro)
- Neopian Faeries
- Petpets
- - Anthro (Pokémorphs)
- Bug-type Pokémon
- Dark-type Pokémon
- Dragon-type Pokémon
- Electric-type Pokémon
- Fighting-type Pokémon
- Fire-type Pokémon
- Flying-type (Bird) Pokémon
- Ghost-type Pokémon
- Grass-type Pokémon
- Ground-type Pokémon
- Ice-type Pokémon
- Poison-type Pokémon
- Rock-type Pokémon
- Steel-type Pokémon
- Water-type Pokémon
- Kalas
- Lyude
- Dark Cloud 2
- Legend of Mana
- Secret of Mana
- Seiken Densetsu 3 (SOM2)
- Sword of Mana
- Ada Wong
- Leon Kennedy
- Counterstrike
- Carmelita Fox
- Constable Neyla
- Couples/Pairings
- Sly
- The Fiendish Five
- Amy Rose
- Blaze the Cat
- Cream, the Rabbit
- Dr. Robotnik (Eggman)
- Knuckles, the echidna
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Rouge, the bat
- Shadow, the hedgehog
- Silver, the hedgehog
- Sonic
- Tikal The Echidna
- Bats
- Echidnas
- Foxes
- Hedgehogs
- Hybrids
- Collette
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Fan Comics (doujinshi)
- Genis
- Kratos
- Lloyd
- Mithos
- Noish
- Presea
- Raine
- Regal
- Sheena
- Summon spirits
- Wonder Chef/Dark Chef
- Yuan
- Zelos
- Night Elves
- - Action (Platforming) games
- - Action games
- - Fighting games
- - Macabre (Horror) games
- - Music (Rhythm) games
- - Online Games
- - RPG/Adventure Games
- Azure Dreams
- Baten Kaitos
- Breath of Fire series
- Chrono Cross
- Chrono Trigger
- Dark Cloud
- Diablo series
- Disgaea
- Dragpm Quest series
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Evolution Worlds
- Fable
- Fallout
- Final Fantasy series
- Golden Sun
- Grandia series
- Legend of Dragoon
- Legend of Legaia
- Legend of Zelda series
- Makai Kingdom
- Mana series (Seiken Densetsu)
- Phantom Brave
- Radiata Stories
- Riviera: The Promised Land
- Shadow Hearts
- Shin Megami Tensei series
- Skies of Arcadia
- Star Ocean series
- The Elder Scrolls
- Threads of Fate
- Undertale
- Valkyrie Profile
- War of Genesis
- Xenogears
- Xenosaga
- - Sandbox games
- - Shooter/FPS games
- - Sports Games
- - Spy/Stealth Games
- Capcom
- Indie
- Konami
- Namco
- Nintendo
- Sega
- Sony
- Square-Enix
- Dragon Quest series
- Final Fantasy series
- Couples/Pairings
- Creatures/Monsters
- Fan Characters (OC's)
- Final Fantasy 1
- Final Fantasy 4
- Final Fantasy 6
- Final Fantasy 7
- Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
- Final Fantasy 7: Before Crisis
- Final Fantasy 8
- Final Fantasy 9
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy XI
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy XIII
- -Unlisted Final Fantasy
- Kingdom Hearts series
- Mana series (Seiken Densetsu)
- Threads of Fate (Dewprism)