New Features
View News #126
News | 126 |
User | 1 |
Title | New Features |
Body | Earler this week I releases some new features (and many bug fixes) for the site. The development team has been working for months on these and they are now finally ready.<br /> <br /> <br /> New Blog feature: You can now have a blog/journel/whatever in your profile. <br /> <br /> The "Pending" tab from your user gallery page has been replaced by a new, expanded submissions page which, in addition to showing your pending submissions, can also retrieve notices from any submissions which may have been rejected by the AP. So if a submission hasn't appeared in your gallery after some time, and you didn't receive any e-mail notices about it, check this page first.<br /> <br /> New e-mail notifications added for when your submissions have been Faved by other users. If you don't want to receive Faving notifications, you can disable them from your "Edit Profile" options. This feature has been missing for a long time and finally got put in place. Also you can now look up who has Faved a piece by clicking on the "Favorites" stat from viewing it.<br /> <br /> There are now RSS feeds available of most of the site's content. you can put your favorite categories or artists into your feed reader and see updates automatically. |
Date Posted | 1201385603 |