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Howlcub *Pokemon contest*

Howlcub *Pokemon contest*

Howlcub *Pokemon contest* by rolla_roach
Howlcub *Pokemon contest* by rolla_roach


Another entry for Tuxedo_Mini_Mask. Hope it's accepted.

Name: Howlcub

Attacks: Horn 10 damage, Headbutt 10 damage, Iron Tail 30 damage, Double Pound 30 damage, Double Team 20 damage, Leer 10 damage, Bite 10 damage, Snarl 10 damage, Quick Attack 10 damage, Scratch 10 damage and Tackle 20 damage.

Special Attacks: Play Bow (lures opponent into false sense of security for close-contact attacks), Dig 40 damage, Thunder Shock 50 damage, and SandStorm 70 damage (combines sand attack with lightning; this is Howlcub’s most powerful attack).

Evolution Level: 75

Evolution Forms: Evolves into Krywulf

Location: They prefer areas in which the ground is soft so it’s easy to create dens.

Type: Earth/Electric

Description: Howlcub are very playful and this makes them difficult to train, as they have very short attention spans. Because of this, it takes a very long time for them to evolve. They never take anything seriously; not even battle. They are best known for their stubbornness. Howlcub are often difficult to capture because of their extraordinary digging ability. They can dig a 50-foot tunnel in less then 45 seconds, eluding their enemies by disappearing underground. Their constant digging make them a nuisance, especially in farming areas, and they are widely hunted and exterminated.


Done with sharpies and colored pencils.

Howlcub and Krywulf (C) MW Roach A.K.A. rollaroach
Pokemon (C) Nintendo

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » - Original (fan-made) Pokémon
Date Submitted
Views 1472
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 5
Comments 5
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken a day
Reference none


Comments (5)

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tigeronyx on October 28, 2011, 2:28:49 AM

tigeronyx on
tigeronyxI love this one, if I was a trainer I would so start with it

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on September 28, 2008, 5:10:33 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskI LOVE IT! An Absolute pleasure to my eyes to see such perfect, distinguished, Pokemon! Great job!

Name: Howlcub
Attacks Given to Pokemon:10
Over all Originality:10

Great job! ^_^

CRwixey on September 24, 2008, 8:18:36 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyWow, cool pose, and very neat colouring... ^_^

sasuke4kun on September 23, 2008, 11:11:07 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunAAAAWWWWWWWWWW looks all cute and such!!! I love it!! EEE

FeralFatale1207 on September 23, 2008, 9:17:00 AM

FeralFatale1207 on
Me likey this one!!!