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Obsessions (HimuraKamatari's contest)

Obsessions (HimuraKamatari's contest)

Obsessions (HimuraKamatari's contest) by 9127
Obsessions (HimuraKamatari's contest) by 9127


I was bored so...yeah this popped in my's pretty dumb = /
Don't get me wrong cuz I really do dislike the whole Hyuuga incest thing...
Neji's dialogue sounds really stupid but hopefully you know about his obsession with fate  ~_~
I'm too tired to think of something better  cuz my dog kept barking and I didn't get much sleep T_T I'm so brain dead x_X
Oh yeah, Orochimaru is Naruto's version of Michael Jackson and for that he should burn in hell for trying to come after Sasuke!! >=(
Has anyone noticed that in the show Orochimaru always licks his lips every second when he sees Sasuke or is talking about Sasukee!!! He's SO GROSS AND A CHILD MOLESTER,DAMN PERVERT TRYING TO GET INTO THE KID'S PANTS!!
Then he made Sasuke-kun wear a man whore outfit when he's 15!!! Sasuke looks like a prostitute...a cheap one too!!! It's so NOT right!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series
Date Submitted
Views 4748
Favorites... 31
Vote Score 13
Comments 52
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken about 2 weeks


Comments (52)

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frubiafan on October 5, 2008, 11:12:45 AM

frubiafan on
frubiafandispite that it was good but i kinda dislike ya but it was good drawing so don't get all mad at me or somthin!!!

frubiafan on October 5, 2008, 11:11:36 AM

frubiafan on
frubiafanhey!!i happen to be a Neji X hinata fan!!! your so mean!!!

treadchucson on August 15, 2008, 11:18:24 AM

treadchucson on

hflp on April 6, 2008, 5:01:11 AM

hflp on
hflpThat was just disturbing

Michellie on January 25, 2008, 4:51:32 AM

Michellie on
Michellieomg! this one made me laugh! i love the shadowing on their faces. Good job!
You made Itachi-san and Kisame soooooo cute!!!

sabakunohinata on October 15, 2007, 6:43:49 AM

sabakunohinata on

SasukesGirl01 on July 22, 2007, 6:34:23 AM

SasukesGirl01 on

6orochimaru6 on July 1, 2007, 8:00:07 PM

6orochimaru6 on
6orochimaru6lmao! good job i love it

DragonGirl1136 on April 20, 2007, 11:10:33 AM

DragonGirl1136 on
DragonGirl1136LOL! Kabuto ish funneh. *hugs him*

x_SilverWolf_x on March 10, 2007, 8:47:57 AM

x_SilverWolf_x on
x_SilverWolf_xLoL neji and itatchi are funny in this one

manga_rules on March 4, 2007, 4:16:04 PM

manga_rules on
manga_rulesXD LMAO DAMN if I were at home I would laugh like a chimp on acid... but sadly i'm in school XD *favs* I LOVE IT

Teen_Titans_Lover on March 3, 2007, 2:52:03 PM

Teen_Titans_Lover on

My hand smells of cheese... I HATE CHEESE!

Kebee14 on January 26, 2007, 10:10:46 AM

Kebee14 on
Kebee14lol. The third panel is sooo funny! *faves* *faves you* *votes good*

ageshero on January 25, 2007, 4:42:28 AM

ageshero on
agesherogay stheckths

PhoenixBird on January 5, 2007, 11:50:55 AM

PhoenixBird on
PhoenixBirdOMG, that's hilarious! I LOVE the last panel!!!! Hahaha! Man, it's awesome! :D

crazicat06 on January 5, 2007, 11:08:53 AM

crazicat06 on
crazicat06Ku!!!! That is sooo gay in sooo many fracking ways! But is a hell lot a funny. OROCHIMARU IS A DAMN CHILD MOLESTER!!!! GO TO HELL YOU GAY FREAK!!!!!! I WANNA KICK UR frackING @$$!!!!!!

TsuNekoChan on January 4, 2007, 11:23:07 AM

TsuNekoChan on
TsuNekoChanlolz (:o

KiraMint27 on January 2, 2007, 8:15:30 AM

KiraMint27 on
Omg, this stuff ish SOOOOO Funny!!
And what scares me the most, is that half of it is true... O.O
I love the look on Neji's face, and Hinata looks so cutr!! ^.^
I don't think I can ever imagine Sasuke saying "I'm all yours Orochimaru!" At least, let's hope he doesn't... o.o You're so right, Oreo ISH a Naruto version of MJ!! And you're right about a lot of other things that you said about him, too.... O.O
Love da piccy!! ^______^

fullofmetal on January 1, 2007, 10:34:31 AM

fullofmetal on
fullofmetalI love the whole "Hinata-sama and I are destined for each other" thing. It makes me laugh and smile at the same time! Orochimaru!! Leave Sasuke alone and go make-out with poor Kabuto...

HimuraKamatari on January 1, 2007, 8:20:56 AM

HimuraKamatari on
HimuraKamatariOMG!!!! that is soooooo funny!!! thanks for entering!!!!! ^^

Gerudowolf on December 31, 2006, 5:05:17 AM

Gerudowolf on
Gerudowolfhahaha the Orochimaru part is hilarious! XD

cherryblossom93 on December 30, 2006, 6:44:49 AM

cherryblossom93 on
cherryblossom93Lmao...VERY funny for someone who's sleep-deprived!
Y'know, Orochimaru even LOOKS like MJ....*cough cough*
No offense if anyone likes him, he just creeps me out...*cough cough*
*cough cough*

Yukina-chun on December 30, 2006, 12:47:59 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunBTW I don't think Sasuke whears a man whore outfit (MY OPINION!) but Orochimaru made it for him so maybe that's why its so gay lookin'...

Hachi10120 on December 29, 2006, 9:32:21 AM

Hachi10120 on
Hachi10120huh? I've seen Sasuke when he's older but I don't know what outfit your talking about. could you give me a link to it or something, please?

Ila-Sweet on December 29, 2006, 6:09:32 AM

Ila-Sweet on

jde1993 on December 29, 2006, 12:23:27 AM

jde1993 on
jde1993ur the first person who agrees w/ me about the orochimaru=michal jackson thing

Arue on December 29, 2006, 4:38:22 AM

Arue on
Aruei agree with that too XD

saturn13 on December 28, 2006, 12:05:39 PM

saturn13 on
saturn13lol this is so funny! favs*

Hummy on December 28, 2006, 9:57:13 AM

Hummy on
HummyOMG that is soooo funnny!
Orochimaru scares me like hell! @.@ X.x *shivers* He's such a freak! (sorry to all Orochi fans. This is my opinion)
And yeah, ignore all the flmaes these ppl give you, if they're going to do it then don't comment. Your picture is great! ^_~

rlkitten on December 28, 2006, 9:25:13 AM

rlkitten on
rlkitten*jumps into last caption* LEE! OH LEE!! *beats the HELL outta Gui-sensei*
<3 LOoOove it!!

9127 on December 28, 2006, 5:42:22 AM

9127 on
9127I'm not really experienced with photoshop....

p2njJJ on December 28, 2006, 5:18:26 AM

p2njJJ on
p2njJJmeh i didnt realy like it its not that funny didnt actualy make me lagh out loud i dont know much about fan art but i think it would look better with it zoomed out and with those white spots filled in

sandrauchiha1996 on December 28, 2006, 2:11:50 AM

sandrauchiha1996 on
sandrauchiha1996o! and one more ting!
is kakashi chewing on sakura's hair?

DarknessEternity1027 on December 28, 2006, 3:31:56 AM

DarknessEternity1027 on
DarknessEternity1027No he isn't he just likes her scent 'cuz it reminds him of his summoning dog, Pakkun. Sakura and Pakkun use the same shampoo that's why...

ShadowsGirl101 on December 27, 2006, 11:22:47 AM

ShadowsGirl101 on
ShadowsGirl101hehehe!Lee's so cute!
Och is a rapist...He already rapped Kabuto now he want's Sasuke!

Yukina-chun on December 28, 2006, 2:12:31 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunHE RAPED KABUTO??? GROSS!!!!!!!


Yukina-chun on December 28, 2006, 2:11:00 AM

Yukina-chun on


sandrauchiha1996 on December 28, 2006, 2:09:11 AM

sandrauchiha1996 on
sandrauchiha1996i hav no idea why all these people r practically flaming u!!!
it makes me wanna kill those people who r flaming u!! >:3
i think this comic is hilarious! even if nejji's being incest!
i like this comic and there's notin' wrong wit it!!
they shouldn't compliment on this pic if they're just gonna flame u!
that's not nice at all!

Yukina-chun on December 28, 2006, 2:07:31 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunHey I went on DA and saw this on your gallery and I couldn't stop laughing!! And Orochmaru's so gay!!! Well...Not as gay as Sai -_-;


Blackglory on December 28, 2006, 12:42:07 AM

Blackglory on
BlackgloryIt's cute

Arue on December 27, 2006, 11:47:04 PM

Arue on
ArueLOL nice pic. half of that is so true(the neji thing i disagree with but its still funny)

shadowoflife on December 27, 2006, 11:40:24 AM

shadowoflife on
shadowoflifecool but odd

9127 on December 27, 2006, 11:27:55 AM

9127 on
9127GRR! I don't like flames!!! If you didn't like the pic you could have at LEAST said it nicely!!! >=(

9127 on December 27, 2006, 11:21:32 AM

9127 on
9127What the hell?! I didn't make it seem like Kakashi likes Sakura...EW..that's wrong!! I guess you don't pay attention to the anime that much cuz it's true Sakura uses the same shampoo as Pakkun, Kakashi summoning dog. And Sakura's scent reminds him of Pakkun...No way would I draw a SakuKaka cuz he's her sensei!
Orochimaru is obsessed with Sasuke's body he even said "I want his body" in the show ~_~"
Ugh this is the last time I'll post anything here...I'm staying on DA  For now on~_~"

fullnarutoZ on December 27, 2006, 11:04:12 AM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZthis thing sux
kakashi doesnt like sakura the dude with the glasses aint gay niether is oruchimaru oruchimaru just thinks sasuke is strong and wants him on his side ! so this pic should have been rated with yaoi >_<(srry)

taurus92 on December 27, 2006, 11:09:25 AM

taurus92 on
taurus92uhm....joo spelled orOchimaru wrong....^^; anjoo shouldnt comment if it's not nice....=/

fullnarutoZ on December 28, 2006, 4:54:59 AM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZwhy? i cant speak my mind suddenly?

9127 on December 27, 2006, 11:27:02 AM

9127 on
9127GRR! I don't like flames! If you didn't like the pic you could have at least said it nicely!

taurus92 on December 27, 2006, 11:08:25 AM

taurus92 on
taurus92HOE MII GAWSH OROCHISAMA!!!! THERE ARE CHILLUNS IN DEH ROOM! O_O that was the funnehest thing i've seen in an AWFUL long time ^_^ good luck to joo! :D joo draw them all so well haha that part w/ orochi-sama, sasu-kun, and kabuto-senpai is DEF my fave awesome job! *faves*

gothwinrysan on December 27, 2006, 10:41:59 AM

gothwinrysan on
gothwinrysanthe scary about orochimaru cause it`s true stupid child molester

9127 on December 27, 2006, 10:22:33 AM

9127 on
9127I know but he's so cute like that =3

KisaShika on December 27, 2006, 10:20:53 AM

KisaShika on
KisaShikaIt's a good pic. But, don't striotype Kisame! He dosen't obsesses about fish. He's just power hungry, and bent on killing Gai-sensei.