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NarutoKids-AcademyGroupPhoto by AHE
NarutoKids-AcademyGroupPhoto by AHE


I guess thats all the characters that shoud`ve been there...
Shinos and Hinatas outfits arent the original Childhood ones...but anyway
And Naruto is standing on the garbage pail (which acutally stands on the other side of the bench) just in case thats not clear ;)

Hope you like it ^^

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Chibi Fanart
Date Submitted
Views 5704
Favorites... 110
Vote Score 31
Comments 66
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken many hours
Reference charakter references


Comments (66)

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luckylace222 on June 9, 2008, 6:22:27 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222D: GASP! So cute! *afvs*

kvang65 on October 3, 2010, 2:18:35 AM

kvang65 on
kvang65KAWAII!!! so adorable

NarutoHinata on August 22, 2009, 8:42:54 AM

NarutoHinata on

TTfan1 on July 13, 2009, 10:06:04 AM

TTfan1 on
TTfan1sasuke needs a sailor hat and a joint.

TonyatheFox on July 4, 2009, 4:02:20 AM

TonyatheFox on
TonyatheFoxSasuke is so cute!!!!!! I ,<3, SASUKE!!!

Squishyy123 on February 11, 2009, 11:26:55 AM

Squishyy123 on
Squishyy123Cute! Look at Sasuke! Shikamaru's still lazy and Hinata's still shy and Shino's still... Shino.
Luv it LUV IT LUV IT!!!!!!

SageCardcaptor on January 10, 2009, 9:42:53 PM

SageCardcaptor on
SageCardcaptorsssssssssoooooooo cccccuuuuuuuttttttttteeeeeee

Ollie_is_da_bomb on August 18, 2008, 7:58:26 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombAwww. =] *favs*


xAido06 on August 9, 2008, 8:14:52 AM

xAido06 on
xAido06its great!!! shino still looks so mysterious even as a child! ^^

Kohakucrazy on July 23, 2008, 4:48:36 AM

Kohakucrazy on
KohakucrazyAWWWW! Hina-chan's so little and so cute.. * hugs her*

AnimaLover559 on July 12, 2008, 2:11:49 AM

AnimaLover559 on
AnimaLover559omg i luv it*favs*

ILoveRockLee4Evah on July 10, 2008, 11:02:59 PM

ILoveRockLee4Evah on
ILoveRockLee4EvahAwww I love it! So cute!

HinaFanBoy186 on July 7, 2008, 7:53:42 AM

HinaFanBoy186 on

Jojochan on June 26, 2008, 9:56:29 PM

Jojochan on
JojochanOMG sweeeeeeeeeeeeet <333

xkibaxgirlx on June 16, 2008, 3:58:11 AM

xkibaxgirlx on
xkibaxgirlxhow adorable! akamaru is so cute^^ kiba is too!

PhantomDoll13 on April 9, 2008, 11:35:33 PM

PhantomDoll13 on
PhantomDoll13aww !u draw such cute chibis

Kelalailea on January 19, 2008, 8:56:17 AM

Kelalailea on
KelalaileaOMG!!!!!!!!!! You did do a Kiba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Akamaru looks so cute! You should do another one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zhao_Yun on December 14, 2007, 7:57:18 PM

Zhao_Yun on
Zhao_YunOh gosh! That is just so cute. I love the way you painted the background, it gives the drawing a natural and um... historical (?) look!

SakuraBlossom on November 27, 2007, 4:40:26 AM

SakuraBlossom on
SakuraBlossomthat's so adorable!!! Ino looks soooo cute

AlleyCat17 on November 24, 2007, 11:09:58 AM

AlleyCat17 on
AlleyCat17awww that is sooooooo cute.*fav*

Amber434 on November 11, 2007, 1:37:05 PM

Amber434 on
Amber434Cute! I like Kiba and Shikamaru best. *favs*

Hachi10120 on November 8, 2007, 10:21:16 AM

Hachi10120 on
Hachi10120awwwwwwwwww! *faves,faves,feaves!!!!!!!!!*

xEmotional on October 25, 2007, 1:12:44 PM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalcuteness :] adorable !

SnowKitty on October 25, 2007, 12:00:09 PM

SnowKitty on
SnowKittyYay for chibis! Hinata looks so cute! ^^ *favie*

Haku17 on October 24, 2007, 4:09:42 PM

Haku17 on
Haku17very very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! *saves in my sute naruto pic folder*

Tesachao5 on October 19, 2007, 9:55:17 AM

Tesachao5 on
Tesachao5Sasuke-kun! Nyu~! Kawaii ne!

angelfox on October 17, 2007, 4:07:53 AM

angelfox on
angelfox^_^ very cute! ^-^

meepedpeep on October 3, 2007, 12:08:36 PM

meepedpeep on
meepedpeepSOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

stellabird87 on October 1, 2007, 12:40:24 AM

stellabird87 on

weaponmistress on September 24, 2007, 5:00:58 AM

weaponmistress on

sasusakuAMOR on September 9, 2007, 9:29:34 AM

sasusakuAMOR on
sasusakuAMORlindo!!!!!!!!! ^^ they look to darn cute!

SakaRox on September 6, 2007, 9:21:41 AM

SakaRox on
SakaRoxAWWWWWWWW Lil SASUKE-KUN IS SOOOO KAWAII and he is looking at lil shika like he has 5 heads FAVES!

luckylace222 on August 9, 2007, 2:00:34 AM

luckylace222 on

ybecool on July 17, 2007, 7:58:27 AM

ybecool on
ybecoolwho's the girl sasuke's next to?

Ayumi0708 on July 29, 2007, 9:47:37 PM

Ayumi0708 on
Ayumi0708XD, sorry dude, that's a boy--Shikamaru Nara actually...don't worry, I can kinda see where you got that from^^ *favs picture*

ybecool on July 30, 2007, 6:39:11 AM

ybecool on
ybecooloh yeaaa now i see it thanks =]

SoloAzume on July 3, 2007, 2:25:31 AM

SoloAzume on
SoloAzumeAW!!! SO CUTE!! *huggles Naruto and faves* <3

NEJIJIJI on June 19, 2007, 8:32:07 AM

NEJIJIJIawwww i luv this pic^^ u rule in chibiness!

FallenAngel0792 on May 20, 2007, 9:50:56 AM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792Awww wow, you are like the master of cute! XD XD XD

SonicDX1995 on May 20, 2007, 9:23:41 AM

SonicDX1995 on
SonicDX1995^W^ cute :D

ladychaos on May 18, 2007, 5:26:39 AM

ladychaos on
ladychaosawww...they're adorable XD

linkinparkfreak on May 16, 2007, 8:12:46 AM

linkinparkfreak on
linkinparkfreakOMG SHINO!! well anyways awesome piccy *faves*x200

KidRaccoon on April 29, 2007, 12:31:17 PM

KidRaccoon on
KidRaccoonThis is so cute that myeyes burn! Literally! Help me!
Oooww...*falls on the floor*

sasukeisemo2006 on April 20, 2007, 4:49:52 AM

sasukeisemo2006 on
sasukeisemo2006AWW! SOOO CUTE!!!! *faves*

balong on April 6, 2007, 11:16:39 AM

balong on
balongwhere's Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee?

AHE on April 13, 2007, 9:22:11 AM

AHE on
AHEthey are all a year older :)

scrollninjahatake on April 10, 2007, 1:10:08 AM

scrollninjahatake on
scrollninjahatakei cant believe that you did that well.

IceRoseDragoness on April 6, 2007, 6:53:07 AM

IceRoseDragoness on
IceRoseDragonessawwww! adorable! <333 favs

seto-da-feline on March 30, 2007, 6:21:13 AM

seto-da-feline on
seto-da-felineawwww =3

NarutoGal345678910 on March 25, 2007, 3:36:35 AM

NarutoGal345678910 on

Nekoyasha12 on March 23, 2007, 2:13:32 PM

Nekoyasha12 on
That's SOOOOO KAWAII!!!!!!!
My friends here think so 2!!!!!!

rlkitten on March 22, 2007, 9:56:31 AM

rlkitten on
rlkittenAwww- Shikamaru looks so cute- unn!! *favs*

FanGirl9204 on March 11, 2007, 7:53:55 AM

FanGirl9204 on
FanGirl9204aww *favs thats cute :)

taurus92 on February 22, 2007, 10:53:55 AM

taurus92 on
taurus92Aww that is soo kawaii!! -^^- I loves chibis!! =D You did an amazing job, that's so great!! *favs* ;D

Epiphany347 on February 22, 2007, 2:35:01 AM

Epiphany347 on
Epiphany347Ehh...not my thing but it's good

manga_girl623 on February 19, 2007, 11:12:04 PM

manga_girl623 on
manga_girl623*fangirly squeee* ^_________^omggg its so omegakawaiiiiiiiiiii *steals shikamaru* awwwwwwwwww

HimuraKamatari on February 19, 2007, 8:29:20 AM

HimuraKamatari on
HimuraKamatariOMG!!!! That is so cute and kawaii!!! *FAVS FAVS FAVS* ^0^

WhooGo_Sanji on February 19, 2007, 1:10:13 AM

WhooGo_Sanji on
WhooGo_SanjiAw it's so adorable!!! ^-^ Everybody's showing off their personalities by how they're sitting and smiling (or frowning ^0^)!!!! ~

You're a very skilled artist!!

ChojiFan on February 18, 2007, 8:37:32 PM

ChojiFan on
ChojiFan(choji is cool. dont doubt him. lol)

kdheartsluver12 on February 18, 2007, 1:30:16 PM

kdheartsluver12 on
kdheartsluver12i luv it its awesum ttyl

kdheartsluver12 on February 18, 2007, 1:31:10 PM

kdheartsluver12 on
kdheartsluver12by the way im new

abitofdrama on February 18, 2007, 12:13:53 PM

abitofdrama on
abitofdramaI love this *favs like one hundred times* Hinata looks so innocent (as usua) shino looks so cute with the teeny tiny feet ( even irf there's bugs in there) Nauto looks so cocky or maybe just confident and so does kiba with his big old grin. Sakura all staring at Sakue and Sasuke's staring at Shikamaru's big yawn (ihope that's what he's looking at) Ino is doing her big pose like always and then Choji eating his chips. you really captured the characters! Great job!

LadyAvali620 on February 18, 2007, 8:23:11 AM

LadyAvali620 on
LadyAvali620This is so awesome! I L-O-V-E all the poses I love this. Great job on the coloring too! Ino and Hinata are adorable! *favs* Keep it up my friend, you have some genuine talent!

butterfly1992 on February 18, 2007, 7:54:44 AM

butterfly1992 on
butterfly1992This is cute.

ChojiFan on February 18, 2007, 6:52:28 AM

ChojiFan on
ChojiFanOMG SO KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!