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Gypsy Eyes

Gypsy Eyes

Gypsy Eyes by AeroArtist
Gypsy Eyes by AeroArtist


Another odd one. For those of you who don't know her, Fairuza is the 'weirdo' from The Craft, The Waterboy, and featured here, The Island of Dr. Moreau. Her name means turquoise in Persain (along with that, she is part Gypsy) because of her beautiful, captivating eyes. Being a huge Fairuza Balk fan, I had to do a picture. Enjoy and comment, please.

General Info

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Category Real People » Actors/Actresses
Date Submitted
Views 2808
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 1
Comments 30
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (30)

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artilliterate on August 18, 2007, 8:23:19 AM

artilliterate on
artilliterateAhh, I love this movie! You captured the emotion so great. Very nice. :)

AeroArtist on August 18, 2007, 9:30:56 AM

AeroArtist on
AeroArtistthanks! yeah, fairuza balk certainly does put out the emotion, glad i did it good service

Huapua95 on June 19, 2006, 9:18:01 AM

Huapua95 on

Fangora on April 28, 2006, 6:39:57 AM

Fangora on
FangoraThis is once again a stunning picture. I like how you used subtle hints of turquoise throughout the picture to make her eyes stand out even more.

GollumDragon on December 20, 2005, 10:31:20 AM

GollumDragon on
GollumDragonGorgeous, another one of my favorites pictures of yours. I sadly never got to see this movie, though I loved her in the other two...I have to get around to watching that...

Elen on December 12, 2005, 7:25:00 AM

Elen on
Elenwow!! just wow! I really like her too! ^^ she's a great actress! and this is a perfect picture of her! Keep up the good work!

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on November 29, 2005, 7:21:11 AM

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on
Broken_Wings_and_Black_RosesOMG that is so fraekin awsome! i luv how real her eyes look. amazing. BRAVO! *claps frantically*

~"nice work...bone daddy"~

dragon_tears on October 2, 2005, 4:12:33 AM

dragon_tears on

Himehoshii on September 25, 2005, 11:26:17 AM

Himehoshii on
HimehoshiiIs this water color? It's beautiful.

SkullServant on September 23, 2005, 4:15:41 PM

SkullServant on
SkullServantDude!! That looks just like her!!! I can't do real people that well, YOU RULE!!!

Mountain_Dewroo on September 10, 2005, 7:47:25 AM

Mountain_Dewroo on
Mountain_DewrooNot bad. B) I kinda like it. Your style is a bit like fallenagel's.
The mouth is a mit big however.

loveangel1988 on August 26, 2005, 9:10:21 PM

loveangel1988 on
loveangel1988whhhoooaaaaaaa,,,nice eyes,,i love the way shes staring,nice lips too

just_somebody on August 24, 2005, 12:20:51 AM

just_somebody on
just_somebodyhi ,i read ur massage n so i waz lokin through ur stuff n soo far aits been great but this ! down the list is the best ! her eyes are spellbinding:)

cactus_plant on August 23, 2005, 9:17:09 PM

cactus_plant on
cactus_plantoh the eyes are beautiful!!

TLeon on August 23, 2005, 8:21:43 PM

TLeon on
TLeonCool style and great colours

LadyHellFire on August 23, 2005, 8:12:36 AM

LadyHellFire on
LadyHellFireThat's really good, it looks a lot like Fairuza Balk. I really like the eyes :)

Ammotu on August 21, 2005, 1:16:29 AM

Ammotu on
Ammotunice work! i really love the colors you used, especially on the folds of cloth, looks really great ^_^

hobbes on August 19, 2005, 3:12:13 AM

hobbes on

RanKo on August 19, 2005, 2:51:48 AM

RanKo on
RanKooh wow!!!...i love her expression!!!all those details r really awesome...very impressive!!!


dj_leeroy on August 18, 2005, 8:15:24 PM

dj_leeroy on
dj_leeroyI loved her in the craft. She's a psycho, and a sexy one at that! This pics really good! I couldn't colour a realistic portrait...

Juli on August 18, 2005, 5:45:49 AM

Juli on
JuliVery nice! Great job on the eyes and all, the cloth around herhead looks great too. for some constructive crit, her teeth look a little odd. sometimes its better not to draw the lines of the teeth so defined. i think the nose would look better without the lines around it, the shading would define it well enough.
gorgeous pic and i hope you draw more good stuff like this in the future! ^^

ladymartian21 on August 18, 2005, 1:35:16 AM

ladymartian21 on
ladymartian21Oh that is kool, she kinda reminds me of wonder woman in a way.
Anywho i luv it keep up the good work!!!!!


RulerOfTheRandom on August 17, 2005, 10:57:16 AM

RulerOfTheRandom on
RulerOfTheRandomooooooooo-er loverly! i like her eyes.

SolitaryDreamer on August 17, 2005, 10:02:08 AM

SolitaryDreamer on
SolitaryDreamerHer eyes are amazing^_^
You do wonderful artwork...

headintheclouds on August 16, 2005, 10:53:39 AM

headintheclouds on
headinthecloudsVery cool....I like it a lot, the eyes are awesome.... The Waterboy is an awesome movie as well! ^.^ I'm glad you like my art, thanks! ttfn! I do requests too! ^.^

Animegirl2429 on August 15, 2005, 1:04:40 PM

Animegirl2429 on

there really are no words.

This pic is great, and her eyes....are soo..captivating.

great work. a remarkable peice of art. *faves pic and artist*

C1umzieOn3 on August 15, 2005, 8:39:20 AM

C1umzieOn3 on
C1umzieOn3Wonderful job! Your artwork is amazing. The coloring is great here.

Too bad I'm not much of an Aerosmith fan, but they're still pretty good works of art.

Noob_Artist on August 15, 2005, 2:37:59 AM

Noob_Artist on
Noob_Artisti real life, she's sexy as hell..n' this pic is really good the eyes XD and her lips really bring out her looks too..great job

MedalMask on August 14, 2005, 1:56:08 PM

MedalMask on
MedalMaskThis looks really cool, and yet I haven't heard so much about her, this is still very cool. I like the style, and I really like the coloring here.
Anyways, very dandy picture, and faving. :)

dv8ntnt on August 14, 2005, 1:39:04 PM

dv8ntnt on
dv8ntntGood likness. Espescailly those unmistakable eyes. She's all hot n'stuff!