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inuyasha and kagome kiss

inuyasha and kagome kiss

inuyasha and kagome kiss by AllyMcBeal
inuyasha and kagome  kiss by AllyMcBeal


HAHA POOR GIRL SHE DESERVES is the tirn of bashing kagome

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome
Date Submitted
Views 16330
Favorites... 43
Vote Score 1
Comments 71
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Comments (71)

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InuYashaXKagome on June 17, 2011, 2:14:48 PM

InuYashaXKagome on
InuYashaXKagomeHeh, in slide three, Kikyo looks like a man. 'w'

OhYeah BTW, The hell with it, draw Kikyo with Inuyasha, but its creepy and gross with Kikyo, you can never forget that InuYasha and Kagome belong together. ^-^ It's a common fact.

And for all of you who are wondering.. InuYasha continues in October, 2011. It's been confirmed. Don't listen to all the 2008-2010 crap.

You're welcome 'w'

Love Jupiter :3

Black_Breeze on March 30, 2005, 11:44:53 AM

Black_Breeze on
Black_BreezeI think the only reason why everyone hates Kikyo is because she's not a mary sue like Kagome is. . . *gasp* OOOH!!! DISS!!!

Hahaha, but really, Kagome gets all the guys. Kikyo is WAY prettier than her, yet she gets all of them. And her voice on the naime is really annoying. I like manga Kagome better.

Hahaha, I was like "What?" at the title, and was really glad that I didn't see another one of those annoying InuKag kisses that everyone repeadidly makes (only like em if they're well drawn). It's in a movie people, it didn't even happen in the manga yet!

InuYasha and Kikyo forever. either that or InuYasha goes with Kagome while Sessy goes with Kikyo. That's an awsome pairing. Good job! Real funny! *favs*

CAMBODIAGRL on August 7, 2009, 4:03:42 PM

CAMBODIAGRLBlack_Breeze, how is Kagome a marysue? Kikyo had: Suikotsu, Onigumo, Musou, Naraku AND Inuyasha.
Kagome has her flaws, like we all know.
Come on.
And she is a reincarnation of Kikyo, its not her fault she has those spiritual powers. She has had them since HER FIRST BREATH.

CAMBODIAGRL on August 7, 2009, 4:01:47 PM

CAMBODIAGRLum... kind of out of character in kagome's part.
she fits better with sesshomaru none the less after reading the manga.


Rukiacatdemon on July 16, 2007, 8:30:58 AM

Rukiacatdemon on
RukiacatdemonWTF????!!!!This category is for I-N-U-Y-A-S-H-A-A-N-D-K-A-G-O-M-E-C-O-U-P-L-I-N-G ONLY!frack this shoot*leaves*

JamietheGuardian on June 2, 2007, 12:03:49 PM

JamietheGuardian on
JamietheGuardianI hate Kikyo AND Kagome! Top that! He should just kill them both and be done with it. No more girls problems!! Just kidding. Just kill Kagome, she's too young, you child molester! Kidding!!

MKrone on March 18, 2007, 12:21:52 AM

MKrone on
MKroneOh man. I love this pic, because Kikyo is a very cute & hot girl, too. Like her. ;-)

EvilBra on February 25, 2007, 5:42:50 AM

EvilBra on
EvilBrai think inyuashaXkagome r the best couple u should draw like this except w/kagome

Kimikoprincesspancho on February 17, 2007, 12:10:57 PM

Kimikoprincesspancho on
Kimikoprincesspanchothat's great! I love this couple!

Playstationfreak on January 28, 2007, 5:17:11 PM

Playstationfreak on
PlaystationfreakOh yeah, and the art and the colours look really great too ^^

Playstationfreak on September 16, 2006, 5:31:52 PM

Playstationfreak on
Playstationfreakhee hee, Kikyo rocks!! Kagome can get annoying, especially her english dub voice

Yukina-chun on January 28, 2007, 10:14:04 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunI TOTALLY AGREE!!!

AdaKennedy on September 2, 2006, 2:44:59 AM

AdaKennedy on
AdaKennedy               Heh heh, whoa. I wasn't expecting that. Doesn't mean it's bad, in fact i support the kikyoXinu pairing more than inuXkagome. 

Have fun kikyo!

animeguys4me on July 3, 2006, 7:44:56 AM

animeguys4me on
animeguys4mei like Kikyo! lol, i have inuyashaXkagome

loved this!

HeiesgirlSable on July 1, 2006, 3:11:12 AM

HeiesgirlSable on

whatawhatatomgirl on June 20, 2006, 11:52:44 PM

whatawhatatomgirl on
whatawhatatomgirlKikyou wants inuyasha to become human BUT KAGOME dosn't care demon half demon or humon she lives inuyasha thats why I like kagome

_rdrz12_ on June 17, 2006, 9:52:26 AM

_rdrz12_ on
_rdrz12_Can you pls draw the "other" thing to insert scene?

tvlover on April 18, 2006, 11:53:38 PM

tvlover on
tvloverlol ik love this copple for some odd reson

kenshin_freak on April 16, 2006, 2:46:16 PM

kenshin_freak on
kenshin_freak-cough- sorry bout that comment all the way up there. after a long time ive concluded this kikyou+kagome=suck. they both suck, the end! :D

Lostkitten100 on April 14, 2006, 2:56:40 PM

Lostkitten100 on
Lostkitten100i luvvvvvvvvvv kagome and i hatekikyo kinda i luv kikyo she gest kinda annoying somtimes i think this is funny your a grest artist you deverf a award *favs you and art*

Jason_Wolfe on March 30, 2006, 5:49:59 AM

Jason_Wolfe on
Jason_WolfeDespite my last commnent, very nice.

Jason_Wolfe on March 9, 2006, 3:31:38 PM

Jason_Wolfe on
Jason_Wolfe It is nice drawing, but it is still WRONG! Let's really insert something . . . a la Jason Wolfe . . . Here, Kikyo, have a nice 7.62x51mm enema! *fires his M14 straight up her @$$*

dark_inu_lover on March 5, 2006, 3:03:05 AM

dark_inu_lover on
dark_inu_lovero.k i don't hate kikyo nor kagome but kagome is a little to annoying and selfish at the times but sorry inuyasha KIKYO IS A WALKING CORPS YOU CANT F*** A WALKING CORPS!!!! x3 well nice pic =3

Jason_Wolfe on February 28, 2006, 5:14:38 PM

Jason_Wolfe on
Jason_WolfeThat is just wrong on so many levels!

israelchick on February 28, 2006, 11:29:07 AM

israelchick on
israelchicki hate you its inu+kagome you asshole

sis on February 21, 2006, 10:26:21 AM

sis on

MikaRabidKitsune on February 14, 2006, 1:11:46 AM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneYou said it InuKag_Mina_rok. ::pats her on the back:: This poor artist has to deal with this debate crap on her art work.

::to the artist:: You did a very good job on this peice! Your cel shading is awesome! I wish I was that good.... Though I am Kagome fan personaly, I think Kikyo and Inu look good together. Once again, great job!

InuKag_Mina_rok on February 11, 2006, 1:21:35 PM

InuKag_Mina_rok on
InuKag_Mina_rokTsk Tsk Tsk. Such foolish people. I feel bad for all those whom argue over Kagome is better! No shut up Kikoyu is better! Kikyou is a slut! No Kagome is look at that skirt! Ok. I am here to try and to at least cool things down. Yes I am a InuKag fan. I don't apprecciate the fact of what you did with the title, because some people are actually here to look at InuKag pics. It is extremely disreceptful. But I'm not going to cling on that, or even show a care anymore. About Kagome's skirt...Most girls in Japan dress like that. Mostly because between the time that Kagome finishes school and goes to the fuedal era, she can't change. Especially with InuYasha rushing her. Not only that but she belongs to a middle class family. She doesn't have alot of other clothes to wear. I am not a Kikyou "Hater" True, she is my least favorite character. But I don't hate her. I am a Kagome "Lover" But don't live in a fantasy world. Kikyou, I admit, could kill Kagome. Kikyou is much more mature than Kagome, and has lived her life as a priestess. Let alone in te fuedal era. Now for those who say Kagome doesn't fight enough. I want you to put yourself in her posistion. You are 15, you get dragged down a well and forced to go wandering around 500 years ago, fighitng demons, and trying to learn how to use a bow and arrow. It isn't that easy. Kagome's voice may be annoying or the fact that Rumiko Takahashi drew her like any other anime girl. But is that a real reason to hate her? Just like people hate Kikyou cause she is made of clay. That isn't a decent reason either. I have decent reasons. But this isn't a place to be speaking of which. So just chill ok? They are cartoon characters.

Sailorra on February 7, 2006, 10:09:35 AM

Sailorra on
SailorraGet over it Kagome fans. I'm tired of her personally. I like her with inuyasha better or sessy. Kagome annoys the heck out of me. I see her get paired with EVERYONE! So yeah, love the pic!

kikyo_lovers_59 on January 30, 2006, 1:28:39 PM

kikyo_lovers_59 on

Sesshomaru:Hey,she mine bro
Inuyasha: So
Me:sesshoomaru bite inuyasha head off and kagome

*inuyasha and kagome are dead*

Kikyo:thank you sesshomaru
Sesshomaru:NOW,can we start
Me:get a room you two

mikita_inugirl on January 11, 2006, 8:31:40 AM

mikita_inugirl on

Shizu on December 23, 2005, 10:36:34 AM

Shizu on
ShizuOo Dang you have a lot of comments for this one. XD But yeah, I have to say I sort of like both couples, but not that much, since I've lost interest in the IY fandom altogether. ;P nice piccie, though. Pretty funny. -heart-

_RAWR on December 17, 2005, 8:26:57 AM

_RAWR on
_RAWRInuYasha is a naughty dog in this comic ;;.
Nice drawing though ^_~.

ghost_guy on December 3, 2005, 11:33:34 PM

ghost_guy on
Yes!!! THat is great! Nicely put ^_^!

Moon_the_blue_neko on November 18, 2005, 4:59:31 AM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekoYAY DEATH TO KAGHOME LET HER BURN YAY INUYASHA AND KIKYO FOREVER WHOOOOOOOOOOOT! ::dances a happy dance and adds picture to favs::

FullMetalAlchemist on November 4, 2005, 4:40:24 PM

FullMetalAlchemist on

AddictedFreak on October 16, 2005, 3:28:44 AM

AddictedFreak on
AddictedFreakYep, I think I'm a fan of your art now. AWESOME PIC!!!! XD LOL!

Sailorra on September 26, 2005, 7:08:37 AM

Sailorra on
SailorraYEah! About time damn it! Everyone is so f*cking obsessed with her and thinks she sooooo good with Sessy or fluffy (sorry had to say that) Good pic!! Kikyo deserves some justice!!! Right on! Can't wait to see your other works!

UT_Inuyasha on September 8, 2005, 3:30:31 PM

UT_Inuyasha on
UT_InuyashaBoth chicks, in my opinion, are hot, but seriously. I mean, how does one go about "doing it" w/ a girl that's made of clay?

Sakura_Sagara on August 11, 2005, 2:55:39 AM

Sakura_Sagara on
Sakura_SagaraHah. Looking to overdo my comment, AngelKagome? Hahahaha Well I shall vanquish you!

AngelKagome on August 11, 2005, 2:52:26 AM

AngelKagome on
AngelKagomeI thought that was funny but now I must add my commment. Yes I agree with Sakura Sagara. At first I loathed Kikyo her siding with naraku and also getting in between Inuyasha and Kagome. But after 100+ episodes I've gained a respect for her. And Now Kagome has just pissed me off. I'm an Inuyasha fan. What about what's good for him or what he wants?! That guy is so confused and so tormented by both. Screw both Kikyo and Kagome he should find someone new.. he needs it. Just Kill Naraku damn. And Beside Kagome needs to fight more and When Inuyasha and Kagome have a break through in their relationship they forget it the next epsiode. And Kikyo deserved to be killed by naraku again. She asked for it. But all in all. It was a very well done piece. And I like the title. Good job! ^_^ Forgive me for my bashing. Please Draw more.

Sakura_Sagara on August 11, 2005, 2:31:35 AM

Sakura_Sagara on
Sakura_SagaraMeh, It may or not be welcomed but I felt I needed to add my piece. I generally prefer Kagome and Inuyasha, as to the title, but I feel bad for Kikyou because she got killed by Naraku. I also dislike Kikyou because she believes she must kill Inuyasha for an insane reasoning and keeps helping Naraku who killed her in the FIRST PLACE! After 100+ episodes, I am annoyed of Kagome as well. She does not attempt to help Inuyasha fight in the slightest and I am beginning to hope that Inuyasha chooses neither Kikyou NOR Kagome. There. Inuyasha wins and stops hanging around doges who shoot him to trees and sit him into gravel.

Mushrambolover on August 6, 2005, 4:35:59 AM

Mushrambolover on
Mushramboloveri don't reely do kagome bashing.. but u did this one reely good. It's cute. Kagome does get annoying though... can u da a kouga pic??? PLEZ! *puupy eyes*

icemaidenKagome on July 17, 2005, 7:05:36 AM

icemaidenKagome on
icemaidenKagomeMe: ....I LUV YOU!!! *glomps* Finally* Somebody here who hates Kagome as well!!T-T

weewoo on July 4, 2005, 3:22:37 PM

weewoo on

Yukina-chun on July 4, 2005, 11:37:38 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunI think manga Kagome is WAY better than the one on the anime and Kikyo IS prettier yet Kagome gets all the guys. Kagome's okay and like I said I don't hate her but in the show I do feel that it is all about Kagome and that she is the one that is so selfish! Think about it, when Inuyasha goes and sees Kikyo Kagome gets all mad and she keeps saying to herself she does not like him on and on...she just jumps to conclusions > < And how everyone is after and wants Kagome that is all the show does...Kagome, Kagome, Kagome >__< I'm sick of it!!!

Anyway, Inuyasha x Kikyo FOREVER!!!!!

Yukina-chun on July 4, 2005, 11:25:06 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunAWESOME!!!!! NOW THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE INUYASHA AND KIKYO!!!! MUUHAAAHAHAHAH!!!! I don't hate Kagome I just like Kikyo better hahha ^-^ Faves!!

Black_Breeze on June 3, 2005, 4:26:45 PM

Black_Breeze on
Black_BreezePhoenix Flower, I'm not making assumptions. I'm just telling people what I think of Kagome (like what other people on here are doing to both of the female characters). And even if you consider it an assumption, it's just a show. Don't get mad because of what little me said. And I never said I hated Kagome. I just stated what I didn't like about her in the anime. In the manga she's cool.

hatte on May 24, 2005, 2:55:17 AM

hatte on
hatteYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kagome finally gets what she deserves for being a whiny lil' dog, and the lovely Kikyo gets her Inuyasha and then some! Nyeh heh heh!!

Phoenix_Flower on April 23, 2005, 6:47:39 PM

Phoenix_Flower on
Phoenix_FlowerBlack Breeze, who are you to make assumptions about why we Kagome fans hate Kikyou? I hate her because she's selfish and thinks the world revolves around her.

I agree with Maridah and Kenshin Freak. Those of us who hoped to see Inuyasha and Kagome together do not appreciate being deceived.

icemaidenKagome on April 22, 2005, 2:34:17 AM

icemaidenKagome on

SquareSoft_wannaBe on April 8, 2005, 1:32:07 PM

SquareSoft_wannaBe on
SquareSoft_wannaBeI agree w/ Akuryou. Funneh stuffs! I wish I could color like YOU!! I luv how crazy mad Kagome gets. LOL.

chesterbennington555 on March 25, 2005, 10:26:10 PM

chesterbennington555 on
chesterbennington555thats funnt die kagoma! *favs*

Anaquot_touqanA on March 18, 2005, 5:22:14 PM

Anaquot_touqanA on
Anaquot_touqanAcool *fave artists and piccie* ^^

lilteya on March 14, 2005, 7:09:46 AM

lilteya on
lilteyalol dats cute and funny....come comment on my stuff if u want. well great job i luv the colorin and the drawin

Deadly_Lycan on February 26, 2005, 3:11:12 PM

Deadly_Lycan on
Deadly_Lycano.0 woa isnt kikyo like a walking corps!? *shivers* awww poor Kagome, her and Inu make a great couple. Although there is too many drawings of them, heh heh great idea!

Sesshomaru1111 on January 22, 2005, 2:17:33 PM

Sesshomaru1111 on

Cara on January 2, 2005, 10:53:16 AM

Cara on
CaraI don't really like Kikyou that much but I like the way you drew her. Awesome job. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a donut down your throat*

SweetDemon on December 30, 2004, 12:24:13 PM

SweetDemon on
SweetDemonkenshin freak knows whats she talkin about

scorpioserpent on November 11, 2004, 3:23:35 PM

scorpioserpent on
scorpioserpentLol, I love Kikyo! I don't hate Kagome, but she really deserves that.

BattleMech on October 8, 2004, 3:42:34 PM

BattleMech on
BattleMechI don't really like and watch the show but I see a part or two but that is some amazing art.

keautye on October 1, 2004, 7:14:40 AM

keautye on
keautyePoor Kagome... I just wish i dont understand what Inuyasha is meaning....

cheshchan on September 29, 2004, 11:12:45 AM

cheshchan on
cheshchanhaha best damn thing i have read tonight X3 must fav this and you, you are such a talented artist <3

Slyzerin_girl on September 11, 2004, 8:27:45 AM

Slyzerin_girl on
Slyzerin_girlAhhhhhhhh! *anime-style scared position* What's the 'more' to insert????!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Cause I though crook, if ya understand what I mean... Great pictures! But scary comic...

AllyMcBeal on September 10, 2004, 6:25:04 PM

AllyMcBeal on
AllyMcBeali'm a bit evil i guess lol and i don't care get flame...<br />
I do not also hate kagome but as i commented in my fanart, already everybody hates kikyo,<br />
i'm sure that if had been the victim in this fanart ... <br />
almost everybody had been glad<br />
and i call it cinicysm

Kit_wit_issues on September 10, 2004, 12:09:42 PM

Kit_wit_issues on
Kit_wit_issueslol i'm not into kagome bashing but you are really good at CGing

starry on September 10, 2004, 6:11:16 AM

starry on
starryOMFG U R SOOOOO GOOD O_O even tho i'm not a inu-kik fan but sometimes kag can get a lil annoyin >< this is 2 funny lol ^^ *goes off 2 see more o ur art*^^

Chanika on September 10, 2004, 5:43:12 AM

Chanika on
Chanikalol great!!! lol "and there's more to insert." ohh man this is good!

Hearsegurl on September 10, 2004, 4:21:51 AM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlAwww Awesome piccy! You are such a great artist. Do you do requests or art trade? I can draw you Any car you want. hehe<br />
^_^ Great pic!