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SPOILER-Starclan Cats

SPOILER-Starclan Cats

SPOILER-Starclan Cats by Aspen
SPOILER-Starclan Cats by Aspen


For anyone who hasn't read the latest book, this should NOT be looked at. It is a spoiler, DO YOU HEAR ME? A SPOILER!<br />
Now that that's over, have you read the latest book?

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Category Books » By Author Name » Erin Hunter
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Comments (19)

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FweeFweeMaster on May 3, 2006, 11:41:11 AM

FweeFweeMaster on
FweeFweeMasteri cried too *sniff sniff* and what about lionheart, but don't listen to me
and your work is awesome keep it up

Starpaw on April 16, 2006, 11:24:19 AM

Starpaw on
StarpawI cried so so very hard when all those cats died I even felt sad for redtail cause I read the prologe and I liked him anyway Bluestars death was really sad and Firestar had to make it worse.

Firestar-Rised on April 4, 2006, 12:37:11 PM

Firestar-Rised on

I finished every book EXEPT the two new ones....

Hey can you draw me a really good(Duh its why do I even ask to make it good) spottedleaf. and yea draw the othe cats..
*Cries because of Brindleface*
*Pulls out the warriors stuffy colection....*

WolfsRainLover on February 5, 2006, 6:32:33 AM

WolfsRainLover on
WolfsRainLoverBlueStar...and....Yellowfang...d-d-die?......*dies herself*

invisiblegirl on December 9, 2005, 6:05:08 AM

invisiblegirl on
invisiblegirli like how you have Runningwind in that sort of pose and have Bluestar looking like she would be on the Highrock but you forgot some cats. *spoiler* you forgot Lionheart, Halftail, Patchpelt, Swiftpaw, Whitestorm, and of course Brindleface*end* how could you forget those cats. they're great and loyal. they should be remembered.

Kyokata on December 5, 2005, 5:41:17 AM

Kyokata on
KyokataYay! This is awesome! I love warriors! I fact I'm even on a few sites dedicated to the series.

Karikoe on September 28, 2005, 1:26:51 PM

Karikoe on
Karikoeawesome! =^_^= i'm glad RunningWind's in there.. he was one of my favorites. it's awesome.. my only suggestion is maybe if you make a second edition to include **cough cough spoiler* WhitesStorm *cough cough*

beastboyscrush on July 22, 2005, 2:08:15 PM

beastboyscrush on
beastboyscrushoh, i know!! but i have to wait for my b-day to get the first one in the new series... humf... its only a week away, but still... JULY 30, come quickly!! (my bday)

Seris on July 20, 2005, 8:06:46 AM

Seris on
Seriswell, redtail? dont you mean spottedleaf? and goooooooooood job! and, in the fifth book, didnt*SPOILER* mousefur die? (i think it was her)*END SPOILER*

Requiem on July 15, 2005, 1:44:35 PM

Requiem on
RequiemPhoo. Shouldn't have looked, I've only read up to book 4...

Aspen on May 26, 2005, 11:24:47 AM

Aspen on
AspenYou might not say Tigerclaw deserves it when you read the next on... Tigerclaw? He gets a new name later... Silverfox: I love it! You know, I saw the cover on Amazon, like a said before... It was just like that! I was giggling and there were butterflies in my stomach and I was saying in a really high-pitched voice: "It's out, it's out, when is it coming to the library HOORAY!" Well, something like that... You should send in fanart too! Only three pictures... It's a crime.

love_2_write_stuff on May 18, 2005, 12:50:16 PM

love_2_write_stuff on
love_2_write_stuffno I haven't read the latest book, I'm one book 4. But that made my heart leap when I saw Runningwind, Bluestar, and Yellowfang!, preatty ironic but they are all my favorite cats! I really like Spottedleaf too, but I already knew she was dead. I still miss Silverstream, RiverClan or not. Clawface can just stay dead, he cold-bloodedly killed Spottedleaf.... GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! And if Tigerclaw dies, he desurves it!

silverfox on May 14, 2005, 4:26:53 AM

silverfox on
silverfoxYay! I'm so happy that someone is finally using this Warriors section... Warriors is one of my favourite book series, and when I saw that it wasn't here, I freaked out and then immediately requested that it be on here. Then, when the section was finally added, I got all sad and crap because no one was adding and fanart... ._. Anyway, I just came on here to see if anyone had added something when I saw your art was here! YAY!!! Erm, and since I know this is going to come up- "If you loved Warriors so much, why didn't you just get your own art on here?"- well, I don't have a scanner, and all the art I do on Paint isn't accepted from my server or something, so yeah, I'm basically screwed.


My friend brought Midnight, the new book by Erin Hunter, and I got so excited I fell into a fit of high-pitched giggles and couldn't contain myself for ten minutes. Then I tried to steal it so I could read it, but she found out before I could get away. T.T

Aspen on May 10, 2005, 5:47:40 AM

Aspen on

HappyBunny on May 1, 2005, 7:14:20 AM

HappyBunny on
HappyBunnyI finished the first series and cant wait for the 2nd to come out!!! oh and what about poor lionheart...he died too!

Aspen on April 24, 2005, 10:56:49 AM

Aspen on
AspenDang... Just discovered Redtail was supposed to be a tortoiseshell...

FoxFiretail on April 17, 2005, 6:26:12 AM

FoxFiretail on
FoxFiretaillol...I was really happy too when I heard 'bout it :3

Aspen on April 16, 2005, 10:34:47 AM

Aspen on
AspenTHE NEW PROPHECY? THERE'S ANOTHER ONE COMING! *Does a dance, does cartwheels, whoops until throat is sore, claps hands, and bangs head on keyboard in an outward display of happiness and idiotic joy.

FoxFiretail on April 15, 2005, 9:52:56 AM

FoxFiretail on
FoxFiretailI've finished the whole series. I'm waiting for the "Warriors: The New Prophecy" books to come out. I'm glad someone else likes this series ^_^ I absolutly love Erin Hunter's way of writing! The way you drew Redtail is the exact way I pictured him! He kinda looks like a red panda. Keep up the good work!!! *favs artist*