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Link VS THE CHICKENS!! (for Angie-chan)

Link VS THE CHICKENS!! (for Angie-chan)

Link VS THE CHICKENS!! (for Angie-chan) by Blade
Link VS THE CHICKENS!! (for Angie-chan) by Blade


Ok, I'd just like to say that even though this is one of my most favorited pieces, it's one the first pictures that I ever did, which disappoints me greatly, my newer work has no favs what so ever, nor comments. Please take the time to look at my newer pieces as opposed to this, and while I love constructive crit. on my work, I don't need it on a picture I did 4+ years ago.
However, I still love and appreciate all favorites and comments on my old work. Thanks, and sorry if I sound bitter, I'm not. ^.^
Here you go Angie-chan, sorry it took so long. It's meant to looks sort of cartoonish. Anyway the chickens are soooo funny! I remember when playing oracle of seasons for the first time, I went into the house with all of the chickens and tried to attack them for no good reason. Then they all mobbed and killed poor link. Oh well, serves me right huh? ^.^ anyway, hope everyone likes it!

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Legend of Zelda series
Date Submitted
Views 3391
Favorites... 18
Vote Score 0
Comments 30
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 1 hour +


Comments (30)

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HeiesgirlSable on June 30, 2006, 8:31:55 AM

HeiesgirlSable on
HeiesgirlSableEvil Chickens! I'll help you Link!

Shadow_ShamanGirl on May 12, 2006, 12:42:59 PM

Shadow_ShamanGirl on
Shadow_ShamanGirlthat's so funny! XD XD XD

Rioki_Lilac on April 15, 2006, 2:14:58 PM

Rioki_Lilac on
Rioki_LilacSo wait. Either these chickens are really strong (they killed Link!) or really stupid (they attacked the friggen master sword!). Or maybe both!!! Same with the pigs, but the big pig will attack you anywhere, anytime.

Ranger on February 12, 2006, 9:43:54 PM

Ranger on
RangerTrust me Link, I know the feeling. I once had to deal with a voilent chicken myself in real life a while back. Good picture.

The_wonderfully_evil_Hubert on January 30, 2006, 1:49:20 AM

The_wonderfully_evil_Hubert on
The_wonderfully_evil_Hubertyou're a chicken

NEVERBENORMAL on December 20, 2005, 6:52:50 AM

NEVERBENORMALlol ive experienced both chickens and pigs attacking me

and ive experienced chickens(cuccos) in almost every game that has them ^_^

Rioki_Lilac on December 20, 2005, 6:14:09 AM

Rioki_Lilac on
Rioki_LilacThose cuccos are bad. The same thing happens with the grown up piggy in Windwaker. XD run Linky-heart! go ya little worm!

fourswords on September 7, 2005, 8:21:39 AM

fourswords on
fourswordsRun Link, Run!

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on July 15, 2005, 2:42:02 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animelol that's hilarious. (i always like to make the chickens attack when i play LoZ games) Run Link! great pic. *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

Liedetector16 on July 2, 2005, 4:17:17 AM

Liedetector16 on
Liedetector16GO CHICKENS!!!!

kittenanna on April 28, 2005, 8:55:07 AM

kittenanna on
kittenannaFinally someone made a comic about that! Yeah, I nearly sufficated of laughter the first time I killed one on OoT. +Fav

SleepyShippo on April 2, 2005, 2:05:15 PM

SleepyShippo on
SleepyShippoNice! LOL I loved beating on those stupid chickens! Great job!

311chick on December 10, 2004, 5:26:30 AM

311chick on
311chickLOL!!! me too! i find it hilarious! . but yes, sad. but at the same time its also entertaining when you have nothing to do in the game. those chickens are evil i tell you. If Ganondorf was able to get ahold of those, the game would be much much harder to beat...

Toaster on August 12, 2004, 6:25:38 AM

Toaster on
ToasterT_T iv been killed by those chickens many,....many..many times. <br />
<br />
Its embraessing..

SaiLorPluto14 on August 2, 2004, 10:49:55 AM

SaiLorPluto14 on
SaiLorPluto14ha so true

moon_child2000 on May 30, 2004, 1:23:12 PM

moon_child2000 on
moon_child2000I used to try that in a Link to the Past. My mom warned me off right away.

ZELDA on May 28, 2004, 3:08:26 PM

ZELDAlol i hate when the chickens do that to me gosh just cuz im hungry and i want chicken legs they dont have to be so mean...soob* waaaaaaaaaa stu...stupid chickens sniff* click click*** add to favs lol

Stratadrake on May 18, 2004, 9:18:03 AM

Stratadrake on
StratadrakeYe, by all means DON'T HURT THE CUCKOOS! I remember my first time earning Epona in Ocarina of Time, I trampled over some of the Cuckoos and they retaliated... didn't hurt Link any but it took me some time to get enough speed to jump the gate out of there.<br />
<br />
The Cuckoos' retaliation goes all the way back to Zelda:Link to the Past on the SNES. Got to love it, and this picture just about sums it up...although maybe there should have been more Cuckoos chasing Link.

Nevermore_Raven on April 16, 2004, 11:17:30 AM

Nevermore_Raven on
Nevermore_RavenI made the mistake of attacking the cucco's too many times in a Link to the Past. My sister warned me, but I didn't listen. I love the picture.

akasume on March 28, 2004, 10:38:03 AM

akasume on
akasume=_=; ya know... that happened to me once. I had link swing at the chickens to see what they would do and they pecked the living sh*t out of me. -_- Those rabid chickens actually killed me... =_=;; How embarrassing... death by chicken. <br />
<br />
^_^ nice picture.

Tetra_Zelda on March 23, 2004, 3:24:48 PM

Tetra_Zelda on
Tetra_Zeldathat is really funny!<br />

ScarletTears on March 22, 2004, 10:38:21 AM

ScarletTears on
ScarletTearsLOL! That's funny! Das Huehnchen, you've got the wrong article.;~)

Blade on March 21, 2004, 3:48:21 PM

Blade on
BladeI haven't forogot Onyxraven, I'll probably do it sometime this week. ^.^ And thank you everyone for your coments!

Juli on March 21, 2004, 2:24:37 PM

Juli on
JuliAhha, I loved the chicken attacks in Ocarina too. LOZ really has a "don't tease animals" theme. Pic is really cute!

OnyxRaven on March 21, 2004, 2:11:47 PM

OnyxRaven on
OnyxRavenWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's frickin hilarious!!....speaking of which, whatever happened to my Grima pic? But if you don't want to do that one, you can also do any X-Men pic. I'm fine with that.

silver_dreams on March 21, 2004, 12:37:07 PM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreamsthat reminds me of how in THe Windwaker if u cut the pigs enuf they turn red and attack u i;ve gotten killed by them b4....Oo<br />
<br />

DreamOfFire on March 21, 2004, 11:21:38 AM

DreamOfFire on
great pic!

coca-cola on March 21, 2004, 9:28:45 AM

coca-cola on
coca-colaGO CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mangolious_kiwi on March 21, 2004, 8:31:17 AM

Mangolious_kiwi on
Mangolious_kiwiLol, that's cute! ^_^

Vmwpoc on March 21, 2004, 7:10:11 AM

Vmwpoc on