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Soren's Biiiig Head

Soren's Biiiig Head

Soren's Biiiig Head by Blazing_SheFool
Soren's Biiiig Head by Blazing_SheFool


This is one of my crappier pics. I'm drawing a Final Fantasy VII one now with the title "Mother!" it's going to be a pic of the movie, and going to be Kadaj, Sephiroth, Loz and Yazoo sitting around a table eating cookies while Jenova in an apron comes and gives them more and they're all saying "Thank you mother!" It's gonna be cute. *sigh* Anyway, this is just Soren looking thouroughly pissed off. Don't ask me why, he just is. Maybe because I made him stand for a while while I drew it? Hmm....I'll never understand that guy...

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Fire Emblem series
Date Submitted
Views 2029
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 0
Comments 17
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken about an hour
Reference my memory and my twisted mind


Comments (17)

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Ollie_is_da_bomb on June 21, 2006, 9:52:54 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombAwesome job :D


thiefchild on May 5, 2006, 10:00:45 AM

thiefchild on
thiefchildcool i luv the eyes....and the neck lines are really good, too! great job!

spicysteweddemon on May 4, 2006, 9:13:52 AM

spicysteweddemon on
spicysteweddemonI'm sorry it took me sooo long to write back! This is really cute, not that bad. If you want some help, draw a picture you like(from an anime or game), submit it, tell me who it is, and I'll redraw it in my section and point things out. You really are a good draftsman, so don't stress ;) Email or comment on my section when you get this! Huggles!

Nakahito on May 2, 2006, 11:33:32 AM

Nakahito on
NakahitoYay! Go Fire Emblem! Thanks for
writing about my scratch board!
I kike this pic, its really good!
I can't wait to see more!
*artist Fav*

Chibi_Wolf on April 10, 2006, 1:50:20 PM

Chibi_Wolf on
Chibi_Wolflol! you used a sharpie?^_^ -huggles- not bad, my lil bro uses sharpies and I can tell they're pretty hard to deal with. Great job with those eyes^_^ but I don't think the problem is with the head, more the neck's length. well bai^^(L)!!!

Blazing_SheFool on April 10, 2006, 9:52:21 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolReally? Man, all I had was a Sharpie, a purple marker, a red marker and a peachy-colored crayon. Thanks. It's nice to know someone in my life cares! *coughDylanthinksIsuckcough*

FFXgirl on April 10, 2006, 5:21:11 AM

FFXgirl on
FFXgirlI think you did the eyes AWSOMELY too!!!

Blazing_SheFool on April 1, 2006, 5:21:38 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolI would but my scanner is a peice of crap. It took me four days to submit this correctly.

Moni-kun on April 1, 2006, 5:09:10 AM

Moni-kun on
Moni-kunSoren is cute! ~waves to Saria up there, 4 comments above me~ Please submit some more!

Blazing_SheFool on March 20, 2006, 4:41:19 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolOh and BTW, I do requesties!!!

Blazing_SheFool on March 10, 2006, 3:35:20 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolThank you! I FINALLY managed to put it in the right section! And, thank you all, I will be checking back soon!

FFXgirl on March 9, 2006, 4:57:54 AM

FFXgirl on
FFXgirlCool!!! GREAT job!!!

Saria on March 1, 2006, 5:47:31 AM

Saria on
SariaHow cute Soren! Continue drawing! ^^

Lord_Ma-koto_Chaoying on February 27, 2006, 9:56:57 PM

Lord_Ma-koto_Chaoying on
Lord_Ma-koto_ChaoyingSo, it is your first drawing posted here ? (I'm kinda happy because now I can review too !)

Not bad at all !

Interesting drawing, and original way of picturing Soren. It seems to convey a part of his personnality very well (at least, for me) and I like that ; it's original.

I also like how you colored his skin, you did it very well, the reflect effect is really nice. Maybe it would have been great to have the same kind of reflect for the hair, but otherwise, it's a good drawing. I like it.

I'm looking forward to seeing other drawings of you !

Lord Ma

PS : Did you get my answer to your comment of my own Soren drawing ?

Blazing_SheFool on February 23, 2006, 11:14:52 PM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolWhy thank you! Eh....IS this in the right section?

Jozie-Chan on February 23, 2006, 4:23:29 AM

Jozie-Chan on
Jozie-Chancool! ^_^ i like the eyes!