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Have you huggled your Legolas today?

Have you huggled your Legolas today?

Have you huggled your Legolas today? by BrokenDeathAngel
Have you huggled your Legolas today? by BrokenDeathAngel


Date:Ummm...I forgot..<br />
Day:I think I made this on Friday<br />
Time:Mornin<br />
Location:Geography class,skool<br />
Why I did this crappy doodle:<br />
This ish what happens when my friend,Yee Hong brought a SHINY,BIG,and COLOURFUL pastel crayon teh skool *drools at teh beautiful coloured crayons*(Yes,I have an addiction teh colourful oil pastel crayon).I grab a torn paper that I found in my bag and ignoring teh teacher blabing in front....this was created!>_____>'Nya........

General Info

General Info

Category Books » JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, etc.)
Date Submitted
Views 2760
Favorites... 10
Vote Score 2
Comments 12
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (12)

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princezuko101 on August 30, 2007, 11:18:40 AM

princezuko101 on
princezuko101i hug my leggy every second ^____________^~

aliveinchrist on January 21, 2007, 4:02:49 AM

aliveinchrist on
aliveinchristno, I havn't hugged leagolas yet. I HUGGLED PIPIN INSTEAD!
no, I havn't hugged leagolas yet.BWHAHAHAHA. lol. that is a really cute picture, yes it is. ^_^

stupot on July 30, 2006, 7:03:15 AM

stupot on
stupoti havent done it yet but he's sleeping in my bed and i don't want to wake him up XD *favs*

Darksideofme on March 1, 2006, 3:34:09 PM

Darksideofme on
DarksideofmeOmG I needta do that!! *huggles* anywayz That is too cute X3 You are an amazing artist!!

alternate_ending on February 19, 2006, 5:01:58 PM

alternate_ending on
alternate_endingomg i totally 4got 2!! *huggles him and of course gives him a cookieXD*

invader_naid on October 14, 2005, 2:44:45 AM

invader_naid on
invader_naidawwww ill kiss him to! *kissis leggy* *leggy blushs* awwwwww!

Keeper_of_LOZ on July 15, 2005, 1:12:43 PM

Keeper_of_LOZ on
Keeper_of_LOZ*HUG*that was kinda fun *Hug again* wow this is great*hugs again* oh yeah*hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* Now I feel so much better about my day.*skipps off to cure world hunger, promote world peace and hug trees*wait...why hug trees when i can hug Legolas*hug*

riyou_chan on July 12, 2005, 5:46:11 AM

riyou_chan on
riyou_chan*hughughughughughughug* Now I did, too! ^_^

xXdeasceased_sanityXx on June 4, 2005, 5:19:30 PM

xXdeasceased_sanityXx on
xXdeasceased_sanityXx*hugs*Now I did!Thats so cute.I love this sooooooo much!!!!

Amy_Guardia on October 10, 2004, 1:19:27 PM

Amy_Guardia on
Amy_Guardiakawaiiii *huggles legolas* i've hugged him^^<br />

RurouniKJS on October 8, 2004, 1:57:38 AM

RurouniKJS on
RurouniKJSLook like what ya made a grown man say "awwwwwwww...!"

Anime-Chick on October 8, 2004, 12:47:13 AM

Anime-Chick on
Anime-Chicksooooo cute