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Vespeon by CRwixey
Vespeon by CRwixey


Entry for Tuxedo_Mini_Mask's Pokemon Contest. This one's a Bug Type evolution. The name is derived from Vesper, which is Latin for Wasp. Seems a bit silly, considering Vespeon's a Hornet Pokemon... but none of the other name sounded right...

Drawn with HB pencil inked with 0.3 drawing pen, coloured with felt tips. Background is an edited ink wash I did a long, long while ago... comments always appreciated! :)

*Information for Tuxedo_Mini_Mask's contest*


Attacks: Standard:Poison Sting, Pin Missile, String Shot.
Lv 8 – Twineedle
Lv 16 – Double Team
Lv 23 – Attack Order
Lv 30 – Defence Order
Lv 36 – Heal Order
Lv 42 – Bug Buzz
Lv 47 – Agility
Lv 52 – Silver Wind

Evolution Level:25 (Eevee evolves into Vespeon at level 25 if the Trainer has either a Beedrill or Vespiquen in their team at the time).
Evolved Forms: None.
Description:Hornet Pokemon. Vespeon attack in droves, but swarms are usually easy to avoid; they make such a din you can hear them miles away. No two Vespeons’ stripes are identical. They are often seen hovering around the outskirts of Floaroma town, Ilex Forest and anywhere golden trees grow. Despite their waspish nature, they will often share their territory peacefully with Combee, Beedrill and Vespiquen.

Eevee + all other official evolutions (c) Nintendo/Game Freak.
Vespeon (c) CRwixey.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » - Eevee (and evolutions) » Original (Fan-made) Eevee Forms
Date Submitted
Views 1645
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 2
Comments 9
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken 2/3 hours.
Reference None.


Comments (9)

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TokioHotel00 on November 30, 2008, 10:07:53 AM

TokioHotel00 on
Comment Deleted

CRwixey on December 2, 2008, 12:56:59 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks! ^^

I got stung in the foot once by a wasp when I was at secondary school, I have no idea how it crawled into my shoe, but it did. I remember hobbling down to the nurse's office only to find she wasn't in, so I ended up walking around with the sting in my foot all day... you're right: those things hurt a lot. ><

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 22, 2008, 7:19:57 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskOoo, it loooks scarey BUT bery cool

Attacks Given to Pokemon:10
Over all Originality:10

lol great job KEEP IT UP!

Kirbyluva11 on September 25, 2008, 3:02:16 PM

Kirbyluva11 on
Kirbyluva11cute pic! dang how big are they? if they are big, hope that you don't get stung! sheesh! (wow I say sheesh a lot...) heh heh all well... nice pic! hope you don more. :)

CRwixey on September 26, 2008, 5:22:58 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks! ^^ Well, if it's a similar size to the other Eeveelutions, it should be about 3'3'' so er... they're pretty big... ^^''

Gadoink on September 24, 2008, 11:23:45 AM

Gadoink on
GadoinkDo you have a little checklist or something that you check off the types every time you make an eeveelution to make sure that you dont miss any types?

you know, i think this actually is the last of the types. ive got a type matchup chart here, so...

Normal: Eevee (real)
Fire: Flareon (real)
Water: Vaporeon (real)
Grass: Leafeon (real)
Electric: Jolteon (real)
Ice: Glacieon (real)
Fighting: Centureon
Poison: Nucleon
Ground: Combusteon
Flying: Aereon
Psychic: Espeon (real)
Bug: Vespeon
Rock: Obsideon
Ghost: Morteon
Dragon: Drakeon
Dark: Umbreon (real)
Steel: Safeon

well CRwixey, you're done! Unless you wanna make a Light type eeveelution (there is no light type, but whatever)

OH! a NORMAL type eeveeltion. so when eevee evolves it stays normal type but gets stronger.

hows that for an idea?

....dang this comment has about 500 words too many LOL

CRwixey on September 25, 2008, 9:28:07 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyThanks for commenting. I didn't really have a checklist... there were a few types I knew hadn't officially been done (like the Steel type), and then sometimes I'd just get an "oh wait, I haven't done that type yet" feeling, usually just after finishing an Eeveelution pic...

Funny you should mention a Normal type Eeveelution, I started work on one yesterday, but it's nowhere near finished yet. It's a pity, I was really hoping to get all the type up before the contest was over... thanks for the suggstion, anyway, I'll let you know when it's up. :)

SilverDragonFire on September 24, 2008, 9:28:55 AM

SilverDragonFire on
SilverDragonFireI'll have ta watch out for this one! It looks strong!

CRwixey on September 25, 2008, 9:23:00 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyI hope he's strong, I've never seen a really great Bug type Pokemon... thanks for the comment! ^^