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someflyingpsychomonsterthing by CaptainTire
someflyingpsychomonsterthing by CaptainTire


... yeah. D:
*runs away*
Photoshop CS2

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 1954
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 3
Comments 16
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (16)

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emmywentz on May 5, 2008, 1:41:51 PM

emmywentz on
emmywentzROTFLOL *favs to death and luffs the title*

Morpher on April 27, 2008, 6:41:03 AM

Morpher on

wolfymewmew on January 22, 2008, 5:40:41 AM

wolfymewmew on
wolfymewmewWow, that's really nice! I likes it alot. :)

aeris7dragon on January 19, 2008, 4:34:29 AM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonOoh i luvers flyingpsychomonsterthings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CaptainTire on January 20, 2008, 8:28:25 PM

CaptainTire on
CaptainTireMe too, but be careful with them, they might be a bit... psychos... o_O

CaptainTire on January 20, 2008, 8:32:42 PM

CaptainTire on
CaptainTire(wow, i'm actually giving a reply for people...!? lol) *has been taken over by laziness*

aeris7dragon on January 25, 2008, 7:32:03 AM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonLaziness?!?!?!?! Poor you, tire-dono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The laziness is the most disease!!!!!!!!!!!

CaptainTire on January 25, 2008, 7:43:54 PM

CaptainTire on
CaptainTireYessh it sure is! and there's no cure for it!! D: Nyaaaahhh!!

aeris7dragon on January 27, 2008, 12:18:15 PM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonExcept getting off your butt and doing something about it, but who'd wanna do THAT?!

blackrainbowdragon on January 20, 2008, 2:28:56 PM

blackrainbowdragon on
yet another breath taking pic by Captin Tire!
is there gonna be color?~<3333

CaptainTire on January 20, 2008, 8:27:18 PM

CaptainTire on
CaptainTireMaybe, who knows? ;)
*suffering the lack of inspiration*

wolfymewmew on January 22, 2008, 5:42:38 AM

wolfymewmew on
wolfymewmewAw, don't feel bad, you just have artist's block. Just look at some unique pictures til something comes to you.

Cecoeluv on January 19, 2008, 12:51:45 AM

Cecoeluv on
Cecoeluviz pretty :D

Empis on January 18, 2008, 8:07:29 AM

Empis on
Empisawesome ^^

Moon_Bind on January 18, 2008, 7:58:16 AM

Moon_Bind on
Moon_BindLooks like a pegasus gone wrong o_o extra thin hooves...

abcd123inuyasha on January 18, 2008, 7:30:21 AM

abcd123inuyasha on
abcd123inuyashawow thats really kewl and i liike the name ^-^ nicely done! you gonna color it?