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Who WOULDN'T wanna be friends with Tohru?!

Who WOULDN'T wanna be friends with Tohru?!

Who WOULDN'T wanna be friends with Tohru?! by CatWhoHas14Tails
Who WOULDN'T wanna be friends with Tohru?! by CatWhoHas14Tails


YAY!!! I am a Tohru fan! I bet you're like "Why Tohru?! She's so effin' annoying!" Well, no she isn't! She's such a sweetheart! I wish I had a friend like her! I'd never get bored! XD So, she's adorable, happy, optimistic, a bit naive, and a blessing to the Sohma family, those are just little things. I absolutely LOVE her facial expressions! The crack me up, every time ^_^ Those are just some of my favorites. My absolute favorite is when her eyes are like this (--) and her mouth is like this :D IT MAKES ME LAUGH! XDDDD

Oh, and the background is just a collage of images from the manga :D

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Fruits Basket » Tohru
Date Submitted
Views 3606
Favorites... 43
Vote Score 1
Comments 43
Media Unspecified
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Comments (43)

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shewolf2118 on September 26, 2008, 2:02:35 PM

shewolf2118 on
shewolf2118wow this is awsome an very true

RoyallyJenova on November 4, 2006, 9:27:35 AM

RoyallyJenova on
RoyallyJenovaShe is annoying but my friends decided to call me Tohru since I is clumsy! XDDD CUTEEE

naomiintuiton64 on October 9, 2006, 8:14:28 AM

naomiintuiton64 on
naomiintuiton64so so so so so so so so... Faving

Trillky on August 12, 2006, 1:27:43 AM

Trillky on
TrillkyI agree with you one hundred percent!! XD I love Tohru for all those reasons. "¦D" eheheh. I would hug her so much. I bet she'd be warm XD Also, cute drawing. IT IS HAPPY! :D My friend once drew me chasing after Tohru with love. It madde me happy too. XD

jesslovesbilly82 on August 9, 2006, 2:25:47 PM

jesslovesbilly82 on
jesslovesbilly82awwww i would love to be her friend also. shes nice.

CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirl on July 19, 2006, 3:20:44 PM

CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirl on
CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirlTohru~! I might resist her friendship at first, but I'd be won over eventually. Have you hugged your Tohru today?

Spirit_of_Darkness on July 5, 2006, 9:27:21 PM

Spirit_of_Darkness on
Spirit_of_DarknessAGREED! I love Tohru too ^.^ If only this world had more people like her! :3 Cute picture ^^ ...I wanna hug Tohru now ;0;

ChibiGirl1370 on June 5, 2006, 7:10:20 AM

ChibiGirl1370 on
ChibiGirl1370heheh... i agree tohru would be the best friend in the world... she rocks XD

kyonkichi on April 18, 2006, 3:25:45 AM

kyonkichi on
kyonkichihaha this is so cute!
Yes, I love tohru, she's amazing. for serious. :P


Playstationfreak on April 14, 2006, 11:05:48 AM

Playstationfreak on
PlaystationfreakAwwww so cute! Yeah, how can anyone hate her? She's so sweet and cute! I wanna be her friend too! TOHRU PLEASE BE MY FRIEND TOO!!!!

Saru_no_Cheesecake on March 28, 2006, 6:57:36 PM

Saru_no_Cheesecake on
Saru_no_CheesecakeHOORAY! I LOVE TOHRU!!! SHE'S SO KAWAII! I love how you did this!!! *waves talent flag* woohoo!!! love it! *faves*

Kaede-chan on March 28, 2006, 5:34:59 AM

Kaede-chan on
Kaede-chanHow can someone be too nice? I lovelovelove Tohru, she's so sweet and kind and thoughtful! She makes such funny faces, heehee. The only reason she seems "dumb" is because she spaces so much. Hey, I space out all the time, and I'm really smart, ask anyone! Squee, if she were real and, well, not living far away in Japan, I'd SO be friends with her! Oh, yeah, love the pic, ish cuteness! *favs*

KyoxTohru95 on February 12, 2006, 2:17:20 AM

KyoxTohru95 on
KyoxTohru95i dunno who wouldnt wanna be her friend it hurts my brain to think of one... i wanna be her friend!!!!!!!!!

alchan on January 22, 2006, 12:55:05 AM

alchan on
alchani wanna be tohru's friend!!!!

KenshinJennings on January 19, 2006, 5:37:20 AM

KenshinJennings on
KenshinJenningsI despise Tohru for several reasons but your collage is cool.And the way you made a separate background and fused it with another image reminds me of the methods of one of my favorite artists.I think though,Tohru's eyes are too big,and she's too nice.Her personality isn't really the strong,serious,non-bubbly types I like.I don't think I'd really like to be her friend,I can't stand perky types.And I think she's sort of dumb,but being nice takes a lot of acceptance,which I don't have.Applause for you and her!

neko-sama on November 20, 2005, 12:58:54 AM

neko-sama on
neko-samaTis so cute I want Tohru's friend. She so rawsome and cute wheeeee! -jumps up and down- I love you tohru.

clue_black_water on November 19, 2005, 2:45:18 AM

clue_black_water on
clue_black_wateri wanna be her friend i guess...she just too damn nice it gets annoyin!!!! srry tooru fans. cute pic thougth i like the bg

FreddyCKrueger on October 30, 2005, 7:59:45 AM

FreddyCKrueger on
FreddyCKruegertohru is so frickin awesome and nice!!! i ahvea friend exactly like her!! ¦D i like that smile she makes as well!! *favs*

Silver_flame on October 27, 2005, 1:36:00 AM

Silver_flame on
Silver_flameTohru is great! I dun understand how ppl can hate her. I wish there were more ppl like her in the world ^-^

CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirl on October 23, 2005, 5:40:13 AM

CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirl on
CrazyInsaneAnimeFanGirlSeriously, Tohru is ADORABLE! ~glomps Tohru, knocking her unconcious~
Tohru: @_@
CIAFG: ^_^

Fanangel13 on October 18, 2005, 9:24:35 AM

Fanangel13 on
Fanangel13i love it it's great

Splixx on October 14, 2005, 7:32:01 PM

Splixx on
Splixxok i have no idea who she is but she certainly looks cool.

silent-insaneminako on October 7, 2005, 4:37:52 AM

silent-insaneminako on
silent-insaneminakoI wanna be friends with her toooo!!!!!!(big puppy eyes)Love it!!!!

Pyromaniac on September 2, 2005, 9:25:03 AM

Pyromaniac on
Pyromaniacah, no, I don't like Tohru X( She's too...perfect... and the artist is trying to make seem adorable, but in my mind...she's not :)

But very nice picture btw, Great coloring and awesome idea of the collag-ey background

liltrix on September 1, 2005, 11:31:56 AM

liltrix on
liltrixI love how you put those comics of Tohru in the backround!! And your drawing's so cute!!!!^-^


Kari562 on August 24, 2005, 8:09:33 AM

Kari562 on
Kari562Hahaha! TOHRU IS SO AWESOME! She makes me laugh all the time! Sweeetness!!

Shizu on August 22, 2005, 11:01:08 AM

Shizu on
ShizuI freaking LOVE Tohru! She's just so dern cute and adorable, you just wanna hug her to death! All my friends are like, "Tohru should die! She's so annoying! Blah blah blah!" All I can say to THAT is, "I dun care, I love Tohru!" ::Glomps Tohru:: You're so cute! I wanna have a friend just like her! ^^ -LOVES and hearts the piccie and all it's cute Tohru-ness-

Kirara on August 21, 2005, 6:22:41 AM

Kirara on

me likey Tooru too!! yea,i dont understand those whu hate is juz sad....she's a cute character..n adorible too! she's kind,alwiz in a happy mood...awwww,i agree wit u,i wish i had a friend like her..^_^

Go Tooru! +faves

SolitaryDreamer on August 19, 2005, 12:07:25 AM

SolitaryDreamer on
SolitaryDreamerI wish I had a friend like her^_^
I don't know why people think she's annoying...
She's understanding, sweet, and tries so hard to make people happy^_^
I hate to think that if people met Tohru, they wouldn't like her just because she too... goody-goody...~.~;
I want to be more like that, even if she is fictional^.^

Heheh, your picture is adorable^_^
Sorry, about the long comment^.^;;;

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on August 14, 2005, 11:01:59 PM

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on
Barney--TheAnti-ChristThis is great! I... love EVERYTHING about this picture.

Kagurathewind on August 13, 2005, 6:29:30 PM

Kagurathewind on
I would like Haru and Kyo and I! YAY! I look like Arisa butt with red-brown hair and blue eyes. I also wear a black shirt with a bunny face on it. *like Momiji* YAY! THANKIES! Leave me a comment kay? OH AND AWESOME PICCY!

Kathna on July 4, 2005, 1:14:53 AM

Kathna on
KathnaTorhu is my best friend.

xXdeasceased_sanityXx on July 1, 2005, 2:53:24 PM

xXdeasceased_sanityXx on
xXdeasceased_sanityXxI LOVE YOU TOO TOHRU!!!!*hugs*

She's so awesome.Me wuvs her


Ty_miester on June 30, 2005, 11:39:14 AM

Ty_miester on
Ty_miesterYes, Tohru be awsum. I'm a Kyoru fan. Yeap. Tohru is one of the sweetest girls anyone could ever meet. All my friends think she's annoying.

chi-chai-monchan on June 27, 2005, 1:26:29 PM

chi-chai-monchan on
chi-chai-monchancute! ^_^ *favs*

smilingcheerios on June 21, 2005, 2:12:59 PM

smilingcheerios on
smilingcheeriosThis is a great pic! i love the collage in the back. Tohru is great! she is so caring and nice. great job!

misty6 on June 20, 2005, 3:05:08 PM

misty6 on
misty6hehe, i like torhu too, and the creepy thing is, i actually have a friend that sortof acts like her, but i havent mentioned that to her yet ^^ i love your pic, its soo cute, and i love the way you used the manga for backrounds

Randomobssesedeasilyentertaine on June 18, 2005, 10:38:44 PM

Randomobssesedeasilyentertaine on
Randomobssesedeasilyentertaineomg way cute! hehe i like torhu too! she isn;t annoying JuST opTomisTic! hehe

Prite on June 17, 2005, 2:19:05 AM

Prite on
PriteI love Tohru, too! -^o^-

Everyone else who's into Fruits Basket tells me that they think she's annoying, but you're right - she's just so sweet! How could you not like her, honestly? I think that if those people who thought she was annoying actually met her, they wouldn't be able to resist sending a glomp her way. ^_^

BrokenDeathAngel on June 16, 2005, 5:01:28 PM

BrokenDeathAngel on
BrokenDeathAngelEhhhh shes alrite but shes too..nice....or ish it just me being so anti-people?

OrangeArt on June 16, 2005, 5:22:59 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArtlol. that's so CUTE. nice collage of pics in the back 2. i like it, it's cool

Dracoanimegurl on June 16, 2005, 2:53:02 AM

Dracoanimegurl on
DracoanimegurlYes, Tohru is so cool. Her eyes are really big tho...even for an anime. But that's not important. :P Great pic, nice collage in the background ~.^v