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Bleeping Keyblade

Bleeping Keyblade

Bleeping Keyblade by CherryShock
Bleeping Keyblade by CherryShock


I did this in school and I finally found it, I usually made these crappy comics for my friends to laugh at. I know I know, poor quality, but hey, they thought it was funny!

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Fan Comics (doujinshi)
Date Submitted
Views 15003
Favorites... 130
Vote Score 1
Comments 76
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Comments (76)

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marisa937 on July 9, 2008, 1:12:58 PM

marisa937 on
marisa937XD he shoulda really did thatXD
sweet comic btw=3


Sango808 on February 19, 2007, 5:19:37 PM

Sango808 on

NekoGoky on August 5, 2006, 6:26:02 AM

NekoGoky on
NekoGokyGoky: Hahaha!! Funny!!!
Neko: Oh, poor Riku. It was funny though.
NekoGoky: Great picture. It's definetly funny.
Yoko: What are you looking at my little minx. ^^
Neko: Ahhh!! Yoko where did you come from?
Yoko: Over there.
Goky: If you don't go back "over there," right now or I'm going to get my frying pan.
Yoko: But, I want to stay with you.
Goky: *reaches for her frying pan* Yoko Kurama, this is your last warning. NOW LEAVE!!!!
Yoko: Alright!! I'm going, I'm going.

Batdragon on April 27, 2006, 7:53:00 AM

Batdragon on
BatdragonThat's definately what Sora should have done. I love it!

Animeji on April 18, 2006, 3:23:33 AM

Animeji on
AnimejiHahaha~ Ani loves teh Riku! But this was incredibly amusing, so I'll forgive the nasty bruise he'll wake up with. ^_^ He kind of asked for it, too. Let's hope that knocked some sense into him~!

SoloAzume on March 30, 2006, 5:47:57 AM

SoloAzume on
SoloAzumeGod, I hate Riku 4 stealing the Keyblade! RUB iT IN YOU JAPENESE B*STARD. Ur the real keyblade master, so what? XD Sorry. i like it! Funny! *laughs & faves*

YoshiMaster on January 18, 2006, 1:32:28 PM

YoshiMaster on

red_dragon_2009 on January 12, 2006, 6:25:00 AM

red_dragon_2009 on

Idream2b on November 15, 2005, 6:17:34 AM

Idream2b on
Idream2bOMG! THAT'S SO FUNNY! LOL!!!! Which reminds me.. i nvr finished the game...((runs off to finish KH)

advent_child_Becca on August 23, 2005, 8:57:15 AM

advent_child_Becca on
advent_child_BeccaOMG lmao that is the bestest pic ever A+ keep up da good work ^^ favs

RikusGurlFriend on August 11, 2005, 11:26:42 AM

RikusGurlFriend on
RikusGurlFriendAhhhhhhh i shall kill u MashiDaKitty for making my Riku die. Waaaaaa Riku ! !
**lisening to Green Day American Idiot** Crys out why !
ur so hurtfull ! !

Conan_16 on June 28, 2005, 2:23:38 PM

Conan_16 on
Conan_16LoL! That's very good. I'm playing my fifth game on KH, and I just past that part.
Funny! Funny! Funny!

Icy_Werewolf91 on June 19, 2005, 8:30:00 AM

Icy_Werewolf91 on
Icy_Werewolf91thats so frikin funny! Im a Riku Fangirl, so when he took my keyblade,..... i was kinda upset n started cursing at the game........yea.... but n e way this is funny as hell!+faves

Kupo on June 8, 2005, 11:56:14 AM

Kupo on
Kupour funny! im adding u to my favs

The_Insanity_Group on April 10, 2005, 11:21:48 PM

The_Insanity_Group on
The_Insanity_Grouphahahaha!! *fives hours later* HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

KingdomHeartzfreak on April 6, 2005, 7:24:39 AM

KingdomHeartzfreak on
KingdomHeartzfreakOMG!! I love this so much. the first time I saw it I was practacly falling out of my seat laughing. I often come back to this picture just to have a good laugh. You really should start your own manga.When I first saw that playing KH I would have liked to kill RIku. Lol but really it made me mad!! GO SORA! You really showed what Sora was made of! Your definatly under my favs.

Samantha913 on March 31, 2005, 8:41:11 AM

Samantha913 on
Samantha913Cool Pic! but I think Sora's missing a head 0_o

TaintedChrono on March 28, 2005, 5:22:39 AM

TaintedChrono on
TaintedChronoLMAO me likies! go sora!!!

WingsOfDarkness137 on January 31, 2005, 6:29:39 AM

WingsOfDarkness137 on
WingsOfDarkness137lmao!!! THIS IS SO F'N FUNNY!!!! *head fly off* Riku did deserve it...

demoneclipse on December 22, 2004, 2:35:14 AM

demoneclipse on

God, Riku really deserved it there.

Cara on December 21, 2004, 9:21:27 AM

Cara on
CaraXD I like it. Great job. Here have a donut. *shoves a donut down your throat*

GoddessOfTheWolves on December 19, 2004, 3:22:35 PM

GoddessOfTheWolves on
GoddessOfTheWolvesWhat do you mean Poor quality? It's cuutee! whats poor about it? ^-^


LDreamNinja on November 7, 2004, 4:31:13 PM

LDreamNinja on
LDreamNinja Hey you draw better than me at least. Genuinely funny!

Rinii on October 24, 2004, 1:54:30 PM

Rinii on
Riniiaaaaww, poor Riku... *gets evil grin* I wanna huggles hims and takes him home ^^

sora_lala on September 11, 2004, 10:09:19 AM

sora_lala on
sora_lalaWhee! XD Go Sora! o.o

stargazer3591 on August 17, 2004, 7:39:46 AM

stargazer3591 on
stargazer3591HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! Thats so funny! I wish that would happen! I would do that!

guardianofanime1115 on August 13, 2004, 2:31:22 AM

guardianofanime1115 on
guardianofanime1115...........if im the only guy here i'll leave...........<br />

sora_lover on August 6, 2004, 7:20:48 AM

sora_lover on

ren_fan on July 30, 2004, 2:57:32 AM

ren_fan on
<br>Great pic by the way. ^_^

Spectre on July 28, 2004, 7:57:19 AM

Spectre on

Riku_gurl on July 28, 2004, 2:16:30 AM

Riku_gurl on
Riku_gurlhahahahaha! funny!<br />
*kills all the riku haters* :3 buwahahahahahaha!!!!!!! ^_____^ ok im typing random things! ^_^;;;;;;

orange_head on July 17, 2004, 1:05:15 AM

orange_head on

Akien on July 13, 2004, 9:18:21 AM

Akien on
AkienPoor quality?Its the best quality Ive seen in a while actually!It looks great!

sorariku on June 26, 2004, 7:31:11 PM

sorariku on
sorarikuthat cute and funny. i love it.

Avenue_Strife on June 11, 2004, 5:42:48 PM

Avenue_Strife on

Inu-Tasha on April 13, 2004, 10:47:51 AM

Inu-Tasha on
Inu-Tashaomg i sooo wanted to do that when he took my keyblade i was soooooooooooo pissed i nely brok my tv*feels bad*<br />
any way love it its funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!waaaaaaa i cant draw<br />

Tinkybellrox on March 18, 2004, 8:12:02 AM

Tinkybellrox on
TinkybellroxHeh thats funny i attempted to draw a pic liike that but i was just polain scary. Yours is so frickin awesome. And is so funny!

Ayekami on February 22, 2004, 5:48:08 AM

Ayekami on
Ayekamiomg! i almost died of laughing from this hehe i love his expression soras ute when hes angry weel here ya go *hands cherry shock a cookie*

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on February 19, 2004, 3:01:03 AM

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on
Demon_Angel_of_HellHOLY shoot!!!!! thats foonae! I was practically falling outta my seat!

KingdomHeartsFan on February 17, 2004, 2:42:03 PM

KingdomHeartsFan on
KingdomHeartsFanLOL! <br />
this is amusing VERY amusing XD

Rikan on February 7, 2004, 1:00:29 PM

Rikan on

rainbowrage56 on January 28, 2004, 10:43:06 AM

rainbowrage56 on
rainbowrage56what happened 2 sora's head? its still pretty cool tho

sally_the_ragdoll on January 27, 2004, 6:40:11 AM

sally_the_ragdoll on
sally_the_ragdoll^^ thats just too cute<br />

Siberian_Tiger on January 22, 2004, 10:37:01 AM

Siberian_Tiger on
Siberian_Tigerhi cherryshock my names Krystel and i lovveeeeee youre fanart i love it sooo much i mostly have all of 'em on my locker hehe theyre sooo good better then mine :(... if you got msn then plezzz plezzzz add mes okies?? my email is pleezz youve got to i really wanna talk to you

CherryShock on January 20, 2004, 4:05:01 PM

CherryShock on
CherryShockvery nice there erm....Millenia XD<br />
Wow, when I look back at this i see how much I sucked back then.

Millenia12 on December 29, 2003, 10:29:14 PM

Millenia12 on
Millenia12Millenia (moi): Ooh, nice sword! You remind me of my Ryudo.<br />
Sora: AHHHH! Who the frack are you?<br />
Millenia: I'm Millenia. What does that thing do anyway? Used for a key or something?<br />
Sora: Uh, yeah. How the hell'd ya know?<br />
Millenia: Just did. Is it used to stab evil people?<br />
Sora: Kinda. Why do you ask?<br />
Millenia: Aw shootdamnfrackass! *runs away screaming*<br />
Please comment on this short dialogue.<br />
*presses favs link*

sesshomarufan on December 24, 2003, 12:10:41 AM

sesshomarufan on
sesshomarufanhahahahaha!!!!so funny!!!!<br />

Inumaru on December 22, 2003, 8:54:22 PM

Inumaru on
InumaruI love Riku's expression!

silver_twilight on December 16, 2003, 10:39:04 PM

silver_twilight on

SorasAngel on December 11, 2003, 2:45:21 AM

SorasAngel on
SorasAngelOMG GO SORA!!! sry yea im obsessed ne way great pic!! i wish i could draw that good!

Synaesthesia on November 27, 2003, 6:50:07 AM

Synaesthesia on
SynaesthesiaHaha, that's a creative and funny comic. Good job!

YoukaiMikoKagome on November 21, 2003, 6:26:31 PM

YoukaiMikoKagome on
YoukaiMikoKagomeAlso known as: A word not everyone wants to hear. XD; I won't say it, but I will say that this is a great picture! =^^= Have you considered making your own manga? You've got the talent. ^^

hanyou-hikaru on November 21, 2003, 7:21:25 AM

hanyou-hikaru on
hanyou-hikaruHahahaha! Poor Riku! XD

Chocomog14 on November 6, 2003, 4:44:55 AM

Chocomog14 on
Chocomog14That's hilarious!! wish that did happen ^.^;;;

Chocomog14 on November 6, 2003, 3:54:30 AM

Chocomog14 on
Chocomog14That's hilarious!! wish that did happen ^.^;;;

Hieis_Gurl_Missy on November 5, 2003, 8:45:41 PM

Hieis_Gurl_Missy on
Hieis_Gurl_MissyRiku: Ohh...*Rubs Head*<br />
Me: *Pushes Riku* Muhahah<br />
Riku: What's your friggin' Problem!?<br />
Sora: O.o Great...<br />
Riku: Shut-Up Sora!!!<br />
Me: *Whacks Sora on the head* Muhahaha<br />
Sora: What's Your fuccin' Problem?!<br />
Me: I just wanna here your swear!!!<br />
Sora and Riku: *Pushes Missy into a rock and pokes her*<br />
Me:OWW!! You @$$ES!!! Why'd you do that!!!<br />
Riku and Sora: We wanted to here you swear!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
LOL! Nice pic!!! *CLicks fav button*

Silver_Jenni on November 5, 2003, 1:16:18 AM

Silver_Jenni on
Silver_Jenni*laughs* That was hilarous!! I like this comic!! :D

Rinii on October 20, 2003, 12:17:43 AM

Rinii on
RiniiAHAHA! i'd wanna do that too... i like it!!!

Nami on October 14, 2003, 12:38:36 AM

Nami on
NamiHAHAHAHHAHAH thats so freakin hilarious (sp?) Nice pic!!

Mad_person200 on September 13, 2003, 2:03:31 AM

Mad_person200 on
Mad_person200it so funny

MACC402 on September 7, 2003, 9:55:17 PM

MACC402 on
MACC402lol nice pic! :):):)

MashiDaKitty on August 24, 2003, 8:31:58 PM

MashiDaKitty on
MashiDaKittyOkay, I gotta leave sooooon....<br />
<br />
Hmm, Let's hope Riku dies of a head injury! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!<br />
Riku: *smacks Mashi with his wingblade* SHUT UP!<br />
Mashi: Owww...JENNY!<br />
Jenny: ~~; No...<br />
Mashi: Jenny, you suck!<br />
Jenny: Oo; You suck too...<br />
Sora: Oo; Last time I recall this isn't<br />
Mashi: Oh yeah...<br />
Riku: If it was, I wouldn't be here.<br />
Mashi: I should go! I did want to do that though...*throws a wooden sword at Riku*<br />
Riku: OW! *dies of a head injury*<br />
Sora: O_O; Holy freaking $#!%!!<br />
Jenny: W00t!<br />
<br />

QueenTigria666 on August 20, 2003, 6:03:08 PM

QueenTigria666 on
QueenTigria666*Does the 'this is kick @$$' dance*<br />

Okayu on August 16, 2003, 5:48:59 AM

Okayu on
Okayulol, i haven't gotten to the part where Riku takes the keyblade, but i bet it would hav been nice to see Sora do that ^^

CheshireGoddess on August 3, 2003, 4:05:41 AM

CheshireGoddess on
CheshireGoddessROFLMAO ya i really wanted to do that too when riku stole soras sword *pouts* BUT..........then i remembered how much LUUUUUUUUUUUVV my riku n *teary eyed* n i just couldn't bear to think such evilness after that *sobs* *dog slaps self* phew i b aite lol nice i like rikus face when sora scored a 10 pointer with the sword lol

fairy_harp_key on August 1, 2003, 1:15:56 AM

fairy_harp_key on
fairy_harp_keyI really wanted to do that!I was ready to jump into the screen [if I could...]and whack Riku on the head with my frying pan.Dont ask, its just my weapon of choice at times because it can knock people out really easly!^_^

Mast3r_Riku on July 30, 2003, 8:52:41 PM

Mast3r_Riku on
Mast3r_RikuIn the second panel, Sora has no head O_O. Good Comics, Reminds me of IanComix ^^<br />
<br />
~Mast3r Riku~

Precious on July 30, 2003, 1:37:01 AM

Precious on
PreciousHilarious! LoL!

DaniSm on July 29, 2003, 12:57:13 AM

DaniSm on
DaniSmLol! I soooo wanted to do that when I got to that part. I was really mad, and I yelled at the TV o_o; Go Sora!

Kh-gurl on July 28, 2003, 6:22:29 PM

Kh-gurl on
Kh-gurlYAY! i hate that past so much took my keyblade.. jackass.. anyways i like this pic it changes my attitude.. lol

Sorakoibito on July 28, 2003, 4:29:27 PM

Sorakoibito on
SorakoibitoAwwwwwwwww cute! Go Sora!

CherryShock on July 27, 2003, 12:14:26 AM

CherryShock on
CherryShockIt isn't actually a scene (Well, Sora throwing the wooden sword at Riku isn't) It's actually what i wanted to do in the situation

CherryShock on July 27, 2003, 12:14:26 AM

CherryShock on
CherryShockIt isn't actually a scene (Well, Sora throwing the wooden sword at Riku isn't) It's actually what i wanted to do in the situation

Darkness_Rising on July 26, 2003, 12:40:13 AM

Darkness_Rising on
Darkness_RisingLOL that's so funny! Most people wouldn't REALLy get it if they didn't see the seen in the game, but i suppose it would still be funny. LOL again BWHAHAHAHA! *Walks off whistling* I don't know...I'm in a strange mood, really i don't know wat i'm typing so like ignore w/e i said. I liek the drawing...

KeywielderofHollowBastion on July 25, 2003, 7:23:14 PM

KeywielderofHollowBastion on
KeywielderofHollowBastionGo Sora!<br />
Riku: ¬¬<br />
Me: heh heh...