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Finally Beating Demyx

Finally Beating Demyx

Finally Beating Demyx by CherryShock
Finally Beating Demyx by CherryShock


For a contest

Had to draw your fav KH2 moment, mine was finally killing Demyx...jeezus flip...

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II
Date Submitted
Views 3133
Favorites... 24
Vote Score 3
Comments 36
Media Other drawing
Time Taken sprite


Comments (36)

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WhoEverIWantToBE on June 22, 2008, 7:24:20 AM

WhoEverIWantToBE on
WhoEverIWantToBEHe looks evil!

nupinoop296 on April 29, 2008, 10:52:33 AM

nupinoop296 on
nupinoop296D: Poor Dem-Dem... BUT ARGH HE WAS HARD TO BEAT!!!

yzak23 on August 15, 2007, 8:25:20 AM

yzak23 on
yzak23Why? He was so easy to beat. My fave moment was when you get Riku back onyour team for good.

chibi-chibi on May 10, 2007, 12:47:11 AM

chibi-chibi on
chibi-chibiIf only I could have REALLY have done that... sigh.

IndigoPaint on May 5, 2007, 1:45:19 PM

IndigoPaint on
IndigoPaintI'm with you FilipinoGurl!!!!!!!!!!Every time I came close to beating him he'd f*cking send his water clones at me and i couldn't beat them all in 10 freaken seconds! RRRRRRRRRRHHHHHH!!!!! I got soooooooo pissed off!!! And it took me 34 i repeat 34 TRIES!!!!!!!! Oh! And get this! I WAS ONLY IN BEGINNER MODE!!!!!!! AAAARRRRR!!!!!!!! *begins foaming at the mouth * Even my cousins began to mock me for it! The only comic relief I got out of it was Demyx galloping behind me like some make believe cowboy and how he cried "OUCH! OW-OUCH!"


Soraluver3494 on March 3, 2007, 11:23:27 AM

Soraluver3494 on
Soraluver3494ok. i've gone crazy with 1 water form left. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!

Soraluver3494 on March 3, 2007, 11:18:45 AM

Soraluver3494 on
Soraluver3494i'm trying to defeat demyx right now and i can't! i rented the game before and i still can't beat him! when i first tried him down in the underworld it was hard b-cuz i didn't know what to do. (i'm in hollow bastion btw)but i can't beat him! and when he says "dance water dance" and i have 10 seconds and all i wind up having like 1 thing left and it drives me crazy!

FilipinoGurl on July 26, 2006, 12:08:08 AM

FilipinoGurl on
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Radioactive_froggy on November 7, 2006, 6:00:53 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyOMG u sound just like my friend XD she was so pissed that i beat him on my second try so when i lost toxigbar 50 BILLION TIMES she tried to beat him on her first try.....and she did XD but yah everytime i say DANCE WATER DANCE she flinches XD

FilipinoGurl on November 8, 2006, 10:26:08 AM

FilipinoGurl on
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Radioactive_froggy on November 8, 2006, 11:00:50 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyhaha yah that sucks and...your a mean person XD lol jk it seems that all people who have trouble w/ demyx can beat xigbar in a heartbeat and people who can beat demyx can NOT beat xigbar (but i beat that jackass >:D) i think i have discovered a formula :D

FilipinoGurl on November 9, 2006, 8:59:15 AM

FilipinoGurl on
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Radioactive_froggy on November 10, 2006, 11:32:34 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyhaha well if it makes you feel better xemnas *cough* MANSEX....*COUGH* XD is really easy to beat ...yah luxord and his gayness was a pain >.< but hes not totally 'orrible but yah i beat xemnas on my first try ^^ i was bored one day so i was like...well im not gonna beat it but i wanna fight xemnas (i had reached the point right b4 u fight him i just didnt want the game to end XD) so i fought him....fought him more...stayed alive....fought.....almost died...played as riku....AND PWND >:D ..then i cried cause it was over T_T XD

BlackPaint on October 9, 2006, 9:24:22 AM

BlackPaint on
BlackPaintOmg, he took me FOREVER!

And noooooo, the water clones never bothered me at all, it was actually Demyx beating the shiznit outta Sora! I mean, GEEZ! How can they say that he's not a good fighter! He killed me 12 fricken times! OR MORE! >.<

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Anyways, this is how I felt after I beat him... then I realized that he like, died. Then I started crying and went into denial....

tis the story of my life...

Playstationfreak on October 6, 2006, 11:02:53 PM

Playstationfreak on
PlaystationfreakI beat him on the 3rd try! It's cuz of the stupid time limits! Die time limits, die!!!
I was cracking up while fighting him, especially cuz ever time you hit him he said: OW and WHOA! WH-WH-WH-WH-WHOOOAA! XD
Hehe his little instrument thingy is broken XD

ZetaBee on September 5, 2006, 5:28:41 AM

ZetaBee on
ZetaBeeI love how everyone calls him mean names and shoot and things like pussy and wimp, yet YOU NEVER BEAT HIM ON THE FIRST TRY.


I love Demyx. Granted, I know he's a douche to beat, he's such a pedophile target.

JustANobody on September 9, 2006, 12:33:37 AM

JustANobody on
JustANobody...I did when I first battled him in Hallow Bastion.(Twas first time ever playing game) It took meh a while,but I finally kicked that son-of-a-gun's arse. >:3

lighttails1067 on July 30, 2006, 3:15:33 AM

lighttails1067 on
lighttails1067me:0_o,calm down sora,you beat him up once when he was on the ground,he done now okay
sora:huff,huff,huff,*notices him moving*he's not dead yet*charges*
me:hold it please you damaged him way too much,i think you should calm down.
sora:he's still moving-
me:look he's not moving,*kicks demyx*
demyx:. . . ow
sora:see,he's moving*tries to attack,but fails*
me:okay maybe he is still alive,but lets leave him alone so that he can disappear k
sora:. . .okay

WindowShooter on July 17, 2006, 7:59:53 AM

WindowShooter on
WindowShooterThat is exactly what I looked like when I finally beat him! xD It took me like 2 hours to finally beat him! o_o;

littlestchristuian13 on July 16, 2006, 12:44:56 PM

littlestchristuian13 on
littlestchristuian13I still haven't beaten that favg...I get em' to the last bar, then go all master form on his butt...then I always loose... -_-

The_Twilight_Pen on July 15, 2006, 9:42:47 AM

The_Twilight_Pen on
The_Twilight_Penit was funny how he said 'ow!' we laughed at his gayness. XD

Leann_Chan on July 3, 2006, 7:44:04 AM

Leann_Chan on
Leann_ChanEh, I didn't find him that difficult. The other guy, that shot lazers at ya? I dunno his name, I didn't care to remember...that was my greatest moment. Oh, and the guy with the spears...I had fun celebrating those victories...

I like the look on Sora's face. The look of insane triumph...

tripletrouble3 on July 2, 2006, 2:45:12 AM

tripletrouble3 on
tripletrouble3Yeah... beating that airheaded son of a gun was fun. You really... uh... captured the moment! (that sounded really retarded, didn't it?)

korakuchan on July 2, 2006, 2:36:41 AM

korakuchan on
korakuchanI felt better when I beat Xaldin...or firckin Sepiroth!!! >_< But I still love it

LadySymphonia on June 27, 2006, 1:24:02 PM

LadySymphonia on
Take that, evil villian!

Kimmaru on June 27, 2006, 12:07:46 PM

Kimmaru on
KimmaruPersonaly I luv Demyx but I was so glad I beat him after the 100 time trying.

ZidanesGirl on June 27, 2006, 11:36:55 AM

ZidanesGirl on
ZidanesGirlLOL sora's expression is priceless *faves*

Kupo on June 26, 2006, 1:54:22 PM

Kupo on
KupoI KNOW!!! Screw Demyx!! That battle was WAY too hard!! Harder than the final boss!!!

sora_RIKU_12 on June 25, 2006, 2:43:20 AM

sora_RIKU_12 on
sora_RIKU_12hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha go SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soras_girl_247 on June 25, 2006, 1:26:26 AM

soras_girl_247 on
soras_girl_247Hehehe...Sora's expression is the best.xD

shadowgodess on June 23, 2006, 11:46:56 AM

shadowgodess on
shadowgodessI beat him the first time on Proud mode....not bragging.

MikusaeStrange on June 23, 2006, 10:02:21 AM

MikusaeStrange on
MikusaeStrangeAww, how cute!
I love Sora's expression.
Kind of looks like mine when I finally beat Demyx, too.

MpJa-KINGDOM-HEARTS-lover on June 22, 2006, 1:42:27 PM

MpJa-KINGDOM-HEARTS-loverawesome!! x3 *faves*

MpJa-KINGDOM-HEARTS-lover on June 22, 2006, 1:42:09 PM


Kiakami on June 22, 2006, 1:41:03 PM

Kiakami on
KiakamiOh my god, I so know how you feel, it was an @$$ to defeat him, him and those damn waterclones, why don't you die bubbleboy!!! So frustrating! But anywho I luv the pic! Good luck on da contest! ^^ Ne ne!

DoctorDaiquri on June 22, 2006, 12:35:17 PM

DoctorDaiquri on
DoctorDaiqurixD Sora looks, uh, rather maniacal y'know?