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Daxter's Bad Day - Color

Daxter's Bad Day - Color

Daxter's Bad Day - Color by ChibiJaime
Daxter's Bad Day - Color by ChibiJaime


I'm very pleased with the final result of this. I went back and added the ring markings Daxter has on his wrist while coloring. I think the orange might be a little too dark, but overall, I'm happy with this.<br />
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Daxter showing someone exactly how he feels. He's probably flipping off Torn behind his back... eheheh...<br />
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Daxter is c/o Naughty Dog and Sony.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Daxter (himself)
Date Submitted
Views 6913
Favorites... 25
Vote Score 0
Comments 22
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (22)

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keenangel66 on August 9, 2006, 1:55:00 AM

keenangel66 on
keenangel66LOL! thts funny, you go little dude! ;-)

XxVegasKittyCatxX on November 6, 2005, 5:15:46 AM

XxVegasKittyCatxX on
XxVegasKittyCatxXOmg, that is soo damn funny, I love all of your art. If I knew how to make a request but I'm new on here and don't know crap about doing anything, lol.

moonandstars on November 4, 2005, 11:14:35 AM

moonandstars on
moonandstars*Gives Torn the finger*How dare you make Dax's day bad!*beats the hell outa Torn*

Splixx on September 2, 2005, 6:43:31 AM

Splixx on
Splixxthats so cute...

brandyfan on August 6, 2005, 1:13:42 PM

brandyfan on
brandyfanlol, i think he a lil too corny to be flippin that bird but, nice idea anyways lol! 1-10, 9.9

MikaRabidKitsune on July 13, 2005, 9:25:23 AM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneHELL YEAH! ::Cheers:: Daxter you rule!

silverlum45 on June 13, 2005, 7:31:19 AM

silverlum45 on
silverlum45i know what he's thinkin'...
"May they all burn in hell!" great pic!

ivy_hedgehog on December 31, 2004, 12:42:26 AM

ivy_hedgehog on
ivy_hedgehogLOL XD

DylanSanders959 on December 1, 2004, 6:44:53 AM

DylanSanders959 on
DylanSanders959awwwwww sweet , great picci !*favs*

JakDepidtor on September 19, 2004, 3:46:40 AM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorNow thats the Dax we all know and love! Great picture Dude!

SonicManiac on July 28, 2004, 10:15:54 AM

SonicManiac on
SonicManiacI love Dax!! You show him! Go Dax! Go Dax! *adds 2 faves*

darkdesire on June 27, 2004, 1:08:59 AM

darkdesire on
darkdesireHeh...Go Dax!You tell that Torn dude,what you mean!!

CrimsonDrips_XX on May 13, 2004, 2:25:32 AM

CrimsonDrips_XX on
CrimsonDrips_XXXD I luv it!!! U totally captured Daxter's.... erm.... Daxterness! Yeah!! lol *favs*

Niriian on May 11, 2004, 7:38:25 AM

Niriian on
Niriian*gasp* Daxter would do that! XD BWHAHA! +favs ^^

hobbes on April 15, 2004, 2:33:40 AM

hobbes on
hobbesluv him

Weasel on April 8, 2004, 6:46:47 AM

Weasel on
Weasellol Poor little guy...I like to see a pizzled Daxter once in awhile. Gotta add this one to my faves, man...gotta. *thumbs up*

sally_the_ragdoll on April 4, 2004, 10:36:42 AM

sally_the_ragdoll on

DarkDude on March 19, 2004, 7:38:59 PM

DarkDude on
DarkDudethat's a very good job! very nice!

Pinky on February 20, 2004, 2:11:05 PM

Pinky on
PinkyI luv it. Kewl! I like how you made him flippin' people! :)<br />
<br />

YoshiDreamKnight on February 11, 2004, 12:14:50 PM

YoshiDreamKnight on
YoshiDreamKnight:;Screamz like a 12yr old skool girl... World splitz apart.. earth dissolves into dark matter due to loud ear shattering scream:: I LUV DIS PIC!!! ::Hugs Daxter, Makes out with 'im:: I LUV U U SEXY FLIPPIN OTTSEL!!!! OMI GOD!! I LUV DIS PIC!! I GOTS TA DRAW DAX!! GOTTA GOTTA GOTTA!!! ::savs 2 favs:: Ur Style iz awesoem!! MUCH better from som I;ve seen. ::sewatdrop: hey hey! I;m nat talkin bout ne one from dis catagory if daz wha yer thinkun!

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on February 11, 2004, 6:57:42 AM

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on
Krimzon_Yakkow026LMAO! That rocks! 100% Daxter! ^_^ gota love that ottsel!

Raymei on February 11, 2004, 2:56:25 AM

Raymei on
Raymeiah! i was wondering where this went! n.n hehe, I love this picture. He looks so mellow. Daxter's one of the best.<br />
Awesome job!!