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Jak II - Den, Dharma, and A Trashcan

Jak II - Den, Dharma, and A Trashcan

Jak II - Den, Dharma, and A Trashcan by ChibiJaime
Jak II - Den, Dharma, and A Trashcan by ChibiJaime


This whole thing started as Dharma with a trash can on her head as a result of once again bothering Torn. After a while of debating, I added in Den, lifting said trash can off her head and sort of pseudo-scolding her for annoying Torn when she knew he was in a bad mood already. While I'm not sure if this is how the conversation would really transpire, I liked it anyway...<br />
<br />
<i><b>Den</b></i>: Dharma, Dharma, Dharma... what have I told you about bothering Torn when he's pissed?<br />
<i><b>Dharma</b></i>: ...Don't do it?<br />
<i><b>Den</b></i>: Right. And what did you do?<br />
<i><b>Dharma</b></i>: I did it...<br />
<i><b>Den</b></i>: You should time your annoying for when he's in a slightly-less-sour-than-normal mood.<br />
<i><b>Dharma</b></i>: That'd be great advice, Den, if his mood didn't just drop 50 notches as soon as he saw me walk in the door!<br />
<br />
I am almost positive I messed up the earrings that Den has, but at least I tried. If you look close, Dharma has a banana peel on her head, and there is a napkin on her shoulder. Poor girl. ^^;<br />
<br />
Quirks: the anatomy on Den is fine... until I get below the waist-line. ~_~ Dharma is also a little too tall in this.<br />
<br />
Dharma is c/o me. Den is c/o the Sad Droid. All other characters and concepts, unless otherwise noted, are c/o Naughty Dog and Sony.

General Info

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Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 2770
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Comments 8
Media Unspecified
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Comments (8)

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elfy_ears on March 23, 2006, 5:23:24 AM

elfy_ears on
elfy_earsthis is mah fave pic of all time! for now, aniway. dharma is mah fave OC! this pic always makes me laugh, especially the scene you've typed in at the bottom. *faves*

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on May 1, 2004, 12:44:19 AM

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on
Krimzon_Yakkow026Hehe poor Dharma! She always has the greatest/funniest/absurd moments to live through. Den's profile is great; he's very shmexy looking... *fights urge to fly hug my cpu* ...Oh and I have the weird need to say that I love the trashcan.. *gains many stares* WHHHATT!! It's like, perfect. Gyahh. Great job, yet again!

MandyPandaa on April 28, 2004, 7:25:57 AM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaDharma looks too tall? Golly, she's short. ^_^; Den is a vurry cool character, I love his earrings! And long dreads. Dreads are very popular nowadays. oO; At least in Jak II.<br />
I love the expressions, especially Dharma's. Someone looks guilty.:3 Awesome work, as usual.

hobbes on April 28, 2004, 2:46:58 AM

hobbes on

Silver_Charm on April 28, 2004, 2:04:49 AM

Silver_Charm on
Silver_Charm*stuffs fist in mouth to stop herself laughing* *fails*<br />
That is just too funny! And the expression are just too cute!

Des_the_healer on April 27, 2004, 10:40:49 PM

Des_the_healer on
Des_the_healerDen's cute lookin'

Weasel on April 27, 2004, 9:37:31 PM

Weasel on
WeaselHah! It looks fine. XD

Raymei on April 27, 2004, 6:23:46 PM

Raymei on
Raymeilol n.n I like Den, he looks...comfortable (love father-like-figures <3)<br />
lol Dharma kinda reminds me of me lol doing stuff when specifcially told not to (Jenni, if you see this you know what I'm talking about n.n lol )<br />
<br />
very cute!!