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Zelos² by Chrishna
Zelos² by Chrishna


Zelos from the Game "Tales of Symphonia". He is so selfish, arrrw, I love him! And he is loving himself, too XD My English is terrible, sorry ^__^

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Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of Symphonia
Date Submitted
Views 4920
Favorites... 17
Vote Score 0
Comments 21
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Comments (21)

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Cruxis_Katz on November 5, 2006, 5:19:12 AM

Cruxis_Katz on
Cruxis_KatzBeautiful pic. It reminds me of some song..Anyway, this is good work. I love it! *favs*

MexicoMelissa on July 15, 2006, 4:40:37 PM

MexicoMelissa on
MexicoMelissayes that truly is something to be expected from Zelos, and BTW your picture is awesome I love the colors and textures!

MasterSkushy on April 27, 2006, 11:27:45 AM

MasterSkushy on
MasterSkushyAW HELL YES!, that was so out of character for me. o.o

Kratosgirl14 on April 14, 2006, 4:43:25 AM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14I love's so hot! *favs

VenusGoddessofLove2132 on January 13, 2006, 3:27:14 PM

VenusGoddessofLove2132 on
VenusGoddessofLove2132*sighs* Puts a whole new take on narcissism......Good job...

Cosmic_Accident on November 4, 2005, 11:00:00 PM

Cosmic_Accident on
Cosmic_AccidentI bet Zelo's that narcasistic that he'd do that.

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on October 12, 2005, 1:20:55 AM

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on
Fan_of_Kratos_4evame likey

Nakatsu_Luver on September 21, 2005, 4:46:49 AM

Nakatsu_Luver on
Nakatsu_Luveryour amazing I love how you put so much detail into this this is so going on my favorite list in 2 sec. .. ok it's done! nyah nyah ^.~

Darkmasterbabe on July 14, 2005, 7:34:33 PM

Darkmasterbabe on
Darkmasterbabethey both look adorable i love the picture nice use of color.suits them very well goodwork *favs*

Flaming_Kyo on July 1, 2005, 6:15:12 AM

Flaming_Kyo on
Flaming_KyoIm sorry, just looking at this is funny as heck. XD

Art-work = Good
Yaoi-ness = Shonen Ai bish-ness. o_o;;;

lili on June 9, 2005, 4:34:02 AM

lili on
liliever get the feeling Zelos likes himself TOO MUCH?

BluePaint on June 7, 2005, 4:10:05 AM

BluePaint on
BluePaintI like this I usually don't like Zelly but this makes him look hott

Axlish on May 29, 2005, 12:29:33 AM

Axlish on
AxlishWhy is it that the weirdest things can be so... hot? o.o;
The shading is really pretty. And the hair... ::plays with::

Hybrid on May 2, 2005, 11:36:59 AM

Hybrid on

OTP man.

necromancer_boy on April 7, 2005, 10:09:12 AM

necromancer_boy on
necromancer_boythank you Chrish! I was wondering who that pink-haired individual of questionable gender was! (If anyone was offended by that comment to this Zelos person, I am truly sorry.) and you solved my problem! Thank you!

Xylia on March 25, 2005, 9:04:43 AM

Xylia on
XyliaI mean, I know he's a narcissist and all... and it's great to see him happy...

But it's still kind of like...

Really complex masturbation*

*Seph clone fic thing.

yrstruley on February 10, 2005, 9:58:27 AM

yrstruley on
yrstruleyyay 4 yaoi!
thats hott!

sheyla on February 9, 2005, 11:50:54 PM

sheyla on
sheylaoohhhh! yaoi rocks!!!!!
keep it up!

crazy_sunshine on February 7, 2005, 9:33:43 AM

crazy_sunshine on
crazy_sunshinewow, that's beautiful, the shading particularly. Intersting concpet, I feel deep philosphy vibes commin form it tha'ts jsut me


Kyo-fan-Sapphire on February 6, 2005, 10:21:08 AM

Kyo-fan-Sapphire on
Kyo-fan-SapphireThis.... is... interesting *favs*

Crystalvixon on February 6, 2005, 2:36:45 AM

Crystalvixon on
CrystalvixonVery unique, never seen this sorta of thing done before (with the character loving themself thing). Its very cool, love the way you did the hair and the colours in genrale. The eyes are a little scary the face shapes are brilliant, :)