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Harem by Chrishna
Harem by Chrishna


First I wanted to draw more chicks (Presea, Colette,...), but I am inable to draw so many people! ^^

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Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of Symphonia
Date Submitted
Views 8343
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 0
Comments 37
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Comments (37)

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Sasukegurl on November 23, 2006, 2:42:47 PM

Sasukegurl on
Comment Deleted

Sasukegurl on October 14, 2007, 12:18:12 PM

Sasukegurl on
Sasukegurlwoops sorry >< please don't get mad...I was looking at TOS pictures and i found this and clicked it -.- don't get mad at that comment cuz it was my cousin >w> sorry....

MexicoMelissa on July 15, 2006, 4:47:07 PM

MexicoMelissa on
MexicoMelissaI love the coloring since it gives it like a "this has to be one of Zelos' dreams" atmosphere, and Zelos has to be dreaming!!! Dream on you philaderer! Did i spell it right?

Art on June 23, 2006, 1:57:10 PM

Art on
Art...and then he wakes up....

Artman on May 31, 2006, 11:34:14 AM

Artman on
ArtmanSheena is good for it

Artman on May 6, 2006, 11:11:10 AM

Artman on
Artmangot any requests?

Artman on May 6, 2006, 11:06:58 AM

Artman on
Artmansheena is hot in this pic! good job keep it up! *favs*

Cruxis_Katz on April 25, 2006, 1:18:27 AM

Cruxis_Katz on
Cruxis_KatzYou draw bautifully! And your coloring is awesome! Good picture! ^^ Only thing is that their eyes are bit empty... I hope this's just Zelos' dream...That perverted idiot! I love him! He's a total jerk but still so funny!

_Raiden_ on March 8, 2006, 8:58:45 AM

_Raiden_ on
_Raiden_I love your picture, your very talented.

I love Raine's clothing, which shows off her shape very nicely.

It's too bad Sheena was so hidden, she has a very volupous figure ^_^!

Raimu_Shirayuki on February 12, 2006, 3:45:35 AM

Raimu_Shirayuki on
Raimu_ShirayukiI agree that Raine is a lesbian (I found it obvious), and Zelos probably is bisexual. That'sall.

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on December 23, 2005, 12:19:57 AM

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on
Fan_of_Kratos_4evaYa, well, I'm very sorry. It's good drawing, just a bad choice. Why not do Zelos, Sheena and some other random OC or something, I dunno. But I like how it's drawn.

LadySymphonia on December 19, 2005, 9:34:52 PM

LadySymphonia on
LadySymphoniaI kinda agree with Fan of Kratos 4eva. Okay, like why you wanna put Presea with him? And I don't wanna see Colette with him neither. I personally don't like it.

Kratosgirl14 on November 20, 2005, 3:06:45 PM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14Lol, i have to disagree with atlas with everything there

atlas_15 on November 19, 2005, 6:24:09 AM

atlas_15 on

SHEENA does like ZELOS its a bit obvious if you've played the game many times like myself because you have to kill ZELOS depending on how the story goes after he dies, SHEENA calls him a damn idiot or something like dat I can't remember thereby indicating that she has the hots for him.
ZELOS and LLOYD are not a couple unless there is something i missed...

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on October 12, 2005, 11:49:13 PM

Fan_of_Kratos_4eva on
Fan_of_Kratos_4evac'mon people! that is a nasty picture. ugh...

Nakatsu_Luver on September 21, 2005, 4:35:51 AM

Nakatsu_Luver on
Nakatsu_LuverSHEENA why? your too good for him hes such a player your so much better than this *sob* nyah nyah ^.~

Symphonia-Angel on August 29, 2005, 1:58:05 AM

Symphonia-Angel on
Symphonia-AngelThis is...AWESOME! Wonderful!

Dragoon892 on August 20, 2005, 10:11:00 PM

Dragoon892 on
Dragoon892Jesus, what did the playa-pimp Zelos do to you guys. He's awesome. Props to the artist and to Hybrid (for being the first guy to back Zelos up!)
And Raine didn't do anything wrong either, that Revitalization keeps us alive!
Yeah, stop bashing on Symphonia characters, if anything give Kratos some crap. He left right after I gave him Ex Gem 3.
Thats 150 fricken grade...
Peace Zelos, forget those haters! Yeah!

KiyoTheConquerer on August 11, 2005, 6:27:58 AM

KiyoTheConquerer on
KiyoTheConquererSilly daydreaming Zelos. :D I can understand Sheen MAYBE being there, but RAINE?! Ahahahahaha!! Good job!

G-WOLF on July 16, 2005, 5:00:00 PM

G-WOLFHA...Zelos you dog you! (fav)

Darkmasterbabe on July 14, 2005, 7:36:34 PM

Darkmasterbabe on
Darkmasterbabeit looks Good im impressed with the shading i love it but 3 seems like enough wasnt that your intention hm?

Flaming_Kyo on June 29, 2005, 10:04:35 AM

Flaming_Kyo on
Flaming_KyoLOL! XD Dreaming, he is..or they're on drugs...yeah..I'de believe either of those...or the bugs in their butts died. No, Im was a joke. XD

Everbody else: . . .

Lols..This is he happy?...*Checks where his hands are*...One well-endowed ninja bun, and a well-endowed professor in "clothes"*COUGH*(If you can call them that..) that you know she wouldn't wear's chest...Yea, he's happy. Which makes you wonder, if he's so happy, why isn't he pitching a tent? LOL! XD Im gonna go...over there..and stop making cheap sex-jokes. =P

6 for awesome-ness
1 for perverted-ness
1 for color
1 for seeing Raine in skimpy "clothes" XD

J_Chan on June 15, 2005, 11:58:20 AM

J_Chan on
J_ChanYour all wrong, thats me with my hair down like Zelos' instead of my usual Kratos-esque hair...

Heh keep dreaming...

Excellent work, this place could use a lil more of this...

Sakunia on June 13, 2005, 6:24:18 PM

Sakunia on
SakuniaO O in your dreams zelos!!
(hehe ^.^)


I_luv_most_manga_guys on May 30, 2005, 11:10:36 AM

I_luv_most_manga_guys on
I_luv_most_manga_guysno shoot

Axlish on May 29, 2005, 12:18:39 AM

Axlish on
AxlishLucky guy. o.o; Only that'd never happen. Sheena hates his guts. XD; Ah well. Good picture.

Absolution on May 20, 2005, 5:24:46 PM

Absolution on
AbsolutionWell...Zelos is not 'gay' he is 'bisexual' in the Japanese version, so they say. He is actually straight in english.

I never thought of him as gay, I always thought it was nice to see Zelos and Lloyd as such good friends.

But as for this piece...I LOVE IT! It is wonderful! Perfect! Even is slightly perverted...but isn't everything now'adays?


Zelos is probably dreaming, "Oh yeah! Now this is what I am talking about! SO MUCH BETTER than those old hunnies at home!"

Riku_the_Celtic_CEO on May 10, 2005, 4:27:48 AM

Riku_the_Celtic_CEO on
Riku_the_Celtic_CEOHa Zelos is pimpin'! Thats teh greatesT! I

Hybrid on May 2, 2005, 10:59:56 AM

Hybrid on
Hybrid"zelos is gay"
i'm not sure which 'gay' you mean, but zelos is awesome. If you ment he's homosexual, some one who got a hold of the jap version told me the same thing.He hugged on lloyd one tooo many times topass for straigt tho.I guess thats why he hit on girls all the time.

anyway about the actual pic, i likes the shading and colours. they're really spiffy.
Sheena would die if she saw this lol.

Samanoske_Akechi on March 23, 2005, 7:39:00 AM

Samanoske_Akechi on
Samanoske_AkechiThat is so impossible but dreams may come true....
And Zelos should be happy even if he scores a guy

yrstruley on March 6, 2005, 9:26:59 AM

yrstruley on
yrstruleyomg how funny!

BluePaint on February 25, 2005, 2:06:47 AM

BluePaint on
BluePaintHe HAS to be dreaming!

_-marshmallows-_ on February 23, 2005, 1:27:27 AM

_-marshmallows-_ on
_-marshmallows-_Silly Zelos, ^-^, I thought that he'd hook up with regal at the end of the game, I mean, Zelos looks enough like a girl n.n.

Link_the_anti_sonic_lol on February 22, 2005, 8:53:15 PM

Link_the_anti_sonic_lol on
Link_the_anti_sonic_lolYou forgot one thing Zelos must be dreaming because that is near impossible. But it is good.

poupori64 on February 13, 2005, 12:09:58 PM

poupori64 on
poupori64sheena is cute i only like sheena because she is my favoeite charicter but zelos is gay.

crazy_sunshine on February 13, 2005, 10:33:51 AM

crazy_sunshine on
crazy_sunshinewow, you surprise me EVERY time, I lvo ethe way you colour things, it's so smooth! and Zelos looks, so happy, it's adorable ^w^. the poses are so nice too 8D (+ fav pic, + fav artist)