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Akutomon (Baby to Ultimate Digimon OC)

Akutomon (Baby to Ultimate Digimon OC)

Akutomon (Baby to Ultimate Digimon OC) by Crystalvixon
Akutomon (Baby to Ultimate Digimon OC) by Crystalvixon


Well I guess I cheated a little bit, I didn't draw the logo I borrowed it ok? :)<br />
<br />
Apart from that this pick toke me adges, every digi was coloured and shaded sepratly. I just used the same background as the one I used for Sin, just added the mosaic effect in photoshop. Well a little info....<br />
<br />
Baby= Fazumon<br />
In-Training= Pestismon<br />
Rokie= Akutomon (Scoundral)<br />
Champion= Cheetamon (Duh?)<br />
Ultimate= Chinpiramon (punk)<br />
<br />
I'm very pleased with how the Chinpiramon, the ultimate form, came out...Speacilly the trouseres ^-^<br />
<br />
If you wanna try and design his next form anyones welcome to. Just tell me first and give me some credit ;)

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Digimon series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 4043
Favorites... 14
Vote Score 0
Comments 17
Media Unspecified
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Comments (17)

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sharp-fang on January 21, 2007, 11:24:17 AM

sharp-fang on
sharp-fangTHIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD!!I like her rookie the best!!It looks like a cross between Gabumon and Tailmon!!!XD!!*faves*

Splixx on September 26, 2005, 8:56:27 PM

Splixx on
SplixxI think im up for the challange hun...i will get right on it and keep you posted...btw i love these lil digimon they are adorale specialy pestismon.

PureDark on September 24, 2005, 9:49:06 PM

PureDark on
PureDarkI love Cheetamon! Specially it`s eyes and it`s tail!!!

Dragoncrazy09 on August 29, 2005, 1:16:04 AM

Dragoncrazy09 on
Dragoncrazy09Yo! What about his Mega form?!

Makarino_x_Shaz on August 11, 2005, 10:30:17 PM

Makarino_x_Shaz on
Makarino_x_Shazit looks like officail art work! it brilant work your very good

twighlight_wolf on August 4, 2005, 2:17:18 AM

twighlight_wolf on
twighlight_wolfwow i love it, it looks so official, chinpiramon is definatly the bast

I_am_mean on August 3, 2005, 3:15:10 AM

I_am_mean on
I_am_meanLyke...OMG, Ur art is lyke soooooooooo kewl!!!!!1111,....Im lyke soooooooo jewlauos!!!!!!!!!!!!!........

Katrina_Madd on June 24, 2005, 4:37:23 AM

Katrina_Madd on
Katrina_MaddOMG!! You take requests??? O.O
*favs* If you do then PLEASE! draw Hollowmon!
Your arte is SO awesome!! O.O

Abraxas on June 21, 2005, 1:18:01 AM

Abraxas on
AbraxasYour pic is more original. I like your digimons.

sethc92 on June 12, 2005, 5:37:46 AM

sethc92 on
sethc92I like Cheetamon the best but Chinpiramon is defanetly the most detaled and best drawn.

Sakura_Istar on June 10, 2005, 11:44:32 AM

Sakura_Istar on
Sakura_IstarI like this; It looks super cool.

Puffy_Tribulation on June 5, 2005, 3:34:34 PM

Puffy_Tribulation on
Puffy_TribulationHee hee, no one is going to complain about you taking the digi logo, this is fanart after all!

Your style simply amazes me! The details and the shading, you are very talented! *fav artist*

Yaoi_Boi on June 5, 2005, 5:39:02 AM

Yaoi_Boi on
Yaoi_Boi;~; OMG THIS IS OMG O.O;;; wow ...... WOW XD YOUR SO TALENTED TEACH ME!!!! -bows in your grace.-

hieisstrawberry on June 4, 2005, 1:04:00 PM

hieisstrawberry on
hieisstrawberryThey're too cute! :dies from cuteness:

:revives: Is Digimon any good? I've never watched it. oO;

Rodimus84 on June 4, 2005, 2:04:30 AM

Rodimus84 on
Rodimus84I've never watched digimon but I can't help but comment. You did a great job designing these characters. I give it two thumbs up.

Cow-Bell55 on June 3, 2005, 7:43:16 AM

Cow-Bell55 on
Cow-Bell55So you made this character up yourself?? Wow, this rocks!! I was really into Digimon way back when, and I "had" a Digimon too. ^______^ Yours is better than mine though. Anyway, I especially like the fully evolved form on the far left. Very nice coloring and drawings. ^_______________^ Great work!

Wings_EbonStar on June 3, 2005, 2:37:19 AM

Wings_EbonStar on
Wings_EbonStarThat is so cute! Wow, you did a really good job designing! ...ahh, it seems so long ago that I was making up my own Digimon... I lost interest in the series after the first season, really. :[ I guess it comes with getting attatched to the characters and then seeing them get shunted off. But you did a great job here, very Digimon-esque, and much better than any of my attempts. XD W00t! I hope to see more of these guys around.