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Amidon design

Amidon design

Amidon design by Dagger
Amidon design by Dagger


Tis a dragon like creature that is trained like a horse. It carries it's passengers to where ever they want.<br />
<br />
Done in markers.

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 5953
Favorites... 78
Vote Score 0
Comments 42
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (42)

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moonstar12345 on December 30, 2008, 5:32:56 AM

moonstar12345 on

cheesemeister on August 10, 2006, 8:27:33 AM

cheesemeister on
cheesemeister@_@ that's fooking amazing!!

Weirdo on March 11, 2006, 2:05:20 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoIt's really good, but.. SOO SKINNY!! ONLY SKIN AND BONES! 0_0 *feeds dragon with everything what gives weight*

Neko_Melina on October 20, 2005, 4:07:54 AM

Neko_Melina on
Neko_MelinaWicked, I would so ride one of thouse. SO COOL! FAVE!

Bizzy_Dizzy on September 16, 2005, 12:52:14 PM

Bizzy_Dizzy on

VitaminC on September 7, 2005, 12:30:28 AM

VitaminC on
VitaminCsweet It looks so cool. I want it.. adds to fave, that is the closest I can get to it....

Rhenao on August 20, 2005, 10:31:53 AM

Rhenao on
RhenaoAw, poor emaciated dragon... *hands it a bucket of small children* Let's get some meat on those bones!


Nefertiri on July 25, 2005, 3:45:37 AM

Nefertiri on
NefertiriO.O Awesome drawing...

Grandpa_Livi on July 3, 2005, 1:46:03 AM

Grandpa_Livi on, that kicks @$$

Khyleria on June 12, 2005, 1:56:23 PM

Khyleria on
KhyleriaSomeone here has total control over the markers!

Khyleria on June 12, 2005, 1:55:25 PM

Khyleria on
KhyleriaOMFG very nice work! I love dragons---if thats wat you wanna call it. Its very good and I like it alot! Neway Im speechless so there!!

chaos_isnt_here on June 12, 2005, 1:13:07 PM

chaos_isnt_here on
chaos_isnt_here*mouth drops and stares at the pic* ...................*drool starts to come out of chaos's mouth* ....................... *5 days pass and finally someone slaps chaos out of a daze* ow........ THIS PICTURE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKIN AWESOME, OMG IT SO COOL AND GREAT AND AND *drool*............ *gets slapped again and falls over in a coma*

babywolfkitten on February 6, 2005, 10:26:17 AM

babywolfkitten on!!! i..have No clue what to say...*speechless*

Nate_Sindel on January 29, 2005, 6:39:33 AM

Nate_Sindel on
Nate_SindelIt's beautiful, no other word I can think of could possibly capture how wondrous that creature is. Maybe splendiforous, but no, beautiful works fine.

Zee on January 18, 2005, 3:51:28 AM

Zee on
ZeeThis is one of the most elegant creatures I've ever seen. You get a good sense for how it moves by just looking at it. Perhaps, you could try a picture of it conveying a passenger somewhere? I'd love to see it fly.

Yalryn on January 4, 2005, 9:20:37 AM

Yalryn on
YalrynVery interesting type of dragon, very graceful and elegant. And very nice bit of art, I'm amazed how good this looks.

Darktressa on November 7, 2004, 5:03:47 AM

Darktressa on
DarktressaDragon wicked.

willwolf on September 9, 2004, 4:38:46 AM

willwolf on

MoOoOoOo on August 3, 2004, 5:59:33 AM

MoOoOoOo on
MoOoOoOohooooly mooooly! I am bloody stunned.....and awed at your work......this is absolutely amazing.....with the shadings....i'm a bit skeptical of this being done in markers, know, art is a very mysterious and beautiful thing, so i have no doubt that this was done in marker! *i am still blown away*

Yunapix on July 12, 2004, 9:04:15 AM

Yunapix on
YunapixTOO COOOL!Wow! Me too I like to draw dragons... If you want, you can go see mine

Hobbit_Hobbies on July 6, 2004, 2:59:11 PM

Hobbit_Hobbies on
Hobbit_HobbiesOH MY GOSH THATS THE BEST THING I"VE EVER SEEN!!!! and you did it in marker, your crazy. this is so on my favs.

tasuki-lover1534 on May 27, 2004, 1:26:35 PM

tasuki-lover1534 on
tasuki-lover1534Sorry if I spelled that wrong.DUUUDE!!!THIS IS ****'N AWSOME.IT LOOKS LIKE IT SHOULD BE ON LOTR(LORD OF THE RINGS)Keep up the good work!<br />

Gothin_angel_Dragon-Heart on May 10, 2004, 2:58:21 AM

Gothin_angel_Dragon-Heart on
Gothin_angel_Dragon-Heartwow i love dragons and well this is just FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!^^

Koolkat6968 on April 16, 2004, 1:45:11 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968I lik it! It rocks!! ^-^

ED_Vanguard on March 28, 2004, 8:46:50 AM

ED_Vanguard on
ED_VanguardThat is awsome. it needs some food, a townsfolk or two a day ^_^

ChibiUsa on March 27, 2004, 10:28:05 AM

ChibiUsa on
ChibiUsaI love dragons and this one is so cool! I love the skinny legs XD

KathiaMarleytheArsonist on March 17, 2004, 8:31:38 AM

KathiaMarleytheArsonist on
KathiaMarleytheArsonistHoly.... *Adds to favorites*

Lyzzard666 on February 19, 2004, 12:40:47 PM

Lyzzard666 on

WhatsHerFace on February 8, 2004, 12:43:59 PM

WhatsHerFace on
WhatsHerFaceSomebody tell that dragon to eat a burger!!!!O.o' But seriously, it's totally eye catching and very interesting. I like the way the colors contrast, plus he looks kinda like an alien dragon....weird concept, huh?

dragonwing44 on February 5, 2004, 5:27:26 PM

dragonwing44 on
dragonwing44Amazing.........woah thats way awesome dude. keep drawin

CatWhoHas14Tails on January 30, 2004, 5:25:39 AM

CatWhoHas14Tails on
CatWhoHas14TailsThat is so fracking awesome

CheshireGoddess on January 28, 2004, 1:46:38 AM

CheshireGoddess on
CheshireGoddessI like the detail, the little hieght referance is really cute.

Slaain on January 27, 2004, 12:47:41 PM

Slaain on

beastofoblivion on January 23, 2004, 10:13:38 AM

beastofoblivion on
beastofoblivionvery nice design!

Noot_das_Schaf on January 5, 2004, 9:10:42 PM

Noot_das_Schaf on
Noot_das_Schafwow, so cool!<br />
now that's avery own breed of dragons! amazing!<br />
FAV!!!! ^----^

LiquidOnyx on December 27, 2003, 1:06:47 PM

LiquidOnyx on
LiquidOnyxThat is just, amazing!! The coloures, the pose, the shadows, all are great, must add to favs!!

Inumaru on December 22, 2003, 10:39:34 PM

Inumaru on
InumaruThat is REALLY good!

notrub_mit on December 21, 2003, 8:51:01 PM

notrub_mit on
notrub_mitAHH! thats so cool. i want one. i wouldname him Mango and i would ride him to school. haha preepy. you mean preppy?

LJmouse on December 10, 2003, 5:14:42 PM

LJmouse on
LJmouse*squeals* I WANT ONE! hehehe*evil grin* Ill show all those preepy cheerleaders...

ninkira on December 2, 2003, 11:38:49 PM

ninkira on
ninkiraThis is too damn kool! I love dragons and this is one of THE best I have seen!

kittengirl on November 26, 2003, 4:54:37 PM

kittengirl on
kittengirloh my freakin' goodness! O.o it's amazing! i like all of the detail you put into it! i like it, i like it!!!!! keep up the grrreat work! ^_^

texas_luver on November 4, 2003, 11:15:58 PM

texas_luver on
texas_luverHOLY CRAP! That is so freaking cool!!!!.......WOW..........