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The Chimera *for darkwolf333's contest*

The Chimera *for darkwolf333's contest*

The Chimera *for darkwolf333's contest* by Dementor
The Chimera *for darkwolf333's contest* by Dementor


Name: Chimera
Gender: female
Race: Lioness, Serpent, Eagle
Age: Unknown
Height: 20ft (roughly)

Story of Creation: The wizard finished drawing the summoning circle and backed up to study it. "They said I was a fool and couldn't do anything, but i'll show them. I'll summon a beast so great that they'll have no choice but to respect me or they will feel the wrath of my chimera!" he cackled as he pulled a pouch of powder out and dusted the circle with it. He began to chant an ancient spell and the circle began to glow red. The ground began to shake and crack open. A huge paw with large black claws shot from the crevice and gripped the earth in an attempt to pull itself out of the darkness. A lion's head emerged first, its reddish mane blowing wildly from the steam emitting from the core of the earth. It bared its teeth and let out a ferocious snarl, teeth gleaming and eyes shining red. Second to take view was a head of black feathers. The head stretched out and let out a shriek of freedom from its beak. Finally a long green serpent slithered out hissing and spitting venom. The creature was all the way out now and the earth closed quickly, creating a large earthquake. Eyes wide and mouth open the wizard stared in horror and amazement as the chimera shook the loose dirt from its fur. It reared on its hind legs and the lion let out another ferocious roar as large black dragon like wings unfolded from its back and spread to full length. The eagle let out a fierce shriek and the serpent hissed all in response to the lion's roar. The wizard smiled devilishly as he gazed upon his creation. "Now they will all fear me and my great chimera!"

Ok wow . . . I'm sorry if the story is weird. I made it up on the spot. ^^;;; This particular chimera is derived from the game Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. I know the real chimera is a lioness with a goat on the middle of her back and a snake for her talk and the front end of her body is a lion and the back end is a goat but I didn't want to do that. This is obviously for darkwolf333's contest where I had to either do a hybrid animal or one in a lab. I chose the hybrid because it's more fun. Hope you like it darkwolf333 and i hope a lot of other people like it as well. Tell me if there's anything weird. Oh and I know it's a lioness and she has a mane like a lion. That's just how the myth is. ^~

EDIT: I got 3rd. ^^

Comment if you'd like, they will be appreciated. ^_^

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Creatures » Chimeras / Manticores
Date Submitted
Views 1673
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 3
Comments 13
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken Two days with long night hours.
Reference Lion, rattlesnake, brown eagle


Comments (13)

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Alma on September 20, 2010, 11:31:04 PM

Alma on
Comment Deleted

Dementor on September 20, 2010, 11:39:48 PM

Dementor on
DementorThankies so much for the fav and comment. Really appreciate it. ^^ I'm very pleased at how the lion head came out. I didn't think I could pull it off. ^~


Oricalcoss on July 13, 2010, 5:03:35 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossWOW! So colorfull. Great job!

Wait. . . . If it's a lioness. . . why does it have a maine? Okay, never mind. artistic license. . .

Dementor on July 13, 2010, 3:30:48 PM

Dementor on
DementorOk did you not read all the way through the description? In the myth for some reason the lion has a mane even though it's a lioness. I know it's weird. Thanks for the comment though. ^~


Oricalcoss on July 14, 2010, 2:17:13 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossI DID read the description. I just felt like saying it anyhow.

You're welcome for the comment. Anytime! ^^

KennethKerr on July 13, 2010, 3:51:57 PM

KennethKerr on
KennethKerrI did read the descibtion, but I say the game got it wrong.i do like your drawing though don't get me wrong

KennethKerr on July 13, 2010, 5:23:55 AM

KennethKerr on
KennethKerrI thought the snake was suposed to be the tail of the chimera?

Dementor on July 13, 2010, 3:32:15 PM

Dementor on
DementorI swear nobody reads my descriptions . . . >.< I explained that this chimera was derived from the video game Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. I even explained that I know the real chimera has a lion head in front, goat head in the middle, and snake for a tail but I didn't do that one.


KennethKerr on July 12, 2010, 3:31:29 PM

KennethKerr on
KennethKerrThat's so freakin awesome Zara!

Dementor on July 12, 2010, 3:39:15 PM

Dementor on
DementorThanks so much. I know it's pretty freakin epic. ^^


darkwolf333 on July 12, 2010, 1:29:55 PM

darkwolf333 on
darkwolf333oh looks awesome^^ great story

Dementor on July 12, 2010, 3:37:10 PM

Dementor on
DementorOh good I'm glad you like the story. This was a lot of fun to draw. Thanks for the comment. ^^
