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Inuyasha Collage

Inuyasha Collage

Inuyasha Collage by Devilofdarkness
Inuyasha Collage by Devilofdarkness


And here comes the birth of artwork from being REALLY REALLY bored in class and having pages filled with lots of random pictures of anime people. I did this picture some time last year, but I love it so much. And yes, yes I know its on lined paper. BLASPHEMY!!! But it's all I had at that time T-T

This picture all started with the little manga version of Inuyasha in the middle then I thought it looked a little bare so I added Sesshomaru. I still thought it looked empty so I added Kagome then Naraku and finally the other Inu pic in the top right. I just couldn't stop! But I really do like how it came out...eeeexcept for Sesshomaru. I don't know why but no matter how hard I tried his face just never came out right so finally I gave up -.-.

Well, I hope you like it and please comment and of course thank you Neko-chan for scanning this for me. Damn I need to get my own so I'm not such a moocher-.-

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 1691
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Comments 9
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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nymphomaniac on September 5, 2006, 3:30:33 PM

nymphomaniac on
nymphomaniacnice... i like. but where's shippo? he's such a cutie!

Devilofdarkness on September 5, 2006, 3:57:57 PM

Devilofdarkness on
DevilofdarknessHeh sadly none of the pictures I had with me that day had him on it so I wasn't able to draw him ^-^' but I agree he is a cutie

Dear_Me on May 23, 2006, 11:37:01 PM

Dear_Me on
Dear_MeThat good! I like it! *fav*

mikita_inugirl on December 29, 2005, 2:00:26 PM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlCool piccy! I love Inuyasha!

Lucky2bBlonde on November 4, 2005, 3:35:17 PM

Lucky2bBlonde on
I love Inuyasha! Keep up the good work and comment on my stuff if yer want to! Thankies!

kikyo17 on October 25, 2005, 9:07:05 AM

kikyo17 on
kikyo17Not bad I like your sesshomaru and your naraucku the most out of them. Your a pretty good artist.

bluetigerjh on October 22, 2005, 3:59:01 PM

bluetigerjh on
bluetigerjhi like it it's good. i like Narauku the best. and i think you should draw the pic of Narauku and Miroku. oh and Sesshomaru is evil i've drawn him 6 or 7 times and i only like one of them so don't feel bad. he looked so bad one time that i turned into a female. i have that pic up if you would like to look at it.

Alicifer on October 21, 2005, 12:46:44 PM

Alicifer on
Aliciferi can't take the inuyasha art..I'm sorry i hate this show so much... because thats ALL people on this site draw this and :Teen titans, sonic, harry potter, and Yugi...*sighs* Its not that i don't like the drawing *its wonderfuly wonderful* its just the people you drew..

PoisonousDahlia on October 20, 2005, 11:03:16 AM

PoisonousDahlia on
PoisonousDahliaHa! Once again I have first comment! *clears throat* anyways, why didn't you get rid of the lines? Why are there still lines? Anwser me when I question you! Great picture as always