Luna and her creator Dr. Marcus
Luna and her creator Dr. Marcus
Luna and her creator Dr. Marcus by Drakedragon


Note: This is my entry in the "Build an android" contest of the FAC forums.
Android Name: Luna
Development Number: C-039*
Height: 5, 8 ft.
Eye color: Crimson, turns into a brighter red during combat or panic mode. When in recovery mode her eyes are always closed, when opened they are usually a faded gray
Hair color: Her hair is a dark blonde color, but when in panic mode it turns a golden blonde, and during combat mode she gains red stripes in her hair.
Skin color: Very pale, almost snow-white.
Functions: Luna has several different functions she is capable of initiating. She can be used around the house, almost like a maid, but she's perfectly capable of harder work. Next to that, she has excellent combat capabilities, should the need arise and is very resilient to damage. Luna is also capable of...other...activities.
---The following coincides with most of the things shown in the above image---
Her Head's attributes:
1. Her hair and skin are both capable of absorbing solar energy from the sun, and transferring it to her power core, providing additional energy. She is also capable of consuming human food (Junk food, however, will serve no purpose at all) though she doesn't get 'hungry' or 'thirsty'
2. The crystal embedded in her forehead was originally intended for humans, but Dr. Marcus found that by contecting it directly to Luna's artificial brain she could tap into its abilities: Which allow her to use a limited form of kinetic powers.
3. Her eyes have a scope range that allows her to see 25 kilometers in clear conditions but only up to 10 kilometers in extreme weather conditions. (Note: The sword shown in the bottom left of the image has a scope that allows her to increase that range) Her eyes also have thermal sensor, electromagnetic sensor, x-ray, and night-vision.
4. The markings on her face show what 'mode' she is in. When the markings show as black, she is in 'standby mode' which means none of her combat systems are active, save for her superior muscle system.
-Red shows she is in 'Combat Mode' and naturally, she will go into a defensive form on default, equipped with a shield provided by the crystal on her forehead's telekinetic capabilities.
-Green means she's in 'Panic Mode' and this only happens when a) Her creator Dr. Marcus is in danger or b) something else important to her is threatened. In this mode, her combat capabilities are fully functional, but all safety features that were made to keep her from over exerting herself are disabled, allowing for her to temporarily become incredibly powerful. The obvious downside to this mode: If she stays like this for too long, she'll either overheat, exhaust her power core, or could accidentally end up attacking Dr. Marcus.
-Gray or white means she is in 'Recovery Mode' and this only happens when she's been injured, has recently exited Combat mode or has exited Panic Mode. In this mode, she is in the human equivalent to a coma, completely inactive, save for several programs that slowly gather energy back to her core. The materials that make up her skin also go into a rapid recovery mode so any flesh wounds recover within a few minutes. The big danger to this mode, however, is she's obviously defenseless and anyone who wanted to hack into her memory core could do so without any trouble.
5.Her ears have the ability to catch audio and radio signals on a number of frequencies for up to 5 miles away. When it comes to satellite signals, she can detect those from just about anywhere.
Her torso and arms:
1. There is actually a reason to why she shows so much skin. Like what was mentioned above, her skin, which is composed of synthesized human skin, has the capability to absorb solar energy, as well as other energies present in the air around her, small or large. Her skin is also a way of dispersing heat, via a 'sweat' system much like normal humans. (In fact, some of her functions are so realistic, some think he took a human female and made her a machine, but really he just modelled her after a young woman)
2.On her back are three hatches that, when opened, reveal three boosters and exhaust vents. With these, combined with the boosters in her feet and the back of her lower legs, she can attain flight, so long as she doesn't overheat her systems, or if she just uses a certain degree of the different boosters, she can attain ground speeds far above that of any vehicle.
3.Her abs open up so that Dr. Marcus can do some maintenance on her torso, and both her breasts can do the same thing, should he need to get to her core. Her synthesized skin, however, both looks and feels exactly like normal human skin, though she is very pale compared to the average human.
4. In her arms, are a series of powerful mechanical muscles that allow her to lift things several times her size and a special balancing system keeps that equally distributed. She is also capable of launching what is typically known as a rocket punch, tethered on a special heat resistant cord that can easilly be pulled back on comamnd. (Note: this is not included in her 'combat system' this is considered one of her all around functions.)
5. Along with capable launching, as the diagram at the bottom shows you, her forearms contain a small Charged Particle Blasters, which are capable of firing at a decent rate of 15 rounds per minute. It's also capable of releasing a single charged shot, which can penetrate the hull of an army tank with ease, though she wouldn't be able to use the blaster for a couple of seconds, to allow the excess heat to be dispensed.
6.Along with that, her fingertips, unlike humans, do not have fingerprints, instead she can mimic the fingerprint of anyone she's met, so long as their hands have made contact. The skin of her fingertips are made of a special memory cell that remembers the different patterns that touch it. Her index fingers also can turn into simple tools, such as the head of a screwdriver, or even a key.
Her legs and feet:
1.Her thighs have maintenance panels on the front and back, which she often covers up when they go into human inhabinated places. What she wears, depends on the weather. If it's cold or cool, she wears pants, if its warm outside, she just wears the black stockings shown in the picture.
2.Her lower legs only have maintenance panels on the front, the back is where rocket boosters are, they work together with her back boosters, but both can work independantly of her feet boosters.
3.Her feet have boosters in the bottom, which she can use to hover, or with the help of her back and leg boosters, fly high in the air. Also, her leg muscles, similar to that of her arms, are capable of covering 100 km/h on flat terrain, half that distance on hilly terrain, but only 35 km/h on desert or mountain terrain.
Particle Blade: The sword she is capable of using is 5 feet in length, made of a special metalic substance capable of healing wear and tear. The blade is sharpened to the atom, and capable of cutting through just about anything. In addition to that, it can release ionized particles that can neutralize certain types of blaster fire.
Also, the sword has a gun barrel that runs along the bluntside that can fire charged particles, similar to her Charged Particle Blaster, but has a much higher accuracy rating. The scope on the gun enhances her sight range to a whopping 200 km in clear conditions.
Charged Particle Blaster: Located on her forearm, see 'Torso and Arms' or just look at the diagram at the bottom of the picture.
'Rocket Punch' or Projectile Arm: This is good for fighting or just grabbing something that's out of reach, and she doesn't have to use high speed to use it either. The cable tethering it to her arm only pulls back on her command.
Telekinesis: More an ability then a weapon, she can more things three times her weight, but if the crystal is somehow severed from her brain, aka removed, she loses this ability altogether. Not to mention, this is how she creates her defensive sheild to protect both herself and those with her.
Other Information:
1. Luna was programmed with a very advanced personality program that allows her to learn and grow mentally with her experiences. Although some of his colleges consider this going too far, Dr. Marcus had no problem with initiating it the first time. With this program, she is capable of feeling anger, hatred, happiness, sadness and even 'love' though she wouldn't even be able to tell them apart without time to explore them.
Her Personality: Luna has only been active for a couple of months, and in that time she has developed a curious, yet calm and collected outlook on everything around her. When it comes to things she can't fully understand, she chases after that thing until she can fully udnerstand it, including some of the emotions she is capable of feeling, yet unable to identify. When it comes to the people she cares about, she is quick to anger when they're threatened, and often switches into Combat mode when it isn't even necessary.
She also has begun developing that nasty habit of overriding some of the safety features that are normally active during her combat mode.
Dr. Marcus
Height: 6,4 ft.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Bio: Dr. Marcus earned several degrees in the areas of science that involved A.I., engineering, rocket science and a number of other areas. However, the theories and ideas he often chased made him more of an amusing joke amongst the scientific community. In fact, even after he successfully built Luna, alot of scientists denied to credit him just in spite of him. Some are even looking to steal his inventions and make a profit off of them. (Hence why he included a combat and panic mode in Luna's design)
The young woman Luna is modelled after was a woman named Liana, whom he had known in his high school and college years. They had been dating for a short while, but she died in a car accident involving a drunk truck driver. To this day, he still laments her death for some reason, but not so much so that it inhibits his research or his work on Luna.
Android Name: Luna
Development Number: C-039*
Height: 5, 8 ft.
Eye color: Crimson, turns into a brighter red during combat or panic mode. When in recovery mode her eyes are always closed, when opened they are usually a faded gray
Hair color: Her hair is a dark blonde color, but when in panic mode it turns a golden blonde, and during combat mode she gains red stripes in her hair.
Skin color: Very pale, almost snow-white.
Functions: Luna has several different functions she is capable of initiating. She can be used around the house, almost like a maid, but she's perfectly capable of harder work. Next to that, she has excellent combat capabilities, should the need arise and is very resilient to damage. Luna is also capable of...other...activities.
---The following coincides with most of the things shown in the above image---
Her Head's attributes:
1. Her hair and skin are both capable of absorbing solar energy from the sun, and transferring it to her power core, providing additional energy. She is also capable of consuming human food (Junk food, however, will serve no purpose at all) though she doesn't get 'hungry' or 'thirsty'
2. The crystal embedded in her forehead was originally intended for humans, but Dr. Marcus found that by contecting it directly to Luna's artificial brain she could tap into its abilities: Which allow her to use a limited form of kinetic powers.
3. Her eyes have a scope range that allows her to see 25 kilometers in clear conditions but only up to 10 kilometers in extreme weather conditions. (Note: The sword shown in the bottom left of the image has a scope that allows her to increase that range) Her eyes also have thermal sensor, electromagnetic sensor, x-ray, and night-vision.
4. The markings on her face show what 'mode' she is in. When the markings show as black, she is in 'standby mode' which means none of her combat systems are active, save for her superior muscle system.
-Red shows she is in 'Combat Mode' and naturally, she will go into a defensive form on default, equipped with a shield provided by the crystal on her forehead's telekinetic capabilities.
-Green means she's in 'Panic Mode' and this only happens when a) Her creator Dr. Marcus is in danger or b) something else important to her is threatened. In this mode, her combat capabilities are fully functional, but all safety features that were made to keep her from over exerting herself are disabled, allowing for her to temporarily become incredibly powerful. The obvious downside to this mode: If she stays like this for too long, she'll either overheat, exhaust her power core, or could accidentally end up attacking Dr. Marcus.
-Gray or white means she is in 'Recovery Mode' and this only happens when she's been injured, has recently exited Combat mode or has exited Panic Mode. In this mode, she is in the human equivalent to a coma, completely inactive, save for several programs that slowly gather energy back to her core. The materials that make up her skin also go into a rapid recovery mode so any flesh wounds recover within a few minutes. The big danger to this mode, however, is she's obviously defenseless and anyone who wanted to hack into her memory core could do so without any trouble.
5.Her ears have the ability to catch audio and radio signals on a number of frequencies for up to 5 miles away. When it comes to satellite signals, she can detect those from just about anywhere.
Her torso and arms:
1. There is actually a reason to why she shows so much skin. Like what was mentioned above, her skin, which is composed of synthesized human skin, has the capability to absorb solar energy, as well as other energies present in the air around her, small or large. Her skin is also a way of dispersing heat, via a 'sweat' system much like normal humans. (In fact, some of her functions are so realistic, some think he took a human female and made her a machine, but really he just modelled her after a young woman)
2.On her back are three hatches that, when opened, reveal three boosters and exhaust vents. With these, combined with the boosters in her feet and the back of her lower legs, she can attain flight, so long as she doesn't overheat her systems, or if she just uses a certain degree of the different boosters, she can attain ground speeds far above that of any vehicle.
3.Her abs open up so that Dr. Marcus can do some maintenance on her torso, and both her breasts can do the same thing, should he need to get to her core. Her synthesized skin, however, both looks and feels exactly like normal human skin, though she is very pale compared to the average human.
4. In her arms, are a series of powerful mechanical muscles that allow her to lift things several times her size and a special balancing system keeps that equally distributed. She is also capable of launching what is typically known as a rocket punch, tethered on a special heat resistant cord that can easilly be pulled back on comamnd. (Note: this is not included in her 'combat system' this is considered one of her all around functions.)
5. Along with capable launching, as the diagram at the bottom shows you, her forearms contain a small Charged Particle Blasters, which are capable of firing at a decent rate of 15 rounds per minute. It's also capable of releasing a single charged shot, which can penetrate the hull of an army tank with ease, though she wouldn't be able to use the blaster for a couple of seconds, to allow the excess heat to be dispensed.
6.Along with that, her fingertips, unlike humans, do not have fingerprints, instead she can mimic the fingerprint of anyone she's met, so long as their hands have made contact. The skin of her fingertips are made of a special memory cell that remembers the different patterns that touch it. Her index fingers also can turn into simple tools, such as the head of a screwdriver, or even a key.
Her legs and feet:
1.Her thighs have maintenance panels on the front and back, which she often covers up when they go into human inhabinated places. What she wears, depends on the weather. If it's cold or cool, she wears pants, if its warm outside, she just wears the black stockings shown in the picture.
2.Her lower legs only have maintenance panels on the front, the back is where rocket boosters are, they work together with her back boosters, but both can work independantly of her feet boosters.
3.Her feet have boosters in the bottom, which she can use to hover, or with the help of her back and leg boosters, fly high in the air. Also, her leg muscles, similar to that of her arms, are capable of covering 100 km/h on flat terrain, half that distance on hilly terrain, but only 35 km/h on desert or mountain terrain.
Particle Blade: The sword she is capable of using is 5 feet in length, made of a special metalic substance capable of healing wear and tear. The blade is sharpened to the atom, and capable of cutting through just about anything. In addition to that, it can release ionized particles that can neutralize certain types of blaster fire.
Also, the sword has a gun barrel that runs along the bluntside that can fire charged particles, similar to her Charged Particle Blaster, but has a much higher accuracy rating. The scope on the gun enhances her sight range to a whopping 200 km in clear conditions.
Charged Particle Blaster: Located on her forearm, see 'Torso and Arms' or just look at the diagram at the bottom of the picture.
'Rocket Punch' or Projectile Arm: This is good for fighting or just grabbing something that's out of reach, and she doesn't have to use high speed to use it either. The cable tethering it to her arm only pulls back on her command.
Telekinesis: More an ability then a weapon, she can more things three times her weight, but if the crystal is somehow severed from her brain, aka removed, she loses this ability altogether. Not to mention, this is how she creates her defensive sheild to protect both herself and those with her.
Other Information:
1. Luna was programmed with a very advanced personality program that allows her to learn and grow mentally with her experiences. Although some of his colleges consider this going too far, Dr. Marcus had no problem with initiating it the first time. With this program, she is capable of feeling anger, hatred, happiness, sadness and even 'love' though she wouldn't even be able to tell them apart without time to explore them.
Her Personality: Luna has only been active for a couple of months, and in that time she has developed a curious, yet calm and collected outlook on everything around her. When it comes to things she can't fully understand, she chases after that thing until she can fully udnerstand it, including some of the emotions she is capable of feeling, yet unable to identify. When it comes to the people she cares about, she is quick to anger when they're threatened, and often switches into Combat mode when it isn't even necessary.
She also has begun developing that nasty habit of overriding some of the safety features that are normally active during her combat mode.
*: C simply means that she is one of a series of AI mechas that Dr. Marcus has been working on. Her number obviously refers to the version. There have been 38 other androids before her, but they were all trial and error, Luna is the cumulnation of all the past models and is thus considered 'complete'.
Dr. Marcus
Height: 6,4 ft.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Bio: Dr. Marcus earned several degrees in the areas of science that involved A.I., engineering, rocket science and a number of other areas. However, the theories and ideas he often chased made him more of an amusing joke amongst the scientific community. In fact, even after he successfully built Luna, alot of scientists denied to credit him just in spite of him. Some are even looking to steal his inventions and make a profit off of them. (Hence why he included a combat and panic mode in Luna's design)
The young woman Luna is modelled after was a woman named Liana, whom he had known in his high school and college years. They had been dating for a short while, but she died in a car accident involving a drunk truck driver. To this day, he still laments her death for some reason, but not so much so that it inhibits his research or his work on Luna.
General Info
General Info
Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Female)
Date Submitted
Views 1448
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Vote Score 1
Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Female)
Date Submitted
Views 1448
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 1 Hour
Reference "Create an android" contest for rules.
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 1 Hour
Reference "Create an android" contest for rules.
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DrMadison on November 30, 2007, 5:11:59 AM
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Falconlobo on December 25, 2006, 1:19:44 AM
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Have you c