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RayneFlag by DrewGardner
RayneFlag by DrewGardner


From the game 'Bloodrayne'.<br />
I've never actualy played it, but I saw a review of the game in a Playstation Mag and liked the look of the main character and decided to draw her.<br />
Though the concept of the background is simple, this is an example of a picture that takes a long time to ink, because of all the black, and little blobs of blood. <br />
Go ahead and pick some holes in it if you like, I'm always willing to hear critisism.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - Action games » BloodRayne
Date Submitted
Views 8482
Favorites... 28
Vote Score 5
Comments 38
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (38)

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PrincessHeart on November 27, 2007, 2:32:19 AM

PrincessHeart on
PrincessHeartThis is JUST gorgeous...! I love how Nazis are just soooooo much fun to kill in that game....... Like that monster in horror movies that everyones too afraid and weak to kill. Playing Bloodrayne is like becomming that monster...!!!

SallyRagdollExistence on October 22, 2007, 10:56:03 AM

SallyRagdollExistence on

PreciousCargoC on July 23, 2007, 5:28:24 AM

PreciousCargoC on
PreciousCargoCok i luv the pic but her hair is longer than her face nd her face looks diff on the game

Vampire_Orchid on April 19, 2007, 3:59:04 AM

Vampire_Orchid on
Vampire_OrchidAnother video game I love...Your work is fantastic!

QueenYakuri on March 1, 2007, 11:17:33 PM

QueenYakuri on
QueenYakuriHell yeah!

The_S on August 2, 2006, 5:33:24 AM

The_S on
The_SExcellent picture there! I've not played the game yet either, but from what I know of it, this fits perfectly!

Lucretia_Nicole on July 19, 2006, 3:08:41 AM

Lucretia_Nicole on
Lucretia_Nicolewoah man really sweet! think u might need to shade the upper blood splatters a bit... you hav extreme talent! oh an respect, in germany u'd get arrested ;)


357 on July 12, 2006, 8:53:04 AM

357 on
357Awesome pic!! I can´t think of anything to complain... Maybe her face is a bit weird... :S Anyway, awesome job on the coloring and on the blades!! Faved! :D

fuzzy_fluffy_happy_land on March 7, 2006, 2:00:18 AM

fuzzy_fluffy_happy_land on

Ryigenchi on December 21, 2005, 12:43:09 PM

Ryigenchi on
RyigenchiUh...bloody much?

narutoRockLee on December 16, 2005, 7:45:56 AM

narutoRockLee on
narutoRockLeeThis is an awsome pic. Her boobs are big which are find by me but her face makes her look like a man! Nice Job though. Come check out my pics!!

marajade on October 3, 2005, 1:27:21 PM

marajade on
marajadeRAYNE IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

jaganar on August 26, 2005, 5:10:28 PM

jaganar on
jaganari actually think Spririt 99 is a LOT WRONG ON THIS ONE there is nothing wrong with being as big as she is in this pic ;) especially since you hit the charecter design out of the ball park ;) so she'd show how much better than Lara ( old news, even tho i never cared for her to begin with ) croft she really is ..
im digging the colors personally i think the splatter could have had a brighter effect , to me this looks like old tomato juice . her costume is stylish and on point , hopefully ill have a renition up soon , altho we both know it will just be a shadow compared to THIS .....
but most of all i LOVE THE GLEAM OF THE METAL blades...
you are ^__^ A W E S 0 M E ^__^

Spirit99 on July 10, 2005, 9:18:11 AM

Spirit99 on
Spirit99Very very very nice. Coloring's perfectly dark, and her figure is beautiful. Accept, I think her breasts might be to large... In the game, she isan't THAT big. The blood splash and the Natzi sign really fit the scene and the feel of the whole game.

Black_Mage_Faye on June 21, 2005, 3:41:24 PM

Black_Mage_Faye on
Black_Mage_FayeYea, that's the swastika in the background... But otherwise- I like the coloring for this :D

xpunkardx on May 10, 2005, 6:55:22 PM

xpunkardx on
xpunkardxHey I love this picture...chest is a wee bit too big but other than that it's pretty good, oh and her hair needs to be longer...and her fangs not sticking out as much...oh well I can't do any better I still love it ^.^

muchalucha on April 13, 2005, 7:24:03 AM

muchalucha on
muchaluchawow this pic is cool *favs*

Vampire-Queen-Gothika on March 19, 2005, 9:29:15 AM

Vampire-Queen-Gothika on
Vampire-Queen-GothikaNice detail, very nice coloring. Simple can be very good. Her chest looks a little big, but it could be the pose, and she's busty anyway. I have the game, but I haven't played it yet...gee, I only got it for X-mas ^^U I'm horrible at video games, but I love her ^^

klatch_of_Tyria on January 31, 2005, 9:22:12 PM

klatch_of_Tyria on
klatch_of_TyriaI taotally, totally, totally LOVE that!!!!!
Especially the back-ground.
Don't her blades look like Kroenen's? Cool.

Queen_Asheer5600 on January 11, 2005, 7:58:39 AM

Queen_Asheer5600 on
Queen_Asheer5600*jaw drops* This is totally wonderful I really love the effects you got going in this. I to haven't played the game but I loved the concept of it with the main chara XD this is a wonderful job. Do you take on requests/trades if you do I would be willing to do an image in return :D

Hearsegurl on January 6, 2005, 2:28:10 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlI think its just plain AWESOME!! ^_^ *saves*

unloved_poet on January 5, 2005, 10:23:07 AM

unloved_poet on
unloved_poetwell since im a die hard bloodrayne fan i have some holes to pick. her chest is way to big and her face is..odd. It need to look like she is ready to kill!! and her arms are real. but other than thats its very good!! *savs to favs*

Sanokura on January 5, 2005, 6:29:29 AM

Sanokura on
Sanokurai love the pic! i just hope she's destroying that flag........i hate natzi's...i'm part german, so i'm embarassed by that whole ordeal....*mutters about the stupidety of men* no offense to any men here! i meant it as in man-kind!

mkreptile on December 6, 2004, 10:18:23 AM

mkreptile on
mkreptilethe face is a bit off but the shading and the coloring is awesome

angelic_dhampir2oo4 on November 17, 2004, 6:18:26 AM

angelic_dhampir2oo4 on
angelic_dhampir2oo4Wow.. I mean, I've seen some sweet pictures here, but this is definately some of the bes I've ever seen. You captured the attitude of Rayne perfectly, though I will concede, her chest is a tad (only a little bit, about maybe 1 half a cup size bigger) than her actual size. In anycase... Would you be interested in coloring one of my pics? I suck horribly at using Photoshop >_< and Your skillz would be most helpful. Well, even if you say no, awesome picture!

RedALiCe on July 13, 2004, 6:53:13 PM

RedALiCe on
RedALiCethat pic must of been a son of a dog to ink

JuggaletteKitsune on May 21, 2004, 11:27:55 AM

JuggaletteKitsune on
JuggaletteKitsuneI think that the face looks fine, but the chest does seem a little bit big. But I ~love~... *Blushes* Nevermind. Great job on her blades, btw.

Teddi_MaulerX on May 14, 2004, 10:00:22 AM

Teddi_MaulerX on
Teddi_MaulerXWOW! Very Good. That game is awesome.

TrIpLeXaNiMeChIk on April 14, 2004, 10:32:12 AM

TrIpLeXaNiMeChIk on
TrIpLeXaNiMeChIkvery nice artwork

DrewGardner on March 1, 2004, 2:09:40 PM

DrewGardner on
DrewGardnerYeah, I did kinda struggle with the face,.. Sometimes a face will look fine b&W, but takes on a life of it's own when you colour it!

somepunk on January 25, 2004, 1:35:39 PM

somepunk on
somepunk"Holy crap thats good!" is an understatement

GawainesAngel on December 3, 2003, 6:42:25 PM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelWell, my first attempt at Fairchild is up... Hope you like it, it's very much in my style, and very much *not* what she really looks like! ^^;; But I think I'm going to try her again... redheads are fun! O.o

DrewGardner on December 2, 2003, 5:57:08 AM

DrewGardner on
DrewGardnerhowdy GawainesAngel,<br />
If you were going to draw a hero pic, I would like to see your version of Caitlin Fairchild from Gen13, or maybe witchblade? if you would prefer to draw an anime style character,how about Rei or Asuka from Evangelion, or Faye from CowboyBebop! Any would be cool(check out the request that ChibiChild drew for me) ps- Cammy is 90 percent drawn, and I can hopefully scan her soon.I think you'll like it! cya -DREW Y)

GawainesAngel on December 1, 2003, 7:55:15 PM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelAh, I'm trying to be patient. ^^ But I saw that you asked about me drawing a picture for you -- which I actually was planning! I started a picture of Wonder Woman, but it ended up changing into Jade from Mortal Kombat! So, now that you're in on my plan... who would you like a picture of? ^^

DrewGardner on November 29, 2003, 1:55:41 PM

DrewGardner on
DrewGardnerpatience angel<br />

GawainesAngel on November 28, 2003, 8:35:03 AM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelWow. Those pants are *awesome* I hope you're still working on the Cammy & Storm pictures, though! ^^

Wellow on November 24, 2003, 2:52:00 AM

Wellow on
WellowOh wow. Your use of detail and highlights is wonderful, I enjoy the style of coloring aswell. <3