CARPE' DIEM!!! (~HYAAD~) -blue
CARPE' DIEM!!! (~HYAAD~) -blue
CARPE' DIEM!!! (~HYAAD~) -blue by Electra_Cheez


This is the last picture i can post on leif arikson day, so enjoy it!<br />
Hyaad is a book i'm attempting to write... no i dun wanna mae it into a manga but this is just a pic of goro leader of the blue territory in the land of Hyaad. (pronounced HI-ADD) it's an "elemental" thingie... i goose... they use their UTILTY BELTS OF POWER O.O *fanfare* with thier weopons: blue colored penicil, marker, and paintbrush. They can make anything they want that's blue and make it real. and there's a rainbow person ish who can draw anything and make it real. the leaders of each territory is choen by thier skill in drawing. say blueberries: if a three-year old blue trainor drew them, they wouldn't taste as good as if a master drew them with details... well no one's listening (seeing... watever) and it's time for me to go to bed anyway so without further adoui (i never did fugure out how to spell that... -_-'), i shall be taking my leave.<br />
~Electra Cheez<br />
<br />
PS HAPPY LIEF ARIKSON DAY!!! (Or wat's left of it anyway) "ying-ga Ding-ga Dirgun!!!"
Hyaad is a book i'm attempting to write... no i dun wanna mae it into a manga but this is just a pic of goro leader of the blue territory in the land of Hyaad. (pronounced HI-ADD) it's an "elemental" thingie... i goose... they use their UTILTY BELTS OF POWER O.O *fanfare* with thier weopons: blue colored penicil, marker, and paintbrush. They can make anything they want that's blue and make it real. and there's a rainbow person ish who can draw anything and make it real. the leaders of each territory is choen by thier skill in drawing. say blueberries: if a three-year old blue trainor drew them, they wouldn't taste as good as if a master drew them with details... well no one's listening (seeing... watever) and it's time for me to go to bed anyway so without further adoui (i never did fugure out how to spell that... -_-'), i shall be taking my leave.<br />
~Electra Cheez<br />
<br />
PS HAPPY LIEF ARIKSON DAY!!! (Or wat's left of it anyway) "ying-ga Ding-ga Dirgun!!!"
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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Written Characters » Female
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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Written Characters » Female
Date Submitted
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I'm having fun imagining it... ^.^