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Alone In The Rain-Hiei PLEASECOMMENT

Alone In The Rain-Hiei PLEASECOMMENT

Alone In The Rain-Hiei PLEASECOMMENT by Eri_Hieis_Gurl
Alone In The Rain-Hiei PLEASECOMMENT by Eri_Hieis_Gurl



General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Hiei
Date Submitted
Views 7898
Favorites... 45
Vote Score 0
Comments 42
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (42)

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Bunny36 on June 5, 2006, 1:30:03 AM

Bunny36 on
Wondefully drawn, I like his hair.

resident_evil_fan_ on March 5, 2006, 1:26:52 PM

resident_evil_fan_ on
resident_evil_fan_WOHA THAT MUST HAVE TAKE'N HOURS TO DRAW!!! i love looks so cool.... *favs*

btw sence your so good at drawinf i want ur advice......check out my rt and tell me if im good or not... ahahahhaa im only 12....but i may surprise you.....

Nightingale628 on December 29, 2005, 12:37:02 PM

Nightingale628 on
Nightingale628Oooo shiny clothes!! I love it!!

wolfgirl022 on December 26, 2005, 9:45:16 AM

wolfgirl022 on worry Hiei...mi help you

Charliie on December 6, 2005, 4:16:55 AM

Charliie on
CharliieI love his clothes!

Broken-Heart on November 11, 2005, 9:28:02 AM

Broken-Heart on
Broken-HeartAWSOME!!!! This is super awsome!!!!!

punkrocker on May 27, 2005, 10:50:41 AM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCOOL!!!I love it.*_*Check out my stories.

punkrocker on May 27, 2005, 10:50:38 AM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCOOL!!!I love it.*_*Check out my stories.

punkrocker on May 27, 2005, 10:50:37 AM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCOOL!!!I love it.*_*Check out my stories.

keautye on January 6, 2005, 10:04:20 AM

keautye on
keautyePoor Hiei! He doesn't deserve this!

hiei-maru on September 15, 2004, 6:34:11 AM

hiei-maru on
hiei-maru*takes hiei home and bathes him clothes him feeds him*<br />
me:better?<br />
hiei:hn<br />
*puts a blanket on hiei*<br />
hiei:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<br />
me:reads a book while tending to here beloved*<br />
*falls asleep*<br />
*wkes up*<br />
:omg hieis gone *looks around and realizes shes in bed with him*<br />
hiei:hehhehehehehehehe<br />
oh well<br />
*makes out with hiei and dose some other stuf hehehehe*

Amourwolf on August 28, 2004, 10:21:37 AM

Amourwolf on
Amourwolf*adds to faves * It's sooooo GOOD !

Blue118 on August 3, 2004, 10:59:40 AM

Blue118 on

DarkHieiGurl on July 24, 2004, 4:33:28 AM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlEEEEEE! I luv the backround (and of course the Hiei) Draw more Hiei!

Riku_gurl on July 13, 2004, 3:48:45 AM

Riku_gurl on
Riku_gurlthatsso good! i cant draw trees......or rain.......or fanart......T_T thats ok! i shall keep trying! *pulls out pencil and draws* AH! crap i messed him up! -_-U <br />
(GREAT PICCY! +faves!)

May-Chan_Shindou on July 11, 2004, 4:12:07 AM

May-Chan_Shindou on
May-Chan_Shindouredrawsn ..god i used to have good length on arms n legs oh well*redraws in diff poses

HiEiChAnSaMa on July 9, 2004, 1:36:13 AM

HiEiChAnSaMa on
HiEiChAnSaMa*hands Hiei and umbrella* That's the best Hiei pic i've seen so far!! *FAVES*<br />
Hiei: Hn.. thanks...<br />
*smiles warmly*

Abunai_Himitsu on June 19, 2004, 12:52:46 PM

Abunai_Himitsu on
Abunai_HimitsuO.o;; I forgot I introduced Eve to your artwork! XD! Wow! Glad I'd be a shame if I didn't! Your art is awesome!

Szy on June 17, 2004, 3:54:47 AM

Szy on
SzyOOOOOOOOOOOO sooo cool!!!

yuyuyasha33 on May 7, 2004, 1:07:09 PM

yuyuyasha33 on
yuyuyasha33Gyad that's frickin' awesome...xD Drawing rain drives me crazy...maybe that's why I never do it...^_^

Kaikuu on April 22, 2004, 10:22:15 AM

Kaikuu on
Kaikuuu have the best Hiei pix around. *bows*

Crystal_YYH_Fan on April 10, 2004, 10:19:51 AM

Crystal_YYH_Fan on
Crystal_YYH_FanHow cute~.~

evenar_light_angel on April 6, 2004, 2:35:55 AM

evenar_light_angel on
evenar_light_angeli am a big fan of your work you do very well!!! i can't wait to see more!! abunai himitsu introduced me to your work and i absolutely adore it!!!

sally_the_ragdoll on March 19, 2004, 11:11:49 PM

sally_the_ragdoll on
sally_the_ragdolli luv hiei hes so cool

Kurin on March 19, 2004, 2:36:25 PM

Kurin on
Kurinaw ::drops down from the tree and huggles him:: ^^<br />

Kasumi-Takanashi on March 14, 2004, 12:52:14 AM

Kasumi-Takanashi on
Kasumi-TakanashiThis picture just makes me wanna hug Hiei. He's all alone in the rain. *hugs Hiei*

Hiei_obsessor on January 29, 2004, 9:21:17 AM

Hiei_obsessor on
Hiei_obsessorI love this pic it's really cool

CheshireGoddess on January 29, 2004, 8:21:26 AM

CheshireGoddess on i the only one commenting this @___@ anyways good pic i love the pen coloring ^0^ lol it looks like u colored to hard on hiei's crotch tho opps lol

Inasho_the_three_tailed_fox on December 25, 2003, 10:01:42 AM

Inasho_the_three_tailed_fox on
Inasho_the_three_tailed_foxoh if all of the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drop oh what a ra-*gets shot* I'M ALIVE! *gets shot again* aww mittens -.-

AnimeFreak2003 on December 23, 2003, 9:42:20 PM

AnimeFreak2003 on
AnimeFreak2003poor baby not that i care!

Keyasha_Haturo on December 22, 2003, 7:46:47 PM

Keyasha_Haturo on
Keyasha_Haturo*Gives hiei an unbrella*poor guy.You get better and better every day.For you people who LOVE Hiei go to and look up CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE and go to the bottom and you'll see YYH storys and you will most likely be reading fics a bout you kurama or HIEI!!look up Keyasha and I have a fanfic about you and Hiei.GREAT JOb ERIS!!

Mika_Kurama on December 14, 2003, 1:44:24 PM

Mika_Kurama on
Mika_KuramaLOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

KitsuneRW on December 3, 2003, 9:56:03 PM

KitsuneRW on
KitsuneRWHIEI! NECESITA UN IMPERMEABLE! YAY! I speak spanish! hehe, well not really, but oe likes to this so....Great pic!

Hieis_twin_Takouya on November 30, 2003, 7:29:56 PM

Hieis_twin_Takouya on
Hieis_twin_Takouyapoor hiei! *gets a blanket and runs to hiei* Very well drawn Eri! Can I call you just "Eri" ?

Gothsquirrel4 on October 19, 2003, 5:06:42 AM

Gothsquirrel4 on
Gothsquirrel4my poor baby!!!!!!!!!! :hugglez hiei: :pulls him under my coat:

sukitsune on September 25, 2003, 1:21:13 AM

sukitsune on

Akane_san on September 24, 2003, 2:36:05 AM

Akane_san on
Akane_sanHIEI SAMA SENSEI!!!!OHHH THIS IS SO COOL!!!HIEI SAMA IS MY IDOL!!!*cough* yes well don't hate me cuz i wanna be like himXD lol j/k, awesome pic^ ^

DarkAngel28 on September 24, 2003, 2:02:16 AM

DarkAngel28 on
DarkAngel28HIEI LOOKS SOOOOOOO KAWAII!!! AND I AGREE HE LOOKS HOT!!I WUV IT I THINK HIEI LOOKS SO GOOD THE WAY YOU DRAW HIM!! (oh god im rambling on and on I better stop before I get carried away...) /\_/\;;;;

Fairygirly on September 24, 2003, 2:00:34 AM

Fairygirly on
FairygirlyDANG! This is awesome! XD BEAUTIFUL! ^-^ I hope to see more from you soon! *realises she just added more pics* EEEE!!!!!!! *runs to go see the rest*

Dragon_of_darkness_girl on September 24, 2003, 1:27:35 AM

Dragon_of_darkness_girl on
Dragon_of_darkness_girlrain rain go away com a gen a neter day. Hey y isint it stoping? oh well love ur pic.

Duppy on September 24, 2003, 1:26:32 AM

Duppy on
DuppyWow that's really really good.