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Rare Truffles, A Pain in the @$$!

Rare Truffles, A Pain in the @$$!

Rare Truffles, A Pain in the @$$! by Escapee_From_Bedlam
Rare Truffles, A Pain in the @$$! by Escapee_From_Bedlam


To those who play KH, have you ever encountered one of these mushrooms? I?fll tell you they?fre real bastards, imagine having to smack one in the air 100 consecutive times in the air in order to get a Matsutake Rank! I can only reach five -_-; So this is the position I think Sora would have to be in order to finish that hectic task. Waaay high in the <br />
sky^_^<br />
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Done in Crayolas and Sharpies

General Info

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Characters (KH1)
Date Submitted
Views 6484
Favorites... 50
Vote Score 0
Comments 44
Media Unspecified
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Comments (44)

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theamazingladyshoe on December 2, 2006, 12:52:19 PM

theamazingladyshoe on
theamazingladyshoeThe truffle looks so cute though! ^^

juliesu_echidna on June 29, 2006, 11:06:21 PM

juliesu_echidna on
juliesu_echidnalol!! ^__^

Emily_the_Strange on April 20, 2006, 9:40:44 AM

Emily_the_Strange on
Emily_the_Strangecuuuuute ;)

mithos450 on April 13, 2006, 2:01:28 PM

mithos450 on
mithos450those mushrooms are plain hell. oo lets kill it using this key thing! *snatches his keyblade*
Sora: Hey, give it back!
Me: ha ha u r nuthin without a wepon!

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on March 16, 2006, 9:25:40 AM

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on
dont_ever_quote_Mark_TwainYESS!! THANK YOU!!! I hate those friking little things... they are so FRELLIN' ANNOYING!!!!

YukinaObbsessionist on February 20, 2006, 8:23:49 AM

YukinaObbsessionist on
YukinaObbsessionist*pic and artist to favez* Your screen name is awesome!!!!! This picture is amazing! Rare Truffles piss me off with their pickyness! This terrific! I luv it!!!!!!! Plez make more!!!!!!! *Tacklez/Hugglez* ~~~~~LUVZ~~~~~~~` P.S. KINGDOM HEARTS RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

googelybear on January 11, 2006, 9:46:24 PM

googelybear on
googelybearQHAHA! so funny! *favs*

Idream2b on December 7, 2005, 6:10:23 AM

Idream2b on
Idream2bOMG! I hate those! THEY DON'T DIE!!!!!!!! awsome pic btw

Anime_Flame_Fox on November 25, 2005, 11:49:48 AM

Anime_Flame_Fox on
Anime_Flame_FoxI love the expression on Sora's face!

weewoo on November 19, 2005, 12:15:14 PM

weewoo on
weewoopoor sora...he never gets a break from all that fighting. it makes my hands cramp! CRRRRAAAAMMMPPP!!!! i love the way you made him look. *sniff* so funny

Talim22 on June 30, 2005, 11:37:03 AM

Talim22 on
Talim22cool! so funny, too! good job!

Knuczema on June 3, 2005, 7:18:51 AM

Knuczema on
KnuczemaTHOSE MUSHROOMS ARE frackIN ANNOYING!! I like this pic!^_^

Soralover020 on December 31, 2004, 5:44:51 AM

Soralover020 on
Soralover020That is so true! How can something so cute be so evil!

chibi_demon on December 16, 2004, 3:06:50 PM

chibi_demon on
chibi_demonLOL my thoughts excatly! thoes truffles are cute, but damn!

yellowsnow on November 22, 2004, 4:18:48 PM

yellowsnow on
yellowsnowARRRGGG!I hate those things!I prefer the white mushrooms better^-^

Marik_and_Bakura_lover on October 7, 2004, 8:09:14 PM

Marik_and_Bakura_lover on
Marik_and_Bakura_loveri heard you cast Aero on yourself and it just bounds off you like oil and water...dunno if its true, never really tried it...

Sennia91 on July 25, 2004, 12:10:08 PM

Sennia91 on
Sennia91ah i dont even try... love sora's expression and the rare truffle is cute *faves*

anime_kitty on July 7, 2004, 10:42:38 AM

anime_kitty on
anime_kittyI hate those things, therefore this is a -fave-.

kai_the_hedgehog on June 26, 2004, 12:14:47 PM

kai_the_hedgehog on
kai_the_hedgehogheh, your right.... i always splat mine into the ground....

superme3 on June 6, 2004, 7:46:39 AM

superme3 on
superme3awesomely COOL!

Tinkybellrox on March 14, 2004, 1:44:14 AM

Tinkybellrox on
TinkybellroxNice! those stupid mushroom thingers are a pain in the arse! (especially trying to beat them when you are trying to get out of halloween town and the stupid herc cup cause i wanted the spell arts items)

savanna on February 22, 2004, 4:37:18 AM

savanna on
savannaWhich keyblade would that happen to be??? '_'

NightmareShinigami on January 25, 2004, 10:56:43 AM

NightmareShinigami on
NightmareShinigami*grumbles* stupid #$@!^*$ mushrooms..... I love the picture ^_^

Sk8erPunk on January 2, 2004, 9:36:42 PM

Sk8erPunk on
Sk8erPunkAwww that's cute! Sora's expression's priceless. And I know what you mean by those little mushroom bastards. When I was in Wonderland, I had to kill so many of those and they're so annoying! Kawaii pic!

HieisAngel on December 29, 2003, 7:32:15 PM

HieisAngel on
HieisAngellol funny yay sora

Sweetsorceress on December 14, 2003, 8:20:11 AM

Sweetsorceress on
SweetsorceressHAHAHAHAHAH LOL I love soras face hmmm yeah I know thoses mushrooms its so hard to keep them in the air I can only hit them one time then I went to the peter pan area and I was able to hit thoses mushrooms a hundred times because I could fly *sigh* ^-^ and its just like that I ended up being all the way up in the air

GawainesAngel on December 5, 2003, 10:28:09 PM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelI love the look on the Truffle's face... you know they love driving Sora insane XD

Lord_Inuyasha on November 12, 2003, 8:40:59 PM

Lord_Inuyasha on
Lord_InuyashaThats freakin hillarious lol I hated those things especially in halloween town when your under the bridge @@ great job ^-^

Silver_Jenni on November 10, 2003, 3:30:22 AM

Silver_Jenni on
Silver_JenniHa cute!! ^_^

Dangelton_Productions on November 9, 2003, 8:41:35 PM

Dangelton_Productions on
Dangelton_Productionsi loooooooooooove this! it's so good! crayons and sharpies rock! go crayons! lol. i luv this piccy^_^<br />
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The_Smallest_Demon on November 8, 2003, 4:13:03 AM

The_Smallest_Demon on
The_Smallest_DemonLOL! Oh so cute! ^0^ I gotta practice drawing Sora and such, methinks. The baggy pants are always such a pain though.. almost as bad as mushrooms.

The_Eternal_Chaos on October 24, 2003, 12:52:22 AM

The_Eternal_Chaos on
The_Eternal_ChaosI know what you mean, those mushrooms are so hard to hit a hundred times. I like the way you drew it. ^V^ Good job.

ozzyoz35 on October 12, 2003, 2:48:11 AM

ozzyoz35 on
ozzyoz35yes they are a pain in the @$$

WaterNeko_Goddess on September 21, 2003, 6:38:08 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_GoddessWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!! ::clicks artist and pic to fav::

grace91390 on September 14, 2003, 6:29:58 PM

grace91390 on
grace91390LOL...poor Sora ^^;;;

Shinigami-no-Kaze on August 20, 2003, 11:19:19 PM

Shinigami-no-Kaze on
Shinigami-no-Kazelol, very cute. sora's face is priceless

Kh-gurl on August 20, 2003, 6:03:39 PM

Kh-gurl on
Kh-gurllol i know.. i only got to 10.. ah well.. you know whats scary my brother did 100 3 times.. i watched... it freaked me out

PunkJunkie13 on August 19, 2003, 3:47:11 PM

PunkJunkie13 on
PunkJunkie13loving it! his face is funny! those damn things suck!! [mushrooms] i think i always hit mine across the room before i get to three..

Darkness_Rising on August 16, 2003, 8:22:51 PM

Darkness_Rising on
Darkness_RisingI played KH! Those things are the dog! Can I swear here? Oh well screw it...

Yusuke_SprtDtctv on August 3, 2003, 4:54:50 AM

Yusuke_SprtDtctv on
Yusuke_SprtDtctvrofl!!!!! Tis funny! ^__________________^ I love it!

DaniSm on August 3, 2003, 4:12:34 AM

DaniSm on
DaniSmLol! This is a cool pic! I know exactly what you mean with those buggerets ><. I don't even bother with 'em anymore.

SSJ-IceFire47 on August 3, 2003, 4:08:23 AM

SSJ-IceFire47 on
SSJ-IceFire47I dunno what that means (never played KH ^^;) but I Love Sora'z freaked/confuzed expression. Lmao!

layzcarter on August 3, 2003, 3:58:38 AM

layzcarter on
layzcarteri luv ur coloring :) the detail is nice.. and i know what ya mean bout the mushroom thingers :)