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The Wind (colored!!) ^_^

The Wind (colored!!) ^_^

The Wind (colored!!) ^_^ by EvilBunnySlippers
The Wind (colored!!) ^_^ by EvilBunnySlippers


WOOOOOO!!!! Bobbi let me color her wind pic!!! I loved it so much I asked her if I could and she let me!! yay!!! Thanks Fuzzy!!!..just to clarify, Fuzzypanda666(Bobbi) drew the line art...'The Wind'is copyright BOBBI!! And I colored it with colored pencil....then I made that cool nifty fadded back ground thingy in Adobe photo business addition...i was just experimenting lol...::what does THIS button do??::...anyway...please leave ur comments!! thanks!!! ^_____^

General Info

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Category Fantasy » Elementals » Air/Wind
Date Submitted
Views 2236
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 0
Comments 9
Media Unspecified
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Comments (9)

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sakura_aka_OOC on August 1, 2005, 1:07:29 AM

sakura_aka_OOC on
sakura_aka_OOCthats awsome!!! great job!

L7 on April 15, 2005, 1:49:01 PM

L7 on
L7Wow. Thats pretty cool.

mandy94t on April 15, 2005, 1:15:52 PM

mandy94t on
mandy94tpwetty! if i tried that my sister would murder me!!(not really) shes scary when shes mad

zefi on April 15, 2005, 1:04:44 PM

zefi on
zefiOMG!!! IT'S COLORZ ARE FANTASTIC!!!! u go girl

arentunakedyet on July 13, 2004, 2:35:59 PM

arentunakedyet on
arentunakedyetexactly opposite of what the person above me thinks....those colors are absolutely gorgeous!! i love the blue makeup stuff on her eyes!! very very nice. obviously your expertise is coloring.

WARRIOR_RIKKU on June 5, 2004, 9:12:57 PM

WARRIOR_RIKKUIts an awsome pic but<br />
sorry i dun like it beacuase of the colours..

FuZzYpAnDa666 on September 28, 2003, 7:42:18 PM

FuZzYpAnDa666 on
FuZzYpAnDa666o.0..i never commented...bad me bad! lol, sorry..godevilebunny..your da bom!lol! ;p..when you showed this pic colord..i almost droped dead. Your very good at coloring. Its like your a god or something..and alos in have a natural talent in drawing. Your very good. I love all your art and your pictures you take. Its all just so kool. I am totaly honerd that you colored my pic. If i colored would have looked like crap. Thanks agen for colorin it!

Fairygirly on August 21, 2003, 6:28:08 AM

Fairygirly on
FairygirlyOh wow! That's wonderful! The background for that pic is just amazing! ^^

ariel on July 31, 2003, 5:35:24 PM

ariel on
arielcool! good coloring nice job