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Short Handed (Request)

Short Handed (Request)

Short Handed (Request) by EvilDSage

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this is for yohmaru__sesshousmate

Lol you said draw Inu yasha and Sesshy


You know how sesshy doesn't have a ...arm...And he gets new ones?

What if he got a short one and he tried to grab the Tesiga from inuyasha but he couldnt reach it.....

lol yeah...its sad when you have to explain a picture to someone....


I take requests

NOTICE - Since I've been getting lazy, I might not do your request right away....But trust me...I will do it...maybe...

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series
Date Submitted
Views 3792
Favorites... 17
Vote Score 2
Comments 12
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (12)

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Yellow13 on June 20, 2006, 8:12:52 AM

Yellow13 on
Yellow13lol, way to make fun of his handicap

Kinshi on September 5, 2005, 8:21:37 AM

Kinshi on
Kinshihey can you draw me (Kinshi) and Sesshy sitting there one minuet then the next Sesshy's Kissing me? in the pic sesshy's got both his arms. Here are my featurs/clothes. I've got: a heart on my for-head, Floor length Black hair with natural Hot pink Lightning bolt shaped streaks, dog ears (Like Inu's exp. Black with natural Hot pink Lightning bolt shaped streaks), And Sesshomaru's markings (From his face: the purple stripes, eye shadow but black, and the stripes on his hands). I'm magical, elemental, and I can use the Inuyasha cast member's power's & weapons. My nickname will be: Lightning sword. (That’s what I was called when I was training in Japan at the Hiten Mitsurugi ryu dojo.) I’m a full-breed dog demon like Sesshy! By the way I keep my Doggy-ears pined down with a black ribbon, one more thing I’m a Goth when I wear my black corset and my black poofy pants!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE?????????????????????????

fluffy_fan_1 on August 14, 2005, 3:17:59 PM

fluffy_fan_1 on


Talassis on July 29, 2005, 12:59:43 AM

Talassis on
TalassisYou do request well if you've herd of beyblade can you draw me with Tala (my hair color is Brown with gold streeks) or with Koga

Inuyasha_is_da_light on June 29, 2005, 4:34:02 PM

Inuyasha_is_da_light on
Inuyasha_is_da_lighthahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is hilarious! you are hilarious! s'cuse me from my spelling

SesshoSama_Gurl on October 22, 2004, 12:39:24 PM

SesshoSama_Gurl on
SesshoSama_GurlOh, man! This is great! He finally killed Jaken and found a use for his arms...oh, you mean it's not Jaken...oops *crickets chirp*...umm...well, it's still funny. HAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!!

orange_head on August 2, 2004, 6:29:39 AM

orange_head on

EvilDSage on July 15, 2004, 6:02:38 AM

EvilDSage on
EvilDSageLol ok Yoh....OPPS!<br />
<br />
I didn't know how to spell it so I sounded it out haha

trueyamigirlfriend on July 15, 2004, 6:00:09 AM

trueyamigirlfriend on
trueyamigirlfriendCute. FYI, it's spelled Tetsusaiga.

Yohmaru___sesshousmate on July 15, 2004, 6:00:08 AM

Yohmaru___sesshousmate on
Yohmaru___sesshousmatethanx that's soo funny hey i'll try to send a pic of my character so you can draw her w/sessho or inu k?

EndlessAsgard on July 15, 2004, 5:49:56 AM

EndlessAsgard on
EndlessAsgardKick @$$! lol, sessy's dragon hand is a nice touch