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Lets Make Our Own Fire

Lets Make Our Own Fire

Lets Make Our Own Fire by Falconlobo
Lets Make Our Own Fire by Falconlobo


Lets make Our Own Fire
An Alternate middle and ending to episode 10 Perils of The Penelope Pitstop North Pole Peril

Hooded Claw Goes "Honest Fellow you can have all 1200 pounds of her just put me down"
To The Jealous real Abominable type male Big Foot Who intends to hurt him or worse for catching the attention of his girlfriend not by his choice of course but because he was wearing
a Abominable Snowman type Big foot costume.

he went "help help" as he knew he was in for it

Penelope went "Oh dear the Hooded Claw is in trouble."

and Yak Yak goes "heheehhehe and is he gonna get it."

Penelope Goes "Even though he may not deserve it i must save him." in reality she knew who he really was and did not wish any harm to her guardian Sylvester Sneekly plus she kind of liked him even though she knew he did not feel the same way about her

then as he was being thrown off of a cliff he goes "i should have known he'd put me down over 10,000 foot cliff."

Penelope and the Anthill Mob arrive speedily at the lower cliff below and see that the Claw is indeed in trouble and Penelope goes "Oh dear he's falling to fast and to far out to catch."

Pockets goes "a Bucket of water will fix that" he pulls one out all filled up and throws it out over the side of the cliff. it Freezes Penelope
goes "How clever a quick frozen bridge."
and Penelope goes out to catch him.

She catches him in her arms he is a bit surprised that she would save him but he goes "thanks Penelope" but before she can reply the frozen bridge breaks in half the Mobs half in tact their half falling to the river below.
The last thing they heard was "Blast" from the Claw and a slight scream from Penelope.

The Mob figured they would need extra help to find them hoping at least that Penelope survived but they knew if they had The Bully Brothers Muscle And their know-how they could hopefully find them and hopefully alive and both in one piece.

Meanwhile the ice fell into the river below making a hole big enough for them to fall into safely.

They knew they would have to work together to survive so they decided to put aside differences for now at least and pulled themselves out of the river and found a abandoned cave.

Luckily they
also found small bits of the now broken tree the Bully bros used to stop The Anthill Mob from saving Penelope but they still managed to save her anyway with an ice boat.

The tree's parts the wood and bark were now used to keep them warm via a fire in the cave.

Unfortunately their clothes were soaked the costume of his which concealed his normal outfit and cape and her clothes were too luckily their hats and undergarments and her gloves were quick drying.

but The Claw was a bit nervous seeing Penelope in her undergarments and him in just his bottoms made her a bit nervous as well though they tried not to show it.

The fire went out and claw goes "um the fire is out" and he was gonna put more wood on it

when Penelope went up to him sat in his lap put her arms around him with one leg up and one hand headed down his undies and she went to him "lets make our own fire"

he gulped and blushed Because she knew what she was saying to him in a

and maybe it was the only way for them to survive but that did not make it any less nervous for him since he was actually liking being this close to her and secretly he did like her.

He was going to tell her this but passion got the better of them she kissed him and that was all it took to get their fire started.
and luckily they found extra warmth in his cape which was now dry.

but it seemed to them they would not have needed it though it did help a bit to keep their fiery passionate lovemaking concealed from the wind.

After the winds died down and they were now back in their clothes but still huddled together under his cape for warmth and just to be near each other. he spoke first
"Penelope i have a confession to make well maybe more then one"

"I do too Claw but you first" as she smiled at him

he wondered how he could be
so lucky
not just having Penelope in his clutches in a way he thought he could never have had her But this was the first time he knew he could be honest with her.

he started "i know it seemed like i was only after your fortune at times but at the carnival i had inadvertently and intentionally partly unraveled my pants to give you a thread of a chance to save yourself.

in fact I've always given you extra time for a rescue by the anthill mob or a chance to safe yourself because I've been in love with you for a long time

and the money made me blind to fact for a bit but i knew it could never make me happy without you in my life. and also i should tell you who i really am."

"That is where i need to step in i always knew who you were Sly i just was not sure of your feelings for me but i have been in love with you as well yourself and your alter ego"

he went "I'm glad you feel like i do
too. they stood up to walk out of the cave and she was going to kiss him again when they were found by The anthill mob and the Bully Bros.

The Bully Bros went "Boss you're alive!" And the Anthill Mob went "and so is Penelope"

they asked how the Penelope and the Claw survived when they noticed they were blushing a bit they figured they did what they had to to survive but they didn't have to say anything their blushes said it all.

Penelope broke the silence and said "we called a truce and did what we had to to survive it changes nothing we will go back to the old ways the next time we meet"

The Claw 's face fell
had he just dreamed the afterwords maybe he did
she would never feel about him the same way he felt about her.

even though he felt as if his heart would break he saw her home to her room.

He turned to leave when he felt something pull him back into a kiss he thought what was going on?

his eyes widened as his face was now crimson and he had a very confused look on it.

Penelope broke off the kiss smiled and said "well i don't think our acquaintances/friends are ready for us as a couple"

His heart soaring again from her kiss and response he went
"i suppose you're right about that but what do we do about that?"

"well we could set up a number of more Perils ourselves and make sure their is a rescue or self save without their knowledge."

"Hehehehe Pretty sneaky of you Penny how many more Perils Then?"
she said how about 7 more which would bring the full total including the others to 17 Perils.

The Claw smiled and went "after that final Peril would you consider marrying a soon to be reformed villain?"

"I'd be glad to Sly she said removing his hat and mask and kissing him again.

One thing lead to another and soon the closeness and his nether region feeling
unbearably constricted he removed his clothes
and so did she and now they were making love but this time in a nice bed instead of a cave but thankfully for them it would not be the last time.

The End

Also an alternate story instead of an Awkward Moment for Claw
and partly alternate Story to Penelope's Secret is revealed beginning segment of it only the rest is the same along with waiting is The hardest part
colored pencils just a story to go with the pic

The thing he's holding is a log and it's next to the wood the paper ripped a bit near his undies so nothing is showing

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » - Hanna-Barbera Cartoons
Date Submitted
Views 784
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 5
Comments 19
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken over an hour and a half at least
Reference none


Comments (19)

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PeachyDreamy on March 14, 2011, 10:12:39 PM

PeachyDreamy on
PeachyDreamyWOWZA!! This picture is awesome!!! LOVE the story too! Hee hee hee! ;)

Falconlobo on March 15, 2011, 5:19:11 AM

Falconlobo on

AngelicKitten on December 17, 2010, 1:43:52 PM

AngelicKitten on
AngelicKittenHehe Nice ^_^

Falconlobo on December 17, 2010, 1:57:33 PM

Falconlobo on

AngelicKitten on December 17, 2010, 2:00:48 PM

AngelicKitten on
AngelicKittenYou're welcome ^_^

Falconlobo on December 17, 2010, 2:01:54 PM

Falconlobo on

WH2007 on December 12, 2010, 8:44:09 PM

WH2007 on
WH2007Nice story and picture :)

Falconlobo on December 13, 2010, 3:49:59 AM

Falconlobo on

CRwixey on December 9, 2010, 10:23:51 AM

CRwixey on
CRwixeyHeheh, hot. ^^

Falconlobo on December 9, 2010, 10:42:21 AM

Falconlobo on
FalconloboLOL thanks^^

Candycane9 on December 9, 2010, 9:45:02 AM

Candycane9 on
Candycane9That's very cute! :D Splendid work~

Falconlobo on December 9, 2010, 9:48:02 AM

Falconlobo on

alitta2 on December 9, 2010, 5:50:42 AM

alitta2 on
alitta2Wow, nice story and spicy pic. I like how HC keeps the cigar and is sweating meanwhile because of having done umm... I guess you know what^^

Falconlobo on December 9, 2010, 5:53:10 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobonope sweating cuse he's nervous of her closeness and directness6^ the story tells all^^

Falconlobo on December 9, 2010, 5:52:31 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobooh it's supposed to be a log^^ but thanks

thingy on December 7, 2010, 6:24:58 AM

thingy on
thingyawwz such a nice ending u have and a fun pic to make it even better

Falconlobo on December 7, 2010, 6:28:18 AM

Falconlobo on

Iamphotoshop on December 6, 2010, 12:19:26 AM

Iamphotoshop on
IamphotoshopLOL cute.

Falconlobo on December 6, 2010, 6:32:44 AM

Falconlobo on