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Honey What was In That soup From The Addams? Ms Paint

Honey What was In That soup From The Addams? Ms Paint

Honey What was In That soup From The Addams? Ms Paint by Falconlobo
Honey What was In That soup From The Addams? Ms Paint by Falconlobo


Honey What was In That soup From The Addams? Ms Paint

Norman says after getting dressed Honey What was In That

soup From The Addams? Normina goes Wolfsbane Why?

no reason then he starts to howl a bit aroo and goes huh?

looks like the soup he had had a side affect hopefully it will wear off this takes place before the first pic but i drew it after so it's a prequel but i am adding a slight not to erotic short story based on a dream i had taking place after both pics the erotic part is very short and kind of implied not gone into much so rating stays the same unless i need to change it so here we go

What was In That Soup

Werewolf Norman Normanmyer was on his way over to The Addams household when he started hacking and gagging and then he worffed up a hairball and it turned him back to normal but that still peeved him off.

He yelled "that's It That is the last straw I am going to give those creepy Addams a Piece of my mind and get them thrown out of Town.

then he went achoo aw darn I'm still sick but i can't quit now got to go through with it no matter what".

he knocked on the door no answer yet

He rang the door bell and it made an eery wolf howl which reminded him of what the soup did to him still no answer making him more angry he started yelling "where are ya Addams you need to come out and face the music before i get really mad!"

achoo "ohhh i don't feel so good" then he fainted from over exerting himself and being sick

The only one who was at home came to the door and found poor Norman passed out on the door step and dragged him inside.

when he awoke he found him self chained to some weird half bed with his feet chained apart but upright.

He noticed Only Morticia Addams around so he figured she was the only one here but could not be certain unless he asked.

"Um Mrs Adams what's going on here and where is the rest of your family?"

"Oh The boys along with Lurch and Thing are on a day trip fishing and they Took Wednesday + Granmama along and asked me if i wanted to go too
but i decided to watch over the house so i did not go.

By the way what are you doing out and still sick the Wolfsbane soup was supoosed to knock it out of you."

"It Knocked something out of me but before that it turned me into a werewolf why didn't you warn me of that side effect."

"You're so silly it was supposed to turn you into a werewolf and then getting rid of the hairball was supoosed to make you well i guess you were too sick for it to work."

This is getting me nowhere fast i wonder if i beg or ask Morticia will she let me go.

"Achoo darn now what do i do will you let me go and i can just sleep it off in my own bed?"

nope he thought

she said "I'm sorry but not yet there are a number of things i can do to help but the last resort i hope i can avoid."

he gulped and was wondering what he was in store for.

she stripped him of his clothes except his undies which he was thankful for but was still embarrassed and blushing some which Morticia mistook for a fever.

She said "oh dear i was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this but it looks like their is no choice i hope Gomez Won't mind oh well what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"What are you talking about?"

"there is only one Surefire cure for this sort of cold It's been in my side of the Family for years."

He was going to ask what the cure was when he felt his underwear being removed he gulped and then gasped as what was happening down there his now goofy expression and his yelling one could tell what was going on but he could not tell anyone about it no one would believe him anyway.

After that Morticia got him down from his suspension and he got dressed went home and after a cold shower he got into his pj's and went into his bed.

he knew what happened would never happen again and it was the first time for him at least he knew his wife would never have done that to him.

oh well he knew he needed to keep silent about it to keep his cool around his wife if she had questions.

"Norman honey what took you so long today did you give the Addams a piece of your mind?"
"Oh i got captured and strung up for a bit but I'm not sick or a werewolf anymore so yeh they came around"

"oh goodness weren't you scared of being there for so long and strung up like that.?

"Oh nothing i couldn't handle honeybun I'm a real man after all"

"oh that's good I'm so proud of you for standing up to them goodnight Norman"

"Goodnight Tish"

"hmm what was that hon?"
"huh oh nothing hunny i need a tissue in case i sneeze again tonight was sneezing a lot today better safe then sorry right?"

"i guess so"

"okay then good night Normina"

Norm Thought that was a close one almost blew it but not like before he chuckled silently and went to bed.

The End.

General Info

General Info

Category Television » The Addams Family
Date Submitted
Views 558
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 2
Comments 13
Media MS Paint
Time Taken 55 Minutes Or More Or Less? I Forget
Reference none


Comments (13)

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thingy on October 18, 2012, 3:58:43 PM

thingy on
thingysoup makes me wanna go to bed but with less drama :P lovly pic

Falconlobo on October 18, 2012, 4:03:36 PM

Falconlobo on

AngelicKitten on October 16, 2012, 10:20:05 AM

AngelicKitten on
AngelicKittenIf he sneezed again he might turn into a werewolf again LOL

Falconlobo on October 16, 2012, 10:22:17 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobomaybe^^ in his sleep

AngelicKitten on October 16, 2012, 10:24:50 AM

AngelicKitten on
AngelicKittenYeah LOL

Falconlobo on October 16, 2012, 10:56:52 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboachoo arrooo

AngelicKitten on October 16, 2012, 2:28:52 PM

AngelicKitten on

alitta2 on October 12, 2012, 8:43:01 AM

alitta2 on
alitta2Nice story and pic^^ It would be cool if Norman turns into a werewolf again in the bed while Normina is still asleep.

alitta2 on October 12, 2012, 8:44:32 AM

alitta2 on
alitta2That'd be cool! Uhh..huh...huhh (nowadays I watch too many B&BH, they air a whole marathon on fridays on the Hungarian MTV ^^)

Falconlobo on October 12, 2012, 8:45:17 AM

Falconlobo on

alitta2 on October 12, 2012, 8:47:39 AM

alitta2 on
alitta2I watch it this moment I write this XD

Falconlobo on October 12, 2012, 8:52:30 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboheheh i'm watching Addams Family on Boomerang 1992 cartoon

Falconlobo on October 12, 2012, 8:44:11 AM

Falconlobo on
FalconlobolOl maybe6^