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Drugs Mess You Up!

Drugs Mess You Up!

Drugs Mess You Up! by FallenAngel0792
Drugs Mess You Up! by FallenAngel0792


LOL Here kids, listen to the message! Drugs make you do stupid @$$ things and they make you forget what is happening around you! Plus they kill tons and tons of brain cells making you stupid in school... and they are against the law. Don't be a fool, stay in school and don't screw your life over with drugs! As teenagers we will be tempted to try them (peer presure!) But before you do, think of the consiquences (sp?) and think of the situation you are in and how things may turn out.

General Info

General Info

Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog
Date Submitted
Views 2074
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 6
Comments 23
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken about 2 hours
Reference none


Comments (23)

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BixbyTheGoat on January 27, 2025, 9:52:06 AM

BixbyTheGoat on

Teros on January 5, 2008, 6:11:29 AM

Teros on
TerosYum yum, tastes like dirt (50 points to whoever can get the reference, 100 points for getting the exact scene and episode)

ShadowMoondancer92 on July 2, 2007, 4:15:58 PM

ShadowMoondancer92 on
ShadowMoondancer92that is sooooo true dont do drugs stay in school and if you do drugs because of stress you are weak willed and very stupid for killing yourself FallenAngel thanks you are so right

acidlacedlove on March 5, 2007, 1:49:58 AM

acidlacedlove on love this pic babe<3

kenchan on March 3, 2007, 1:22:20 PM

kenchan on
kenchanI like that part in Forever yours.^^ Sonic looks for shadow and when they get home Ooh ^//-\\^ Read the whole story and find out. 

ali32 on January 20, 2007, 12:16:55 PM

ali32 on
ali32Funny And True. If You Try Drugs It Will Effect Your Thinking And Make You Wan't MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE!
When They Sell Drugs There Costumers Die And They Get Away With It.. Funny Still!!!

sorakairi on December 31, 2006, 10:36:16 AM

sorakairi on
sorakairiLMAO yep yep yep dats right! ^^ listen homie right now I'm in Florida but I'll be home tommorow! ttyl!

Yeshi9909 on December 22, 2006, 3:52:14 AM

Yeshi9909 on
Yeshi9909XD Nice job! Nice message!!! Awsome job!!

InvaderEztheGothic on December 21, 2006, 12:51:48 AM

InvaderEztheGothic on
InvaderEztheGothic*favz* Funneh! BUT SO TRUE!!!!!!!! Listen to her, ppl! She speaks the truth!!!

xXxGOTHIKshadowXxX on December 19, 2006, 2:20:14 PM

xXxGOTHIKshadowXxX on
xXxGOTHIKshadowXxXhave this pic hanging on my damn waaaaaaaaaaalllll!!! OH shoot THE WALLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSZZSSS!1 THERE MEEEELLLLLLTIIING!!!!!111!!one!!1!

Acid Is Great!!!!!1!11!one!11!

seriously this picture is hanging on my wall as we umm...type? great job

you get a good vote

FallenAngel0792 on December 19, 2006, 11:44:32 PM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792LMAO thats fracking awesome, thanks!

jcyugi on December 19, 2006, 7:57:53 AM

jcyugi on

SonicDX1995 on December 18, 2006, 6:18:11 PM

SonicDX1995 on
SonicDX1995yep I hated drugs ever scince I was borne I hold a washrag to my face(sometimes my ears get in the way)when my mom smokes nice pic.shadow shouldent have done that *still love him and sonic*
anti recolors suck hehehe

dddarkdragon on December 15, 2006, 10:51:52 PM

dddarkdragon on
dddarkdragonI agree drugs are just wrong never try them but still.

DemonTheifQueen on December 14, 2006, 5:47:18 AM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueenhugs not drugs!! :D

xXxGOTHIKshadowXxX on December 12, 2006, 4:39:28 AM

xXxGOTHIKshadowXxX on
xXxGOTHIKshadowXxXhahaha just like me...what was he on? looks like acid.

FallenAngel0792 on December 12, 2006, 10:45:12 AM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792Actually, that is the drug he takes in the story... haha it makes everything a cartoon! Well, you know what I mean lol

DragonGirl1136 on December 12, 2006, 10:32:56 AM

DragonGirl1136 on

ageshero on December 11, 2006, 1:22:28 PM

ageshero on
agesheroi believe you were on drugs since you first picture.

FallenAngel0792 on December 12, 2006, 7:38:18 AM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792Possibly, it seems to me like you could use some anit-depressants!

Karannah on December 11, 2006, 9:17:17 AM

Karannah on
Karannahlol! *favs* good pic

espiofangirl1 on December 11, 2006, 8:08:40 AM

espiofangirl1 on
espiofangirl1XD lol Rofl!!!!! That made me laugh so hard!!!!!
I totally agree; that is a very good message to get across.

SomekindofFreak on December 11, 2006, 7:47:45 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakLOOL! XDDD poor Shadow! haha! and Sonic! XDDD hehe! Sonic was a piece of candy...XP the backround is really cool in Shadow's high world XD