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WITCH/RO crossover: Cornelia aka Hunter

WITCH/RO crossover: Cornelia aka Hunter

WITCH/RO crossover: Cornelia aka Hunter by FleurDeLaLune
WITCH/RO crossover: Cornelia aka Hunter by FleurDeLaLune


This is a picture of Cornelia from WITCH as a hunter from Ragnarok Online game for my future crossover, which I'm gonna post on fanfiction this year. The fic is going to be written in cooperation with my great pal Infanta (she's also here on FAC) and we both decided to do different variants of costumes for the WITCH girls. I designed Cornelia's outfit myself and didn't use any reference when I drew this, so this might not be my best pic, but I'm proud of it. Please, leave your comments, I really wanna know your opinion!
P.S. I'll post the pictures of other girls soon. They are all without faces, cause I'm not really good at drawing non-anime faces and I mostly concentrate on the outfits in these pictures.

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » W.i.t.c.h. » The Guardians
Date Submitted
Views 1925
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 2
Comments 11
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (11)

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AvatarFanZukoFanTOO on October 23, 2008, 5:48:42 PM

AvatarFanZukoFanTOO on
I can't remember where she's from though...

FleurDeLaLune on October 24, 2008, 12:06:05 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneWell, Cornelia is from a cartoon series called WITCH and the original picture is the idea for a crossover with Ragnarok Online I'm writing. You can read it on if you're ineterested.
Also, you'd better take a peek at this one, I like it better:

AvatarFanZukoFanTOO on October 24, 2008, 9:08:06 AM

AvatarFanZukoFanTOO on

hayly125 on September 19, 2007, 1:33:15 AM

hayly125 on
hayly125shes so cool!!! ^-^

FleurDeLaLune on September 19, 2007, 5:14:55 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneThanks a lot! I'm not really satisfied how it turned out and I might correct the proportions a little later but anyway glad you like it!

KionaKina on September 2, 2007, 3:40:15 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaThat's so cool, totally Cornelia

FleurDeLaLune on September 2, 2007, 8:29:22 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneThanks a lot! Glad you like it! Sorry i haven't drawn the face)

FleurDeLaLune on September 1, 2007, 4:11:28 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneThanks, Corny's also my fave! And I think the profession of a hunter matches her strong personality)

Infanta on September 2, 2007, 1:38:54 AM

Infanta on
InfantaLike the design and hair,they look so soft!Nice work at all-)
по русски напишу то,что не разглядела при первом просмотре,и что не оч понравилось.немного непропорционален бюст,словно отстает от тела,наверное надо нарисовать каплю повыше и поменьше,но не сильно,опять же,благо карандаш. и ложбинку обозначить слабой галочкой-)
ещё я заметила нож,он хантам не нужен.меченосец у неё калеб,и лучше добавь колчан на спине-)

FleurDeLaLune on September 2, 2007, 8:28:48 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneThanks! glad you comment my oucs! Also love your variant of clothing for our grand-project!))
And I didn't get what you wrote in Russian. I think this danmed fanart doesn't percieve Russian symbols anymore((

Californiagirl on September 1, 2007, 2:45:43 PM

Californiagirl on
CaliforniagirlCornelia is my favorite character, and I love how you drew her!