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in memory of kooki: for Sliver_Flame

in memory of kooki: for Sliver_Flame

in memory of kooki: for Sliver_Flame by Fluffybunny
in memory of kooki: for Sliver_Flame by Fluffybunny


im really sorry about kooki... it really was a is something to remember her by, so that you think of the good times rather than the sadness... im really sorry my friend....

General Info

General Info

Category Furry » Animal art (Non-anthro)
Date Submitted
Views 1581
Favorites... 7
Vote Score 0
Comments 11
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (11)

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redtail on September 20, 2008, 8:59:55 AM

redtail on
redtailwow thats a great pic. sorry about your hamster:( i had a hamster once and i had a big test the next day so i needed sleep and they were running on theyre wheel i told them to be quiet nicely but they kept running on their wheel so after 2 hours i got really mad and told them to shutup and when i woke up they were dead:(

Bisutoboto16 on August 20, 2006, 7:40:32 AM

Bisutoboto16 on
Bisutoboto16i know that feeling... Hiroshi waw my lil hammiester, he was so calm and patient - the only satin hamster i've ever owned ;o;
anyway cute pic and hope kooki is 'membed foreva!

vanilla_cream_girl on June 25, 2006, 6:43:12 PM

vanilla_cream_girl on
vanilla_cream_girlAwww, it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!! And I'm really sorry Silver_flame... I know how it feels to lose a loved pet... I cried for weeks! *Sniff* Very nice pic! *Sniff* *Favs*

heylorlass on June 16, 2006, 5:44:03 AM

heylorlass on
heylorlassAww. Poor My hamster - Hammy died about a year ago too. But he was 4 and had a good long life!

meilin on May 6, 2006, 8:29:59 PM

meilin on
meilinAww kooki =[ this pic is amazing! the colouring and everything just rox! aww kooki woz a mint lil hammy =[ gr8 pic btw=]

Pyra_Flare on April 21, 2006, 12:57:09 PM

Pyra_Flare on
Pyra_FlareThat's a really pretty hamster. I'm really sorry, Silver_Flame.
This pic looks amazing. The shading and the eyes, and just everything looks so incredibly real...

mystic_girl on April 5, 2006, 6:51:54 PM

mystic_girl on

It looks like my hamster.. Im really sorry for you silver_flame :(

Anurama on March 28, 2006, 10:29:00 PM

Anurama on
AnuramaAwww! Sho cute! *favs* friendly eyes!

triceratops on March 26, 2006, 1:58:30 AM

triceratops on
triceratopshey, Silver flame... sorry bout your pet.. ='(

anyway, this is beautiful. i'm gonna get a hamster one of these days...

Silver_flame on March 26, 2006, 1:10:23 AM

Silver_flame on
Silver_flameFluffyB, i can't, words can't express how much this means to me. Seriously, I'm crying right now because its such a powerful pic. You drew her so well, it looks just like her and you really brought out her inner beauty, as well as her outer beauty too. Its really beautiful. *huggs you* thankyou very very much FluffyBunny and i'm so happy that you would take the time to think of me and draw this for me. it was so nice of you. Again, thankyou so so much it is really appriciated. You're the greatest ever, really. *cuddles you*
faves forever
R.I.P Kooki

VegetaVixen22 on March 25, 2006, 4:52:36 AM

VegetaVixen22 on
VegetaVixen22AWW SOOOO SWEET, I lost a hamster to not long back! I miss him too! this is a really nice pic!