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Candy Demon: Holiday Sugar

Candy Demon: Holiday Sugar

Candy Demon: Holiday Sugar by Forestdahedgehog
Candy Demon: Holiday Sugar by Forestdahedgehog


Lol. Well, I really love how this came out, except the empty negative space as usual back ground....I wish I could do simple but cool ones T3T
Any ways, I made him up recently, as a Halloween pic, but then I found this roleplay and kinda decided that he is like a Holiday/Seasonal chaning RP Charrie, lol. Here is the info on him from the rp. Its just simple stuff xD

Character Name:His name is ~Holiday Sugar~
Age: He is currently ~18~
Breed: He is a special kind of demon. He is a ~Candy Demon~
Appearance:Got any of those sugary treats?
Personality: Holiday is creative,child-like, and always ready for candy. He loves all holidays, although he loves Halloween the most with a fiery and sweet passion, not just for candy, but for the scares. If there is only two things that keeps him alive is, most important, candy and terror. Those things he literally lives off of. Literally. And mabey, possibly obviously, you can probably guess his least favorite majoir holiday. No, not Valentines day or Easter, but Christmas. "All the stuff you get under the tree is nothing scary or sweet most of the time. Why can't they think about the children? Im pretty sure kids don't want socks for Halloween, so why do it at Christmas?" Although Holiday majors in candy, he couldnt really scare any one to possibly save himself, although he enjoys watching scares and does do great eerie music on his violin. He is also very dis-organized with other things, very supersticous, but out-going,sharp, and positive twoards All Hallow's Eve.

Bio: Holiday claims that he was born from candy on the ever first Halloween, which is probably true, yet probably not. Although he might not look like a demon, dont ever judge a book by its cover. Take another look. He has vampire teeth made from candy corn, and blood made from a liquidy, sugary substance. His eye color changes from his mood and sometimes from the candy he eats. He has the talonish nails of a cat, and the designs on his face aren't tattoos, although not even he knows how or where they came from. He helps provide candy for alot of the holidays, especially Halloween. He does enjoy making his candy from anything, wether it be from sugar and food coloring, to frog eyes and bat brains, and even disposed humans, which is really rare to come by. His violin is made from the bone of humans, as well as the bow, and it makes a great weapon and musical instrument and talking companion. Yes, Holiday does talk to inanimate objects, but he always claims that his violin speaks back, although no one really believes him. But all in all, Holiday Sugar((And how Ironic his name is)) is a spooktastic and strange Halloweenist.

Weapon: His staff like violin bow, and his so claimed indestructable violin.

Special Abilities: Holiday can pull tons and tons amounts of candy from his hat that never seems to end. His music can soothe and even corrupt mosts beasts and can take anything from his surroundings and make it into some form of candy, although some things people and monsters would really wish he wouldnt use......

Other Info: Holiday is 'alergic' to non-candy foods. Weird, no? He can not eat anything outside the candy 'species' or otherwise he will become bloated and float up into the sky until he is stuffed with loads of treats and then expload(in a good but very bloody,guts flying everywhere way), or he has a heart attack, goes into acoma and has an out of body experiance that can either last an hour or a week.

Any questions?Just ask.
Comments and faves LOVED. I recently have lost alot of my veiwfull fans...Heartbreaking.....-tear- It really hurts me to see that the most comments I have got on my pic was of Forest, and she got about...5 or 6....Sad,really. Tell your friends or something xD
Ill take some HELPFUL feedback and critques,now I guess..
VIOLINS ARE FRIGGIN HARD O3O -Cry- But it was still fun. Working on designs and stuff, thats why he's kinda plain,though....:/
0Oh wel, Enjoy x3 Its not like you read all this anyways. If you actually did, then please put the word"banana muffin"
somewhere, just to see if you actually read this. I know its long, but you really dont have to read his info, even though it is kinda cool! x3

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Anime Fantasy
Date Submitted
Views 1390
Favorites... 12
Vote Score 6
Comments 15
Media MS Paint
Time Taken


Comments (15)

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QueenPaige on December 24, 2009, 2:09:29 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeIt's so colorful!! I love it!!

Forestdahedgehog on December 24, 2009, 5:31:15 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
Forestdahedgehog:D Thanks x3 I luff colors, haha xD

darkkimmimaro on November 29, 2009, 7:43:42 AM

darkkimmimaro on
darkkimmimaroomg i love this your like the best ttyl

Forestdahedgehog on November 30, 2009, 5:30:24 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
Forestdahedgehoglol xD Thaaaaannnkkkssss!!!

TheSpeedKing on October 31, 2009, 10:50:11 AM

TheSpeedKing on
TheSpeedKingWhoa the color the shading the awesomness words can't describe how brillant this pic is. :3 Another fantastic job Forest

Forestdahedgehog on October 31, 2009, 8:59:53 PM

Forestdahedgehog on
ForestdahedgehogDomo Arigato Mr. Robot-is shot-

I mean. Thank you very much Speed :D You comments are very motivating and loved x3 I hope motivating was the right word xD Thank-you!

Cyanide on October 20, 2009, 11:11:20 AM

Cyanide on
CyanideAhhh, colours!<3 I love this!

Forestdahedgehog on October 21, 2009, 7:30:05 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
ForestdahedgehogThanks xD

Falconlobo on October 13, 2009, 1:18:26 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobolooks really cool nice violin outfit hair and colors

great job on this^^

Forestdahedgehog on October 14, 2009, 7:23:39 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
Forestdahedgehog:D Thanks x3

The violin is a nightmare to do .3.

Falconlobo on October 14, 2009, 10:01:31 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboi can't draw any instruments^^

Forestdahedgehog on October 15, 2009, 10:57:57 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
ForestdahedgehogAw, dont say that. You can accomplish many things! I said the same things, then I tried, got frustrated and took a nap, but yeah.. I DID IT XD You can too x3

Falconlobo on October 15, 2009, 3:50:36 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobonaw i'm not good with inanimate objects^^

ShadzGirl on October 14, 2009, 12:48:02 AM

ShadzGirl on
ShadzGirlSo friggin' colorful~<3
He looks great:3
....He is sugar monsterXD

Forestdahedgehog on October 14, 2009, 7:24:27 AM

Forestdahedgehog on
ForestdahedgehogLol.Yes he be sugary demoness >w>
Thanks xD