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*Don't Try To Change It*

*Don't Try To Change It*

*Don't Try To Change It* by GalaxyDancer
*Don't Try To Change It* by GalaxyDancer


"Look closely in the center of each picture. Oh, and full-viewing would make it easier. You can see the details."<br />
<br />
A picture that makes a point. Woohoo. I've been in such a bad mood lately for some reason. Well, if you don't get it . . .<br />
It means you really shouldn't draw mortal enemies all kissy-faced at each other. It's just wrong. But I'm not TELLING you that's what you HAVE to do . . . I'm just saying that's my opinion - mine and half of Earth's population's. If you're part of the other half, I suggest you just leave without a word.<br />
<br />
The majority of this, believe it or not, was done with MS Paint. Only a very few things (Dib's skintone while inside the pod, the shadows and lighting on the wall and floor) were made with the help of Open Canvas. That's probably why the backgrounds suck. Oh, and this picture could also be a wallpaper! ^_^

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » Invader Zim
Date Submitted
Views 5763
Favorites... 48
Vote Score 7
Comments 49
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (49)

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_ren_tao_fan_ on January 24, 2013, 5:12:19 PM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_This... this is spectacular. I can't even say anything else. My brain is skittering across the floor in delight.

The_Haunted on August 7, 2011, 12:49:30 AM

The_Haunted on
The_HauntedKick @$$ concept man. Faves

Lilbug121 on January 9, 2011, 12:20:26 AM

Lilbug121 on
Lilbug121Wait. In the picture of Nny, is that just some guy he needed for his blood wall, or is that a specific person?

lolcats4tehwin on December 10, 2008, 5:12:59 AM

lolcats4tehwin on
lolcats4tehwini like it both ways every way people makes fanart makes me happy cuz i find something good about every thing i look at lol please dont hate me

JuggaloBoy on July 16, 2008, 7:51:29 AM

JuggaloBoy on
JuggaloBoyvery nice

DuelestMaxine on March 30, 2008, 2:05:45 PM

DuelestMaxine on
DuelestMaxineI know what you mean!

Serena_the_Hikari_of_Love on March 29, 2008, 3:10:02 PM

Serena_the_Hikari_of_Love on
Serena_the_Hikari_of_LoveAwesome picture! ^^ I <3 it. x3 Poor Dib.....NNY looks cute. ^^

amelia on January 4, 2008, 4:19:45 AM

amelia on
ameliaUriko: Yeah, I like Invader ZIM just the way it is. ^-^

Graceful8Vampire8Godess8 on November 20, 2007, 10:27:06 PM

Graceful8Vampire8Godess8 on
Graceful8Vampire8Godess8GAAHHH I <3 IT (Poor dib tho lol) This is so awesome and nny looks so cute/hot :P

miss_jelly on November 3, 2007, 12:28:01 AM

miss_jelly on
miss_jellyShwaa! 'Tis Mmy! Cripes, I haven't seen that bloke in ages!

Bladez636 on July 19, 2007, 7:56:02 AM

Bladez636 on
Bladez636This is Awesome I Vote thumbs up on it

TwilightsBane on June 20, 2007, 10:08:47 AM

TwilightsBane on
TwilightsBanetoo true

DragonDragon112 on March 28, 2007, 6:09:12 AM

DragonDragon112 on
DragonDragon112Awww poor Dib, oh well Im sure hell find a way out like he always does ^^
Great pic BTW =D

InvaderDIV on February 19, 2007, 3:51:17 PM

InvaderDIV on
InvaderDIVI liked Jimmy...oh well, hes good dead to!

InvaderDIV on February 10, 2007, 6:44:57 AM

InvaderDIV on
InvaderDIVI just bought the whole JTHM series on ebay.  It hasn't come yet so I don't know who Jimmy is.  But I'm sure he died for a good reason. Besides that, I like the picture, and it's good that Zim isn't in the tube thingy...for once.

OrangeFunk on January 26, 2007, 3:56:33 AM

OrangeFunk on
OrangeFunkEven though I like the picture, I really don't agree with you. Usually the characters are paired for the FACT they are enemies, which is what makes it a fasination. It also plays with the term, "Know Thy Enemy", which is obviously kinda... THERE in the whole Dib/Zim thing. But, usually, people create the pairing out of the fact that even people who totally hate eachother can be good friends, and [if you prefer yaoi and that junk], good lover. :]

The picture is really good though, and I like the check pointy things in the background. >D

DuelestMaxine on January 23, 2007, 9:21:55 AM

DuelestMaxine on
DuelestMaxineYeah I agree!! Enemies should never EVER!!!Be paired together like that. It's both stupid and disgusting.Same thing goes with two best friends who are both boys or girls.

laurelrokz on November 6, 2006, 11:45:01 PM

laurelrokz on
laurelrokzThis Is My Homie.......

adam516510 on October 7, 2006, 4:14:08 PM

adam516510 on
adam516510soooo coooooooooooooooool

AleeVonSpookee on October 4, 2006, 2:00:56 PM

AleeVonSpookee on

INVADERGAVIN on July 21, 2006, 4:14:44 AM

INVADERGAVINlol good pic fare well dib

sargewolf on June 10, 2006, 3:43:05 PM

sargewolf on
sargewolfhaahah this pic makes me unusually happy.... o! I know why! Dib is in the Hushed Casket!!!! (and dead Jimmy is good too...)

Dont_Fear_The_Reaper on May 4, 2006, 6:16:51 AM

Dont_Fear_The_Reaper on
Dont_Fear_The_Reaper*sniff* Dib didnt deserve to go into cryogenic stasis! Jimmy deserved to be stabbed int he face though...

DarkMouseyFreak on April 17, 2006, 9:42:09 AM

DarkMouseyFreak on
DarkMouseyFreakI LOVE THIS PIC!!!!!!! I was at my grandmas last week for spring brake and we went to the mall and I went to Hot Topic and I found 4 DIFFRENT comics of JTHM!!!!!!!!!!! I asked my dad if I could get it but he sayed no!!!..... I dont blame him i'm only 10 yrs old........BUT I DONT GIVE A DARN!!!!!!!! Then the next time i went to Hot Topic THERE WAS A NEW ONE!!!!!! THERE TANTING ME DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! THERE TANTING MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! yes i know im insane but i really whant them so bad and my dad sayes i have to whait till i'm older...I know i should but i whant them so bad!!!!!!!!! enyway........ GRAIT PIC! FAVS

Hobz_the_destroyer on March 19, 2006, 1:23:43 PM

Hobz_the_destroyer on
Hobz_the_destroyeroh its perfect!! good meaning, good drawing, realistic, you stuck to the jhonen style, A+!!! (note, it is extreeeemly rare that i give an A+, you should be lucky enough to receive a C-)

RaexBB_72sol on March 17, 2006, 7:32:06 AM

RaexBB_72sol on

RaexBB_72sol on March 17, 2006, 7:31:56 AM

RaexBB_72sol on

KatChanSan on February 20, 2006, 7:32:12 AM

KatChanSan on
KatChanSan I saw this on DA xD. So yeah, commented there.. Jimmy's annoying... *fianally read the last book*

GalaxyDancer on February 7, 2006, 5:18:01 AM

GalaxyDancer on
GalaxyDancerHe's from issue 7 and his name is Jimmy - he's basically Nny's copycat.

Teehee111 on January 28, 2006, 3:57:11 AM

Teehee111 on
Teehee111I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Sorry, but who's the guy knifed to Nny's wall? I only have Issue 3 and my friends, who have all issues from 1-7, won't let my borrow any... =(

weewoo on December 29, 2005, 1:48:48 PM

weewoo on
weewoothats cool! its great how you did this picture!! favs! just like all your other work! :D

love_2_write_stuff on December 26, 2005, 11:44:27 AM

love_2_write_stuff on
love_2_write_stuffIf the dead guy didn't scare me so much I'd have it as my computer backround. I love Zim and Nny soooo much! great picture! *favs and saves*

kogasgirl978 on December 18, 2005, 7:43:36 AM

kogasgirl978 on
kogasgirl978favs times a million

Walrus101 on November 12, 2005, 12:26:41 AM

Walrus101 on
Walrus101i like your art your great at this!!!!

Invader_Dawn on October 21, 2005, 5:20:28 AM

Invader_Dawn on
Invader_DawnThis picture is awesome! It's sad but VERY COOL! Zim looks agrivated and disturbed. lol. Poor Zimmy.. Great pic tho! *thumbs up*

DracoLuvur1 on October 9, 2005, 9:10:11 PM

DracoLuvur1 on
DracoLuvur1excellent work!!! i especially like the way you did Nny in this pic. poor Dib... *favs*

Elen on September 26, 2005, 4:23:02 PM

Elen on
Elenoh, nice indeedie! hehe...ehem...

Renzophil on September 13, 2005, 1:33:53 PM

Renzophil on
RenzophilI hate Nny and Zim...mostly because my (now greatfully) ex-gf drove me nuts with it. (Its my opinion, I can hate them if I want to) But I love this picture. I get the message perfectly.

And you did all of this in MSPaint? You simply must tell me how, Please, if you could draw like a miniature pic like this and show me all the steps you took? Plz? This is trully a masterful MSPaint Masterpiece. As I am a fellow MSPaint jocky I'd know ^.^

I love this picture. Very colorful.

BlackTop_Demon on September 9, 2005, 8:43:52 AM

BlackTop_Demon on
BlackTop_DemonI think it's too big to be a wall paper. this is going to my faves though. SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! i mean DUDE!!! ... wow. i love it to no end. YOu give meh someone to look up to now. ... wow. i like how nny's side tunred out. him and his little paddle ball. Rock on.

miss_jelly on August 29, 2005, 12:37:37 PM

miss_jelly on
miss_jellyWAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGH!!! I'm a fan of those pairings!!!!!!T.T *cries* But dear god!!! You are too good...*bows* teach me your ways, sensei!!

Invader_Mira on August 22, 2005, 3:26:26 AM

Invader_Mira on
Invader_MiraNOOO Dibby you must escape!!plz?
yuppers awsome pic though..

vegetablelover on August 15, 2005, 8:06:20 AM

vegetablelover on
vegetablelovertotally true!this pic is so cool!

toxic_dreamer on August 13, 2005, 4:47:09 PM

toxic_dreamer on
toxic_dreamerwow.....this is so good it scares'm speechless let i continue to type......*stunned* detailed...poor dib though....not that zim looks to WOW....FAVS>>>>>>aAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

dragonclaw on July 31, 2005, 8:18:53 AM

dragonclaw on
dragonclaw'Tis Nifty, Is It Not?? XD Yep.
What IS up with that checkmark?Story to it? Anyways, I DID use it as a wallpaper, And it looks cool. Very Dark. Me likes.

zamnza on July 30, 2005, 6:09:18 AM

zamnza on
zamnzaAwsome picture!

ardamess on July 28, 2005, 9:37:00 PM

ardamess on
ardamessVery Cool I Like How Johnny Looks

Invader_Ali on July 28, 2005, 1:12:29 PM

Invader_Ali on
Invader_AliWow. That's really all i can say. It's a really god pic.

Demonic_Sora on July 28, 2005, 9:00:00 AM

Demonic_Sora on
Demonic_Soravery awesome! I think thats funny with johnny and the paddleball, You said to look closely! I see a check mark!..or maybe its a clock...Im gonna go with checkmark. Tis very awesome though