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Kurama Blood

Kurama Blood

Kurama Blood by HerFrozenVeins
Kurama Blood by HerFrozenVeins



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Category Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Youko Kurama
Date Submitted
Views 3539
Favorites... 18
Vote Score 0
Comments 41
Media Unspecified
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Comments (41)

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Andrea on April 1, 2006, 2:07:45 AM

Andrea on
AndreaThis one's really well done.

queen_of_foxxes on December 19, 2005, 10:47:26 AM

queen_of_foxxes on
queen_of_foxxeswow the blood almost looks real! ^0^....well not including the real blood...even though that looks real too...but is real @x@ -mental breakdown-

CoLdFirE on March 31, 2005, 1:20:55 AM

CoLdFirE on
CoLdFirE^^ this is a s3xy s!te

CoLdFirE on March 31, 2005, 1:16:35 AM

CoLdFirE on
CoLdFirEYou know what's a real kick in the pants?

labpizza on March 15, 2005, 6:51:51 PM

labpizza on
labpizzaWhoa! now how hot does that look!

Eoara on March 15, 2005, 6:35:49 PM

Eoara on
EoaraThis picccy is soo good. i dont even attempt to draw anime.......but i love it, *favs* i especially like the detail on the hair!

Freak666 on February 26, 2005, 8:48:35 AM

Freak666 on
Freak666Wow i love it kurama looks hot when he is bleeding *pull out a knife*

Anna30151 on October 2, 2004, 2:31:54 AM

Anna30151 on
Anna30151Awesome job!!

Sagered on August 14, 2004, 12:55:49 PM

Sagered on

Karesu on July 24, 2004, 4:34:13 AM

Karesu on
KaresuKaresu: its a good pic...but the eyes keep staring at me!<br />
Kurama: sorry...<br />
Karesu: no its not your fault Kurama...i blame it on Youko!<br />
Youko: what! HOW CAN YOU BLAME IT ON ME!<br />
Karesu: i just do ok? now leave me alone!

kurama_lover101 on July 7, 2004, 4:53:51 AM

kurama_lover101 on
kurama_lover101I love this picture!!! it is one of my favorites!! it looks just like him!

Kita on June 26, 2004, 7:38:50 PM

Kita on
Kitagood pic ^-^<br />
despite the accidental blood Oo;;<br />
lol<br />
but REALLY good job =^-^=<br />
wish I could draw Kura like that . . .<br />
::sighs::<br />
but I can only draw Hi-kun (in pencil, not on the computer, that is ^^;) T.T;;<br />
sorta pathetic because Kurama kitsune-kun is my favorite character (T.T;;;;;;;;;;;;;)<br />
ah, well, ja for now!<br />
- Kita out ^-^

wasted_ink on June 21, 2004, 4:04:24 PM

wasted_ink on
wasted_inkWow, nice piccy of Kurama. And to ariel, you're annoying. I feel like whacking you upside the head with a loaf of bread. But to frozen, I think he thought your piccy of Kurama was supposed to be YOU...0o;; *coughcough*slow*coughcouch* Anyways, good job! *throws pocky and matches at you*

FrenchSpeakingLightBulbz on June 19, 2004, 12:36:08 AM

FrenchSpeakingLightBulbz on
FrenchSpeakingLightBulbzKURAMA! *cough* Good pic (once again)

kurai_rakuen on June 1, 2004, 6:26:00 PM

kurai_rakuen on
kurai_rakuen*_*<br />
<br />
*Is dazzled by the pretty-ness*

rainbowrage56 on June 1, 2004, 9:44:06 AM

rainbowrage56 on
rainbowrage56may your soul die and go to hell! naw I'm kidding^^;;; nice picture........I guess -_-

Inu-gurl on May 28, 2004, 1:53:59 PM

Inu-gurl on
Inu-gurlwow!!your pics kick @$$!!!!:3

InuyashaEarsLuver on May 25, 2004, 2:45:16 AM

InuyashaEarsLuver on
InuyashaEarsLuverOh wow. Poor Kurama. Oh well i would still kiss him..... ^^

HerFrozenVeins on May 2, 2004, 12:45:41 PM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsThankyou! ^^;;

windgoddess03 on May 1, 2004, 7:19:58 AM

windgoddess03 on
windgoddess03KURAMA!!!!!!!!!! *squeeks* THAT IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!! LOVEITLOVEITLOVEITLOVEITLOVEITLOVEITLOVEITLOVEIT *favesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfavesfaves*

Mika167 on April 17, 2004, 1:52:33 AM

Mika167 on
Mika167wow thats really good. i havent even tried kurama yet. i think ill try it sometime. but neways keep up the great work ^-^

HerFrozenVeins on April 14, 2004, 11:52:11 AM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsI laugh with you! <p>Thankyou, and yea, I should prob. delete those nasty comments, but they are too entertaining.</p>

ReiRei on April 14, 2004, 7:41:36 AM

ReiRei on
ReiRei::backs away from scary fight in comments:: I just want to say that I like the pic. . . ::sweatdrop:: Heh heh ::smile:: ^.^ ::sees ariel's comment:: o.O ::laughs uncontrollably:: I laugh at your stupidity, ariel. I truly do ^.^

Raymei on March 19, 2004, 2:02:09 PM

Raymei on
Raymei*sees Ariel's comment* n.n<br />
<br />
oh I thought you did that blood thing on purpose o.o oh well it looks really cool. "work with your mistakes" I guess n.n;;

Yuna_Sanosuke on March 16, 2004, 9:45:13 AM

Yuna_Sanosuke on
Yuna_SanosukeWhoa, seems like people just want to comment a lot about you ^-^ heehee I love the picture! it's the first time i saw someone draw Kurama so well, and the blood from you adds a nice touch! ^+^ awesome!!

HerFrozenVeins on March 12, 2004, 8:59:19 AM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsI know what Morbid means, not, but anyway, It means, gruesome...

coca-cola on March 11, 2004, 3:12:24 PM

coca-cola on
coca-colaokey dokey then ummm whats modbid mean????

bishyboylover on March 10, 2004, 10:18:41 AM

bishyboylover on
bishyboyloverI'm very sorry about that.Their parents dropped them on their heads when they were infants.^-^I,on the other hand,luv this pic!

HerFrozenVeins on March 8, 2004, 8:39:01 AM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsLOL, silly boy. I am NOT a goth, I just don't understand how you can think that! I am just VERY annoyed by you, and you're whole gothic ordeal. It sickens me. And for coca-cola, yes, lol, I had a cut on my finger from a piece of glass while I was drawing...and it got on the paper, I am sorry if it's too morbid..heh, I am not insane.

coca-cola on March 6, 2004, 3:15:13 PM

coca-cola on
coca-coladid you have a cut or something did you do it on puposs????

HIEIS_FOX_GIRL on March 6, 2004, 11:57:33 AM

HIEIS_FOX_GIRLyes ariel-sama is right...please stop giving him bad comments. if you dont like his art than dont comment on them its that simple. thanks

ariel on March 5, 2004, 10:45:38 AM

ariel on
arielwell the pics good but not you<br />
what are you a goth ? if you were a true goth then youd keep your big mouth shut oooh im really gothic so ill go make pple think there not then id be the only goth at fac your additude is more of a prep then goth makeing pple fell bad and make your self look all big well you dont know me you never met me and you never did so shut up! and keep your bad comments to your self being goth is not about wearing the gear or the dark music its about acepting lifes sadness

Slot on March 1, 2004, 6:58:47 AM

Slot on
Slotuau! for its photo you she is pretty!

bishyboylover on February 26, 2004, 8:45:04 AM

bishyboylover on
bishyboyloverWHAT?!THAT IS ACTUALLY YOUR BLOOD?!Oh well,gives it a good look.

HerFrozenVeins on February 22, 2004, 6:35:03 AM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsYes actually, it's my blood...

coca-cola on February 22, 2004, 2:04:00 AM

coca-cola on
coca-colathats freaken cool oh and is that real blood i see or r my eyes fooling me well anywho it looks like theres some real blood well umm thats all i have ta say

Staroo on February 21, 2004, 4:00:04 PM

Staroo on
Starooi like alot!!!! im adding it to my just looks so good and u did a really nice job!! WOOOO

Jaduna on February 21, 2004, 3:50:13 PM

Jaduna on
Jadunalol.... dont litsen to 'im (or 'er)Oo; Its a good piccie!

HerFrozenVeins on February 21, 2004, 3:42:47 PM

HerFrozenVeins on
HerFrozenVeinsYoukaiKitsune. Same person...I deleted the account. Will you never repeat yourself like that again idiotic.

silver_dreams on February 21, 2004, 3:39:10 PM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreamsTHIS IS NOT URS!! THIS IS STOLEN!! DO NOT COMMENT!! SEARCH FOR THE REAL PIC, 'Kurama's lips dripping blood' by i forget who

Fyrsiel on February 21, 2004, 3:36:04 PM

Fyrsiel on
Fyrsielo__O had a bad day there old fox?