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Chill Out, Man!

Chill Out, Man!

Chill Out, Man! by Hybrid_Sunshine
Chill Out, Man! by Hybrid_Sunshine


Seriously, not just Death Note fans. Fans in general. Some are SO defensive and are freakin' harsh critics about certain stuff! Some are even borderline hostile! They honestly scare me and they need to CHILLAX or somethin'. o___O I mean, the people especially on Netflix are SERIOUS critics to the point where even I'M afraid of reading the comments (and I like reading comments for whatever reason). "Waste of time. Piece of crap." Geez, can't they appreciate that the animators even decided to give something extra with even a FEW extra scenes? I know I do.

Also, the L movie DIDN'T suck. AT ALL. Me and my friends went to see it (for fun to see how bad it was, we really were discussing how bad it'd be on the way there) and to say the least, we were pleasantly surprised. I was actually impressed with the Death Note live action movies and I'm not a fan of "cartoon to live action" movies PERIOD since already I get seriously iffy about it. I am about the upcoming Avatar movie (live-action), but it's directed by M. Night Shayamalan, so I hope it'll be acceptable, but of course, there will be a group of crazed Avatar fans that'll throw a HUGE hissy fit over it. *sigh*

Just, please for everyone else, don't take TV shows and movies and video games too seriously? I know I don't. I just like drawin' 'em in wacky situations and as little kids. XD

And that be my rant of the moment. I have always believed this. Just, fans? Calm down a little? :)

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Category Real People » Self
Date Submitted
Views 1275
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 17
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken not long
Reference why would I need a reference to draw myself?


Comments (17)

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luckylace222 on July 8, 2009, 10:53:49 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222Yesh yesh I know what you mean! XD Some fans out there are VERY VERY obsessed with their fandom. I don't know the last time I drew a picture and someone had to criticize something that didn't like about it because they knew evvvveerrryyy thing about the character.

DX I would point out Naruto fans the most. *shivers* Fangirls can be quite exaggerating too. NIce message here! I respect it!

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 17, 2009, 7:34:46 PM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineMm-hmm. I'm glad you understand. I mean, I get very obsesseded over certain fandoms/things, but I keep it under control for the most part and I'm very loose with things. I refuse to take things seriously with serious fandoms like Death Note! XD But the people who do... Ehhh... They just need to settle down. We're the ones drawing the stuff. They chose to look at it and zeroed out the Oh-so-evil-flaw to their dream character and rant about it. *rolls eyes* I'm not sure if I worded that right, but that's close to what I'm trying to say. They just need to stop taking their fandoms so seriously.

Lives. Some people need them more than others. *shrug*

Yeah, some Naruto fans are CRAZY. One thing wrong with Sasuke or Itachi and GAAAAH!! X( And Twilight fans. Oh, the Twilight fans.... *shudder*

KelekiahGaladrian on July 4, 2009, 5:29:50 AM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianOh goodness. I hate it when that kind of stuff happens. It's why fans scare me a little. I mean, I can be a pretty hardcore fan about certain stuff, but I'm not THAT bad. . . .

Personally, I absolutely adore the L movies.

Whoa, wait, what? They're making a live action Avatar movie? Say what? Since when?

Because of you, I've started saying "chillax" everywhere I go. It's actually pretty fun to say :P

I think that picture is really cute and it makes me laugh. Nice job with it :P *favs*

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 4, 2009, 6:12:10 AM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineMm-hmm. I can get pretty hardcore, too, but I at try to put a lid on it. I'm afraid of annoying people with my "obsessions," so I try to keep it inside and I don't bash other people for liking something I don't or for insulting something I like. It's not such a big deal and I want people to realize that! With them around, being on the internet's not fun! X(

Yeah. It was soooooo good. ^_______^

Uh-huh. I think it's coming out next year. I saw a commercial for it on or something. Here's a link to the trailer since someone posted it on YouTube!
It's going to be directed by M.Night Shyamalan (Lady in the Water, Sixth Sense...) so hopefully it'll be sweeeet. :)

Hehe! Sorry, I've just always liked that word. Chillax. X)

Thanks! ^___^

KelekiahGaladrian on July 6, 2009, 12:04:10 AM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianMm-hmm, I totally agree and I try to keep a lid on my obsessions too because I know some people, myself included, don't like the creepy rabid fangirls.

Definitely. ^^ I happen to own the L one. Hehehe.

Whoa! That's so cool! I'm excited to go and see that when it comes and I hope it's good too. Hmm, I've never seen anything by him but I've heard that those movies are really good.

It's okay. It's become one of my new words though XP Hope you don't mind me "borrowing" it XP

You're welcome! ^^

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 6, 2009, 10:51:30 AM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineSeriously?! You own L:Change the WorLd?! Where'd you get it? *been a while since I went to a store, but still*

Yes, the movie he directs are pretty good. Rent one sometime. :)

Oh, "borrowing"'s okay with me. I think I picked it up somewhere else when I was little, anyway. I just can't remember where... ^.^U

KelekiahGaladrian on July 8, 2009, 10:53:01 AM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianYeah, I do. I got it at Tokyo Anime House.

I'll have to do that.

Alright, borrowing I shall do :P

Shiori_Tsumi on July 4, 2009, 8:25:27 AM

Shiori_Tsumi on
Shiori_Tsumi"Perry the Platypus, thank you for using the key I gave you, so much more dignified than crashing through my ceiling every time, yes?"

Horatio is sooo cool! He is always cool, but it's automatically his PWNING cool mode when he puts on his sunglasses. (And Jethro doesn't need sunglasses to pwn everyone. Except for Abby. She is like Jethro in the aspect that she always pwns. My brother thinks her hair is scary...those pigtails.)

I ignore them pretty much entirely. I watch what I want. Mostly. (My parents don't like Scare Tactics, or Spongebob, or Bizarre Foods, or many of the specials on the channels that I like. History Channel's specials on the 7 Deadly Sins, demons, Satanic cults, Amerlia Airheart, and Jack the Ripper, and even one on Dillinger. AWESOME. You learn so much from those!)

<.< the way people, professional scientists believe Amelia....crashed into the ocean. Because her radio and radar were broken. They narrowed it down to a fifteen mile radius for the crash site, but ocean currents could put the plane ANYWHERE IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. Which is pretty big. Amelia is dead, people. So shut up about her.Also, the Bermuda Triangle is only mysterious because it's located exactly over magnetic poles and underground gas vents and sliding tectonic plates. There are no aliens. Sorry.

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 4, 2009, 12:00:52 PM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineXD I'd like to steal his shades. NCIS is so freakin' sweet. Abby, Ducky, and Gibbs are so awesome. I love 'em all. X) He thinks her PIGTAILS are scary when she has that spider web tattoo on her neck? That's what I'd be afraid of (if I were afraid of girls/characters like Abby).

Same here. I mean, I'll probably stay for maybe 5 minutes to see what stupid thing the "players" are doing/complaining about this time. Then I move onto the next channel which just so happens to be either Spike or Cartoon Network. :D I always try to catch the specials (I REALLY wanted to catch the Deadly Sins specials), but I always miss them! It's not fair... I hope they show them again soon or maybe they have it on YouTube or their site... Seriously, there was a Jack the Ripper special?! They need to show it again! Must see it!

Oh, and this is just a randomish question since this is a somewhat "historic" topic: What do you think about the world ending in 2012? You think it will or is it all bullcrap like with 2000? I personally think it's bullcrap. The world'll end when it ends. Could be sooner, could be later. The people who seriously believe it will shouldn't get their hopes up. *shrug*

Well, of course Amelia's dead by now. And aliens most likely exist (it seems a little bit farfetched to me that Earth'd be the ONLY planet in the entire UNIVERSE to have some kind of intelligent life), but I don't think they have anything to do with the Bermuda Triangle. *shrug* Who says that aliens have to look like monsters? There are probably other planets with human-like beings. But it would depend on the planet, probably, if they were adaptable like we are. Maybe they don't have to be "intelligent" and just be animals/organisms or something. *shrug* Just throwin' ideas out.

Shiori_Tsumi on July 3, 2009, 7:05:57 AM

Shiori_Tsumi on
Shiori_TsumiI know, trust me I know....*stares down nation of Twilight fans* Some people just get so worked up when you insult something they like. I do too sometimes, but I have reasons. (I like Transformers. The reviewer for our newspaper gave it a horrible review. I am upset about this, but it's more because she doesn't like action movies and then went to go officially review an action movie. She did the same with Public Enemies. The genre is not listed as action, but she expected it to be action. See? I have reasons.) Many other fans do not have reasons....I've had arguments with people like this.

...They eventually had to stop because I was just saying (paraphrased of course) 'whatever floats your boat, dude.' >.> Hard to argue with someone like that, na? So...yeah. Personally, I want to see the Avatar movie because I like M.Night Shyamalan movies and having him do Avatar HAS to be better than Nick doing it. (No offense, Nick.) Some people, though...they just need something to complain about or they'll explode it seems. Actually, that would be fun to see, but way too much work.

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 3, 2009, 9:56:26 AM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineOh, yeah. Twilight fans scare the CRAP outta me. I can't believe I forgot to mention them. XD And I still don't see what the big deal is with Twilight. Never really got into it. *shrug*

Yeah, I do, too, but for the most part, I keep my expectations kind of low so I don't get CRAZY upset unless it seriously surprises me like with a surprise ending, but I get upset in a GOOD way if that's possible since I get a happy feeling. Or when BIG questions don't get answered, which annoys the crap outta me. Also, TERRIBLE cliffhangers where I actually scream (Bleach, Code Geass, Death Note = cliffhanger masters). There are other occasions, but yes, I try to find a good reason to get worked up first, but I don't try to announce it to the world since I usually get over it pretty fast.

I can kind of see why she'd think it was action based on the commercials. Why'd she see Transformers if she didn't like action movies? That doesn't make sense to me. It's like me going to see a romance movie when I obviously don't like romance. Goes against common sense when it TELLS you that it's something you don't like. Yeah, it sounded like she wanted something to complain about. Eh, I don't trust reviewers anyway until AFTER I see the film/show myself. THEN I go look to see what they said about it. Kind of like YouTube comments. XD Which is where I find some harsh "critics", but it makes me happy/comforts me to know that, due to the "Thumbs Downs" they get, I'm not the only one who realized they were full of crap.

Some of my friends are pretty harsh critics and sometimes I get into arguments with them over a fandom, but they do give lists of reasons, so maybe I'm just lucky. But, it just drives me CRAZY when people say that the Death Note English dub was terrible when it wasn't! Seriously, I've seen some dubs that make the Death Note dub look like a masterpiece, to the point where I turn off the sound, put on the captions, and read it! Sometimes I don't think some fans don't know the difference between a bad dub and a good dub because they haven't bothered to look for bad dubs to compare it to. Or maybe I'm just weird? I don't know. They should just appreciate that they even bothered to make a dubbed version so we don't have to look at captions and miss the show itself (that's how I see it, anyway) instead of complaining about it through rants like this. No one MADE them watch it. Or maybe they could have expressed their dislike more appropriately by saying "I wasn't impressed by the dub" instead of saying "TEH DUB SUCKED!!!!!11!! DUN'T WATH IT!!!!1!". The bad grammar and spelling automatically makes me not want to argue with them, since I know they can't be reasoned with. But, yes, I have argued with them and seen others have LONG arguments with them. Makes me sigh. *shakes head*

Yeah, now I just shrug my shoulders at them when I run into them in real life and say "Mm." So, yes, whatever floats their boat, since I can't put it better. ^___^ I wanna see it, too! Shyamalan's movies are good and I wanna see what he does with it (saw a VERY short preview and I liked what I saw). Yeah, I don't really support the channel doing it. Example: Ben 10 by Cartoon Network. I loved the show, but the live action movies made me go "Ehhhh..." And they made a big deal about it for MONTHS and it turned me off. Besides, things are more fun to see in the movie theater! Was for me and the Death Note movies (we sat in the front row, sweeeeeet) which I think made them better, so I'm crossin' my fingers that the Avatar movie'll be sweet. ^___^ Also, so I don't have to see a million complaints about it on the web. X(

Shiori_Tsumi on July 3, 2009, 11:11:27 AM

Shiori_Tsumi on
Shiori_TsumiI tried to read it. (Okay, the first sequel.) But I picked up the second book, and I read one page and was horrified. It read like a penny dreadful romance novel directed at pre-teen girls. Sure, it was very detailed in its descriptions, but that just horrified me even more. I DON'T need to know how he 'sensually draped his arms around her waist, letting his hand light upon her hips and-' I don't. I REALLY don't. I'm not one of those girls who loves romance that much...

Admittedly, even I thought Public Enemies was somewhat more action-y from the commercials. But I already knew about Dillinger and liked the story of Dillinger so I weathered it. (But she also said it had no suspense...never mind all the suspenseful moments I could list.*sighs* But...whatever. I don't agree with her that often.She used to only give good reviews to horrible-sounding R-rated chick flicks or horror movies.)

I base all my judgements on what I've seen, on EVIDENCE. Which annoys people. 'He wrecked my bicycle and he-' 'Okay, lemme see. I'll check it out...y'know. Just to see if it matches what you say.' 'WHY?! CAN'T YOU JUST BELIEVE ME?!' Often, I can't. No offense to them, but feeling so sensitive about something like that is usually evidence of guilt.

It's M.Night Shyamalan. And Nick...*sighs* I've become somewhat bored and disappointed in them lately. AND...M.Night Shyamalan handles characterization and suspense very well to my experience. He might need some help with the scripts, but he's good with just about everything else important.

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 3, 2009, 1:39:29 PM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineI think I read as far as the 4th chapter of the first book. Now it's just sitting in a basket on my desk (it's my mother's) and it's been there for months. Also, the movie wasn't that great and this is coming from someone who can be easily impressed. Seriously? THAT much detail?! That's a little bit disturbing and gag-inducing... How can anyone read that? When I read something like that, it somewhat makes ME depressed for being single, not give me the hope that my future husband'll be a sparkly vampire or kickass werewolf. -____- But one good thing came from Twilight: PARODIES OF IT. All the ones I've seen are hilarious. XD

I would like to see Public Enemies (will rent it from Netflix once it gets on DVD) since it looks pretty interesting. I don't think I've heard the story of Dillinger... But, I'd still like to see this.

"WHY?! CAN'T YOU JUST BELIEVE ME?!" Haa, that made me laugh. Yeah, it's better to check for evidence and THAT just sounds like a confession that they are stretchin' something. With me if it's show, I'll look for clips, pictures, previews, maybe listen in on a few conversations from groups of people who've seen it (I'm a quiet one in school and I overhear a lot of things, anyway). A book: ask my friends if they've read it yet (they're big book readers). My friends are rational enough not to just come out and say it sucked and if it did, they'd explain why.

Yeah, Nick needs to lighten up on iCarly and Spongebob. You'd think they'd start showing Avatar again what with the movie comin' and all, but I haven't seen ANY reruns. Either they're switching the times up EVERY week or they're just not showing it. The Disney channel's a disappointment, too. Even Toon Disney (which I now believe is Disney XD or something) and Cartoon Network are showing less toons now and all the GOOD shows are on a channel you have to pay extra for. What happened to all the Saturday morning cartoons (I love cartoons too much, I know, but they were the only things good on)? Now, the only channels I can rely on for entertainment is Comedy Central and [adult swim].

Shiori_Tsumi on July 3, 2009, 2:27:28 PM

Shiori_Tsumi on
Shiori_TsumiThat was one page from about twenty-five pages in. I do not kidding you. Paradies are always awesome.

John Dillinger was a gangster in the 1930's renouned for his fast bank robberies, the graceful acrobatics he displayed during said robberies, and his amazing manners towards people. He robbed banks, he had no motive for robbing these banks besides robbing banks. He never did anything complicated, never had a gang, never had any big master plan. One line Johnny Depp has in the movie was practically uttered by the real John Dillinger. 'I'm John Dillinger, I rob banks.' Because simply, that's all he did. He never hurt anyone, he treated everyone with manners and dignity, and used violence only when absolutely necessary. Ultimately, he was betrayed by one woman who was being threatened with deportation. The movie-since I saw it during a matinee showing on OPENING DAY (go me.)- was a straightforward take on the Dillinger story as I saw it. It did not villify the FBI, it did not villify Dillinger. It didn't make either side the hero, or all shiny and sparkly. The women were pretty, but not Hollywood pretty. (Except for the woman in the movie Dillinger watched. Lol.) It's sad, knowing the ending, but it's always amazing to see how they get there. They smashed cliche's, too. (Like the one bullet kill. One guy continued shooting with a dozen bullets in his body because none of them hit anything vital. Guns in the 1930's were hard to handle accurately, which the movie shows, and they were busy ducking for cover to hit much.) Sorry. I liked it, I really did.

I wish I had people at school who could explain things that rationally. Most of them are pretty much idiots. I used the word idiocy in a word association game a couple years ago in my speech class, and my teammates didn't know what the word meant. I wanted to smack them so hard. No wait, I DID hit one of them. It was just a simple thing where I picked up our packet of papers and lightly hit her over the head with it, but I think it counts.

I personally like Spongebob. iCarly, not so much. I miss Nicktoons. Gah, yes, I've seen that....Disney Channel, I don't watch much on it now. I watch Phineas and Ferb, Kim Possible-when they show it- the occasional Suite Life episode...(like the superhero episode. I loved that one.) Entertainment? I go to a few channels now, almost selectively. Food Channel (I love Unwrapped, and Iron Chef America, and Good Eats, and Ace of Cakes.) Travel Channel (Ghost Adventures, Bizarre Foods, various others I can't think of right now) CourtTV (I WILL CALL IT COURTTV STILL, dun care if its TruTV now. Um, Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, Man vs Cartoon, Smoking Gun Presents, Most Shocking) Discovery Health (Untold Stories from the ER, Mystery Diagnosis, Diagnosis X)...I also occasionally catch 1000 Ways to Die on Spike, and Scare Tactics on SciFi. (Which is due to become SyFy. How stupid.)

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 3, 2009, 4:07:50 PM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineOoh, that movie sounds AWESOME. Sounds like something I'd like. And congradulations for catchin' it on Opening Day! :)

Yeah, my friends were the smart people (hyper, but smart XD) and I'm sad that most of them graduated (I was a junior, they were seniors). But, I suppose my school has more rational people than others since I get along with most of them and I enjoy being there. Also, I think all the stupid people from when I was a sophomore went to another school which made it more peaceful. They seriously didn't know what "idiocy" meant? That's a little weird.

I love Spongebob, I just think they show it TOO much. I wish they'd show the other Nicktoons. I miss Rugrats... Phineas and Ferb's definitely a great show, I watch it whenever it's on and one of my favorite bands plays the opening which makes me doubly enjoy it. I really only watch the Food Channel when I'm at my Grandma's house (she adores that channel) and they do have great shows (Unwrapped, Ace of Cakes, and all those shows where they travel around and find the places to eat). I've watched so much CSI on Spike that I'm seeing reruns (which is weird to me since I used to rarely watch it) and I'll turn on the History Channel or Travel Channel if there's something else interesting and I think that one show where the guy eats those big dishes in a certain amount of time is on the Travel Channel which is pretty cool. On Comedy Central: Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Futurama, and any comedians that happen to be on when I pass the channel. SciFi: Ghost Hunter series, any anime that happens to be on on Monday nights ("Animonday"). And, yes, the SciFi to SyFy makes no sense WHATSOEVER. *shakes head* What's Man vs. Cartoon about? I've never heard of that. And the rare music videos on VH1 and MTV in the mornings. I really REALLY wish they'd just STOP WITH ALL THE FREAKIN' REALITY SHOWS!! They're taking over television! *cries*

Shiori_Tsumi on July 4, 2009, 2:33:46 AM

Shiori_Tsumi on brother and I were at the theater to see Hangover, then we saw Public Enemies had its first showing in about fifteen minutes so we got our tickets to that on a spur of the moment decision. I'm glad we did.

It's been to my experience that people in small towns are smarter than those in cities. Because this is the first city I've lived in, but all of a sudden, everyone seems a million times stupider than they were in all the small towns I've lived in before.

I know...I love Perry and Doofensmirtz, though. Yay, Agent P! Oh, right...<.< I forgot...I also tend to watch CSI Miami and NCIS. (Horatio and Jethro FOR THE WIN! )

Man vs Cartoon is a new show on CourtTV where they test out the methods that Wile. E. Cyote used to try to catch the roadrunner. (I don't know why it's on CourtTV, either. It's like a cartoon-oriented Mythbusters.) I watched an episode the other night...swinging down with a spear, as long as you get the timing right, WORKS. Dropping a boulder, however...doesn't. They used as much science and scientific calculations as they could, and they still failed. They felt they were lucky they didn't fail like Wiley did, though. (I'm tired of reality shows, too...that's why I don't watch them. I have a stock pile of games I haven't finished, a mountain of cds I like and a working cd player, a sketchbook to draw in, and there are computers. I can always go do something else.)

Hybrid_Sunshine on July 4, 2009, 6:02:45 AM

Hybrid_Sunshine on
Hybrid_SunshineYeah, there's just something about small towns... I intend to go back to my hometown when I get older. It's still the nicest town I've been to, even better than the one I live in now. Beautiful setting and the people there... Nicest people I've ever met.

Heh! PERRYYYY!! "Perry, the Platapus! This is unexpected! And by unexpected I mean... unexpected. What are you doin' here? I'm on vacation!" Yes, I love that show. I just need to remember when the episodes are on. XD Yes, Horatio's great. He be sooo cool. ^___^

I just caught Man vs. Cartoon earlier today! I feel terrible that I didn't see the ending (I was tired! :( ). It was the one to see if they could get the roadrunner with the canon. There was a slingshot, watering can, flower lighting a match (this case, completing a circuit and igniting something), a mouse lifting cheese of a balance, and all this other stuff that lead to a gun lighting the fuse of the canon and see if it would hit the roadrunner. When I left off, the team working on the gun lighting the canon part was havin' problems.

I mean, SOME VERY FEW reality shows are watchable, but still all those "*BLANK* of Love" things NEED TO STOP. I mean, it was funny the first time, but I think it may lose it's flare after the next 20 series. And it's spreading to OTHER channels which just makes it unbearable. There's one on Cartoon Network (that Survive This thing) and one coming to Oxygen I believe... *sigh* People just want to see other people act like morons. I don't think that's entertainment. LAZY TV's what I call it. They don't wanna spend money on decent script writers and stuff maybe. *shrug* But I do like that cartoon reality show Total Drama Island/Action because it completely parodies the reality show by making it completely extreme and crazy, but true to some extent. XD

But, yeah, there are TONS of distractions in the world already. With me, they're all in the same room with me (video games, laptop, drawing materials, BOOKS, window...). I do intend to go outside eventually. Really. XD