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Smiling for you

Smiling for you

Smiling for you by InnocentFlame
Smiling for you by InnocentFlame


Gah, I love his hair. This is one of the best Ritsukas I have ever colour-penciled, xD one of the only, so never mind that lol. I regret putting Soubi (YES THA'S SOUBI!) in the background though... >_<;; kinda ruined the pic since I can't draw the guy. Lol... he just has a head... and a cloak, like a ghost.. o_O Maybe I can render Ritsuka out or something lol. Ok nvm xxD 

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Loveless
Date Submitted
Views 1223
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 1
Comments 9
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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Kyonkichis1Kitty on October 22, 2007, 10:47:26 AM

Kyonkichis1Kitty on
Kyonkichis1KittyYay Ritsuka-kun! ^-^ He's my current obsesstion. I like how u colored it.

InnocentFlame on October 1, 2007, 11:26:57 PM

InnocentFlame on
InnocentFlameHaha, will, I'm here to tell you I won't be on for the next three days. You'll probably next see me on Friday night, cause we're going on our graduation trip xD three days and two nights ^_^ They tell us to relax on these three days, then when we come back, we have two major exams only a few days apart. Which is why I MUST enjoy myself on this trip! Anywayz, about the homework... i don't do them at school.. no, cause there's quite a pile >_>;; Buuut, this is how our school works: 45 minutes one subject-10 minutes break-45 minutes another subject-10 minutes break etc. in the middle after eating lunch, theres a 'clean-up time' about 20 minutes to do what we were assigned to. Then we sleep from 12:45 to 1:15. Sometimes, the 45 minutes used for classes are used for us to take exams. It's all quite cramped together really. I wish I was still in new Zealand, it wasn't as tiring... u.u Still, we get used to it I guess. oh, another difference is, we hardly do any reports. Taiwan almost only looks at your tests scores until you reach University. There aren't really any assignments or anything. We all get a big pile of text books and other stuff before the start of the semester, and we work our way through them with the teachers. When I first came back, I wasn't used to this type of teachiong at all. Ok enough, rambling, it's 10 pm here xD ;;

shinnokarasu on September 26, 2007, 8:34:55 PM

shinnokarasu on
shinnokarasuRandom hi!!!!! wait it isn't that random!!
AWWWWW! loveless!! It's such a cute drawing!
I like Soubi in the back?
So what's up?
Is school horrible as usual?

InnocentFlame on September 27, 2007, 8:30:51 PM

InnocentFlame on
InnocentFlameThanks for the comment! ^__^ and nup, I'm better in most of my subjects. Apart from... math, which I'm actually getting worse and worse at.. >_<;; still, I'm not failing my Chinese and Politics anymore xD

shinnokarasu on September 30, 2007, 2:24:02 AM

shinnokarasu on
shinnokarasuXD I'm happy for you!!!!
KAAAAA!!!! ya i know math is hard!!!! ><'
Uhmmm what courses do you have besides Chinese, Politics and Math... we have like 13 courses! 
Are these exams that you have necessary for entering high school??? X[ I forgot you're age(i think you're 15, right?)....
'kay.. bye, bye!!! See ya later!!! If you have time!!!    

InnocentFlame on September 30, 2007, 8:24:13 PM

InnocentFlame on
InnocentFlame^^ I just turned fifteen on September 27th actually xD. We actually have 5 subjects. Math, English, Biology/chemistry/physic,politics/geography/history/(these three together we call social studies), Chinese. So I guess we have less subjects than you xD But yea, all the exams are to get us ready for the exam for getting into highschool =/  So you know I'm 15, then how old are you?

shinnokarasu on September 30, 2007, 9:03:00 PM

shinnokarasu on
shinnokarasu5 freaking subjects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.o pwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! you're lucky!!!! I'm at high school, 17 years old ^^.......... and we merely have time for all the courses T_T....
How many hours of school do you have per day?
Oh ya... forgot.......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDD! although it's rather late..... 

InnocentFlame on September 30, 2007, 9:22:55 PM

InnocentFlame on
InnocentFlameAh thanks ^O^ well, I have to get to school before 7 am, then school ends at 5:50pm. So I spend about 10hours 50 minutes at school? But when winter comes, we have to go study at school at night =/ and eat dinner at school o.o cause they say we can get more into studying at school. I might not participate though, if my parents don't want me to *prays* It's 7:20 now xD gotta go study and eat dinner ^__^; if you have anything to say I'll probably reply tomorrow~
P.S WOW =O  You're 17! Are you able to drive yet(out of COMPLETE randomness)? xD cause in NZ they can get their liciense at age 15 ..>_>;

shinnokarasu on September 30, 2007, 10:03:07 PM

shinnokarasu on
*Complete silence... for a few seconds*
11 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of a freaking school is that??????? O.o shoot!!
Oh wait!!!! I get it!!!! You do your homework there too, neh??? O.o... NEH????
We have only 7 hours per day 8am-3pm..... and we do our homework.. HOME................................
And no... I'm not allowed to have a drivers license til the age of 18. ^^