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Phantom of the Opera Two

Phantom of the Opera Two

Phantom of the Opera Two by JAYCEE
Phantom of the Opera Two by JAYCEE


For Sciffifan25' request and the other "Phans".

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Category Movies » Phantom of the Opera
Date Submitted
Views 4272
Favorites... 31
Vote Score 0
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
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Comments (29)

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Mat_monster_2000 on April 12, 2006, 9:47:18 AM

Mat_monster_2000 on

Red_Rose_5 on April 3, 2006, 8:43:48 PM

Red_Rose_5 on

arentunakedyet on December 29, 2005, 10:19:10 AM

arentunakedyet on
arentunakedyetJeezum!!! So much WORK went into this!!! it's absolutely fantastic, it looks JUST like Emmy Rossum.

AmeliaVonStrangle on October 25, 2005, 1:02:49 PM

AmeliaVonStrangle on
AmeliaVonStrangleANOTHER awesome job! HOW do you continue doing it? They look absolutely beautiful!

hellsingfanchick on August 2, 2005, 3:18:30 AM

hellsingfanchick on
hellsingfanchickduring music of the night right?
I love that scene, and this picture!

fudgekins8 on July 24, 2005, 5:11:03 AM

fudgekins8 on

TriXterHaven on July 4, 2005, 1:01:27 PM

TriXterHaven on

Spoofmaster on June 10, 2005, 3:44:14 PM

Spoofmaster on
SpoofmasterWhee...this is really awesome. I see the color usage and shading and my brain goes "...poo, how'd you get that done?" and gets all jealous.

And in response to the commentors above...I like Raoul. Mmhmm, mhmm. I'm going to get lynched, aren't I? Hear me out...I like Raoul, but I like Erik more. Raoul's like a puppy or something. He's adorably inept.

Mina_chan on May 28, 2005, 3:32:43 AM

Mina_chan on
Mina_chanits so gorgeous!! *favs*

kitty_cat_dance on April 16, 2005, 7:45:08 PM

kitty_cat_dance on
kitty_cat_danceWow...this is REALLY good! *faves*

scififan25 on March 29, 2005, 12:53:41 PM

scififan25 on
scififan25hey Jaycee how are you how are your darwings coming along... say I just put some new phantom ones and would love to have your coments on them... Hope to read you soon!

AgiVega on March 24, 2005, 5:02:58 AM

AgiVega on
AgiVegaCool. I've just seen the movie. Your Christine is amazing :)

PhantomOfOperaLover on March 12, 2005, 4:50:35 AM

PhantomOfOperaLover on
PhantomOfOperaLoverI've seen it 5 comes out in America May 27th I think....Yay!

brainfreezy2004 on March 11, 2005, 5:22:51 AM

brainfreezy2004 on
brainfreezy2004WOW... I've seen this movie 4 times...but I plan on seeing it a 5th time.
My sister's seen it 8 or 9 times, I think... she's so lucky...
Great pic, BTW! *faves*

Nymph109 on March 1, 2005, 7:09:55 AM

Nymph109 on
Nymph109yes.....yes!yes!yes!yes!i love this.

shigurelilflower on February 25, 2005, 2:37:11 PM

shigurelilflower on
shigurelilflowerwow!!! just wow!!!

MehgoMeh on February 18, 2005, 12:40:07 PM

MehgoMeh on
MehgoMehthe color is really good. Nice job.

CoffeeKnight on February 9, 2005, 4:02:49 PM

CoffeeKnight on
CoffeeKnight*Hates Raoul with raw passion since he first made an appearance* UGH! Poor Phanty darling!!! Anyways- THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! Christine is detailed, this is just amazing! Great Job!

GrimmyTheHappyReaper on January 26, 2005, 3:43:40 AM

GrimmyTheHappyReaper on
GrimmyTheHappyReaperI wou;d also like o agree with Sonicxgrl11. Gerard was absolutely FINE! He is so hott in Dracula 2000 too, but I love him always!

GrimmyTheHappyReaper on January 26, 2005, 3:40:51 AM

GrimmyTheHappyReaper on
GrimmyTheHappyReaperFantastic picture! I love it. It is so realistic! Very very very very good job!!!!

PhantomOfOperaLover on January 24, 2005, 7:58:54 AM

PhantomOfOperaLover on
PhantomOfOperaLoverI know for one I dont he hurt my beloved Erik!

ShamrockPixie on January 23, 2005, 5:43:26 AM

ShamrockPixie on
ShamrockPixieHears a good question for all the phans, Does anybody like Raoul?

Sonicxgrl11 on January 20, 2005, 9:19:33 AM

Sonicxgrl11 on
Sonicxgrl11 Thats really good *jumps up and down* I saw it twice and god Gerard Butler was HOT in that movie. i really like this drawing

chrislock on January 20, 2005, 3:30:55 AM

chrislock on
chrislockOMG YOU DRAW SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! i wish i could use pastels like that ( if thats what u use!!

Anime_Rachiru on January 18, 2005, 9:45:41 AM

Anime_Rachiru on
Anime_RachiruO.o NICE! This is so cool!

baka_panda on January 18, 2005, 7:49:52 AM

baka_panda on
baka_pandaOh Wow, that looks a lot like the people in the newest Phantom of the Opera movie! Great job

PhantomOfOperaLover on January 18, 2005, 3:55:48 AM

PhantomOfOperaLover on
PhantomOfOperaLoverohhhh this is nice...::stares at pic for long time:: yeppers all phans of the movoe/musical/book should be happy ^^

majinvegetamarik on January 17, 2005, 6:48:49 AM

majinvegetamarik on
majinvegetamarikthis is awsome! you did thid perfectly! i like the pstions too! "phans" that's such a cool word!+favs!^^

scififan25 on January 17, 2005, 5:57:29 AM

scififan25 on
scififan25I love it I love It I LOVE IT !!!!This is great both phantoms were awesome but that one really takes the cake... thanks a lot Jaycee...