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albel nel shopping

albel nel shopping

albel nel shopping by JHanna
albel nel shopping by JHanna


My very first AlNel pic...

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Category Games » - by Genre » - RPG/Adventure Games » Star Ocean series
Date Submitted
Views 5760
Favorites... 46
Vote Score 1
Comments 35
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (35)

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Morpher on February 9, 2008, 6:32:45 AM

Morpher on
Morpherlol nice^^ like the style.poor AbelXD

albelnoxissocoolitsnotfunny on September 30, 2006, 3:04:15 AM

albelnoxissocoolitsnotfunny on
albelnoxissocoolitsnotfunnyif i were albel id say "dog get offa me" id knock er down and step on er. nice pic though

alchan on July 24, 2006, 1:04:40 AM

alchan on
alchanit looks like albels thinking "why am i here again?..." and nel says " because YOU are a fool!MUHAHAHA!!!!!"

EX-Buster-wolf on May 17, 2006, 5:15:07 AM

EX-Buster-wolf on
EX-Buster-wolfoh man, now i feel like continuing where i left off in the game.

Bippety-Bop on May 6, 2006, 11:20:06 AM

Bippety-Bop on
Bippety-BopThis is really, really good. Seen it somewhere before, but I can't remember where...but, anyway, the art is amazing, the characters are badass (Albel being badass and a bastard, but hot and badass nonetheless), and this is SO going on my faves. Squaresoft should totally have gotten them together...the chemistry was there, so they'd just have to stop going for each other's throats...

P.S. How can someone hate a fictional character?

Chickibo on May 4, 2006, 1:12:19 AM

Chickibo on
ChickiboI'm a huge Alnel fan and I think this pic is great!! *favs artist and pic*

Kairi_KH on February 14, 2006, 11:01:24 AM

Kairi_KH on
Kairi_KHI love your style! It's different in it's own way and shows so much of your talent. Damn, wish i was that good. /sigh/

vi_wolfchart on December 5, 2005, 12:02:31 AM

vi_wolfchart on
vi_wolfchartoh wow!!!!!!!this rulz,i luv alnel and plz make more im totally jelous y cant i draw like that,every time i draw albel he either looks gay or like a girl*cries*

hikari0205 on November 23, 2005, 7:50:52 AM

hikari0205 on
hikari0205Hehe this is really funny but cute at the same time . I love it alot and the colours are really pretty . Awesome detail .

Namiko-chan on September 21, 2005, 6:14:00 PM

Namiko-chan on
Namiko-chanWOW!!! thats really awesome you draw really good.*adds to favs* ^v^

Midnight_Snow on September 7, 2005, 9:46:20 AM

Midnight_Snow on
Midnight_SnowHeheheh. I bet Albel hates this! lol

anime_dragon_tamer on August 10, 2005, 5:33:31 AM

anime_dragon_tamer on
anime_dragon_tamerIt's soooo cute, me jealous! Nice job! =^-^= *favs*

narakus_demon on July 17, 2005, 4:03:54 AM

narakus_demon on
narakus_demon::explodes:: ALbel XD XP great pic-a-roony. Makozor!

Clampworship on July 12, 2005, 3:30:32 AM

Clampworship on
ClampworshipHAHAH! ILUVIT!

scarlet_witch on June 29, 2005, 8:11:06 PM

scarlet_witch on
scarlet_witchlol this pic is just too cute it made me laugh great work :)

loveangel1988 on June 22, 2005, 7:15:01 AM

loveangel1988 on
loveangel1988you're my fav. artist *hug*

YamiHana on June 3, 2005, 2:26:45 AM

YamiHana on
YamiHanaomg this pic rocks!!!! youre a kick @$$ artist!!!!! * faves*

Lucky-Dragon24 on June 3, 2005, 1:03:23 AM

Lucky-Dragon24 on
Lucky-Dragon24I like this picture though I am clueless from where they are from.

Aki_chan on June 2, 2005, 9:45:05 AM

Aki_chan on
Aki_chanOMG! this is awesome! SO3 fan? ROCK ON! i love so3! favorite game! awesome!

pink_melissa on May 23, 2005, 6:13:54 AM

pink_melissa on
pink_melissaVeeeeeeeeeeeeery good!!

finalfantasygrl4 on May 22, 2005, 6:36:11 AM

finalfantasygrl4 on
finalfantasygrl4LOL! trip to the store on foot: $0, bag of groceries: $15, expression on albel's face: priceless. u cant find this picture anywhere else, but on JHanna's site!^_^ i think all those mastercard commericals have influenced me into that. but anywayz, great pic! totally awesome! favs^_^

PT_Chan on May 6, 2005, 8:37:24 AM

PT_Chan on
PT_ChanI just wanted you to know that this is only the second picture of yours I've seen and I just faved you. Your wonderful. You make me wanna dance.(I hate dancing!)

ladylibra on April 27, 2005, 6:23:57 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraYay!!!That's cool.You're really good!!*Faves*

facelift on April 27, 2005, 3:10:22 AM

facelift on
faceliftWow this pic rocks!!!!
so cool!

Darkmoonangel on April 23, 2005, 8:46:24 AM

Darkmoonangel on
DarkmoonangelLOL, that's cute and funny at the same time! ^-^ I have the Star Ocean game but I still haven't beaten it yet! T_T ::not to proud of myself at the moment for that:: XD

MangaWhit on April 20, 2005, 8:28:25 AM

MangaWhit on
MangaWhitHee Hee! That's so silly! The look on Albel's face is priceless! And I also support Alnel *waves Alnel flag...whatever that looks like*

NOXX on April 20, 2005, 4:00:33 AM

NOXXlol, thats really quite funny ^_^

LizzardQueeng on April 19, 2005, 11:50:06 AM

LizzardQueeng on
LizzardQueengWaaah! Kawaii!^^ I'm a AxN fan ^-^ This is awesome! Great shading! I've been thinking about doing a NelxAlbel pic, but wasn't to sure about it (you know 'cuz of the rabid FaytxAlbel fangirls @_@) But I think I'll give it a try ^_~. This is really Awesome *faves* oh thanks for your nice comment on my Nel pic ^^ Go you!

Laharu on April 19, 2005, 6:18:41 AM

Laharu on
Laharuah this is so cool i like your style of drawing

Puffy_Tribulation on April 14, 2005, 9:52:00 PM

Puffy_Tribulation on
Puffy_TribulationWeee! Albel and Nel!
Though I can't see how these two will ever get along, it's so good to see them together and yes, this drawing is great!

Silver_Strife on April 12, 2005, 7:43:07 AM

Silver_Strife on
Silver_StrifeThat's really cute! Not a big fan of A/N, but this picture is really good =) +fav

Takai_Kaze on April 11, 2005, 9:46:44 AM

Takai_Kaze on
Takai_KazeHa! You made Albel blush! You must be...God! XD lol jk! ^_^ Hee...kawaii~~! *fav* Muahahaha...beware teh favingness...ness...nes..*echoes until bored*

dot_hack_4_life on April 9, 2005, 6:54:39 AM

dot_hack_4_life on
dot_hack_4_lifeThat's funny! Never, ever would've thought of that!

Yunikku on April 9, 2005, 5:25:41 AM

Yunikku on
YunikkuNice pic. I hate Nel but the pic is still great.

I especially love Albel with the bag in his mouth.
He looks so pissed just as we fangirls (and fanboys?) love him, don´t we?