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albel/fate neko *gift for Yunikku*

albel/fate neko *gift for Yunikku*

albel/fate neko *gift for Yunikku* by JHanna
albel/fate neko *gift for Yunikku* by JHanna


Holy snap! I can't believe I really drew AlbelxFate... poor Nel! What do you think, Yunikku??

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - RPG/Adventure Games » Star Ocean series » Star Ocean: Till the End of Time » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 5383
Favorites... 50
Vote Score 1
Comments 31
Media Unspecified
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Comments (31)

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luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 4:59:38 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD "MINE!" Wonderful work with the markers! I like the soft look! <3

MeruMeru on August 31, 2008, 3:08:55 PM

MeruMeru on
MeruMeruThis is so CUTE!!!!!!!! ^.^
I must fav it O_O

Moon_the_blue_neko on May 1, 2006, 10:18:15 AM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekoawwwww ::favs:: albel and fayt NEKOS i love yoai, i love nekos both of em together is like A YAOI SANDWHICH WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

BeastMaster_Girl on March 25, 2006, 3:30:04 PM

BeastMaster_Girl on
BeastMaster_GirlThey look so adorable!! Albel rocks!

royally_spooky on February 18, 2006, 11:23:23 PM

royally_spooky on
royally_spookyawww I love it! *favs*

Fluffeh on February 13, 2006, 8:44:48 AM

Fluffeh on
So cute ^w^

alchan on January 31, 2006, 8:56:40 AM

alchan on
alchaneeee, its so cute!! you made albel and fayt look soooo cute!! er... i'm stuck on SrarOcean.. i need help.. i'm like still around the begining... i know.. its sad... i'm still in the stupid mines with nel and cliff.. somebody help me!! T__T

Boeckholt on January 27, 2006, 12:16:18 PM

Boeckholt on
BoeckholtAwww, it's adorable.

yoshio625 on January 26, 2006, 8:29:36 PM

yoshio625 on
yoshio625Wonderful!!Nekomimi kawaii^^

Ichidou_Daisuke on January 25, 2006, 5:24:07 PM

Ichidou_Daisuke on
Ichidou_DaisukeThis is so adorable!

reireichan on August 19, 2005, 10:12:31 AM

reireichan on
reireichanawwwwwwwwwww thats soooo cute *favs*

mizuki-chan on July 22, 2005, 1:11:01 PM

mizuki-chan on
mizuki-chanOmg so cute! kitty guys XD I always knew they had a thing for eachother!!

Autumn-Sacura on June 20, 2005, 2:00:36 AM

Autumn-Sacura on
Autumn-SacuraIt's wonderful... fav..

w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_s on June 16, 2005, 4:03:53 PM

w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_s on
w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_sAww!!! **heartheartheart** AlbelxFayt is too cute. And they just look absolutely adorable!! THEY LOOK LIKE YOU COULD ADOPT THEM!!! **squeaks, huggles them** Hm. **shifty eyes** ... **steals them away** Aww so cute, so cute....

sakuralin84 on June 15, 2005, 12:16:28 AM

sakuralin84 on
sakuralin84^^ i really luv the whole ofyour gallery ^^ they're great although i'm suppose to write this on your profile ^^ haaaaa *fav you n this pic

DeathPixie on May 25, 2005, 9:07:19 AM

DeathPixie on
DeathPixieKawaii!And so frikking pretty.Very awesome.

ladylibra on April 27, 2005, 6:34:53 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraOMG!!!!That is soooo CUTE!!!!!!Good work and keep it up!!!!=^^=*Faves*

facelift on April 27, 2005, 3:19:05 AM

facelift on
faceliftThis is so good!

enchantress on April 24, 2005, 3:31:42 AM

enchantress on
enchantressawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww its soooooo cute i want one......or eight

Zefy on April 21, 2005, 2:12:13 PM

Zefy on
ZefyAwww so cute ^___^!! I love their expressions!

muchalucha on April 21, 2005, 2:23:10 AM

muchalucha on
muchaluchaWow this is so good *favs*

nightfall on April 19, 2005, 10:35:38 PM

nightfall on
nightfallWow, that's great! Outlines, colours and shading are just perfect!!! And they're so kawaii :3 AWWWWWWWW...

Lynxie on April 19, 2005, 5:01:21 AM

Lynxie on
Lynxieweee so cute!

NOXX on April 19, 2005, 4:26:16 AM

NOXXwow! this is like... *splutters* wow! *faves*

akasume on April 17, 2005, 3:43:05 AM

akasume on
akasumeEEK!!! THAT'S TOO CUTE!! I luv this pairing soo much :3. You are a very good artist. What do you use for coloring?.. markers?

ShadowOfDarkness on April 15, 2005, 9:39:17 PM

ShadowOfDarkness on
ShadowOfDarknessaaaaaw thats so sweet! ^_^

rikku14 on April 15, 2005, 9:32:18 AM

rikku14 on
rikku14that's so cute. Add it to fav.

Puffy_Tribulation on April 14, 2005, 10:16:48 PM

Puffy_Tribulation on
Puffy_TribulationOMG! This is sooo cute! Albel and Fayt as kitties I feel like purring myself!

Yunikku on April 14, 2005, 6:29:35 PM

Yunikku on

That´s what I´m thinking now!!!
*bows down a million times and knocks her head on the table until the table collapses*

This is so cute!!! Thank god you can´t hear me sceaming joyfully now... it´s the best for your poor ears!

*screaming like hell*

dreamlulaby on April 14, 2005, 12:42:09 PM

dreamlulaby on
dreamlulabyWAAAAAAAHHHH ITS CUTE!!!!! ^______^ I LIKE IT!

Takai_Kaze on April 14, 2005, 11:02:07 AM

Takai_Kaze on
Takai_KazeAww...and eww...o_o; Poor poor nel-chan...but it's oky and I have a yaoi one of them already as a fav. ...aso,it won't hurt at all! ^_^ *fav* Oww...I think my spleen exploded...x_x;