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!!! Kurama !!! Finished

!!! Kurama !!! Finished

!!! Kurama !!! Finished by JarJarrBinx6
!!! Kurama !!! Finished by JarJarrBinx6


Its alll done!!! Isn't he sexy!!!! MMMM....comment plz..

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Youko Kurama
Date Submitted
Views 9380
Favorites... 91
Vote Score 0
Comments 55
Media Unspecified
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Comments (55)

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Amoro325 on May 1, 2006, 9:08:59 AM

Amoro325 on
Amoro325*gives death glares to rabid fangirls* Kurama is not yours. He's not anyone's, really... EXCEPT FOR MINE!!!!!!

(Btw, just tellin' ya, I am a girl, seeing as Amoro is sorta a boy's name... (I hate telling everyone every time I see a cute guy...))

*twitches* Must... resist... Can't... hold on... much longer... *foams at mouth, jumps onto Kurama with blood-streaked eyes that are REALLY wide* MINE!!!! *really weird moon appears out of nowhere, howls*
Kurama: O_O Help me please...
Some dude walking by: ...Got another rabid fangirl, eh, Kurama?
Kurama: *nods* Unfortunately... *stiffens* Wait... How do you know my name?
Some dude walking by: ...
Kurama: I'm waiting.
Some dude walking by: T.V.
Kurama: They know about that?! Damn!
Some dude walking by: ...You're on a T.V. show called Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Yusuke Yurameshe's the star, a spirit detective. You have a keep a rose in your hair, which you use for a whip that can cut anything. You're not really human, but a malevolent fox spirit trapped in a human's body.
There's Hiei-
Kurama: That's a different Kurama, we just share the same name and looks. (Obviously lying)
Some dude walking by: O_O Oops...
Darn! I was so sure you were the real deal!
Kurama: They used me as the character design...?
Some dude walking by: Oh... Do you need any help, by the way?
Kurama: YES!!
Me: He don' need help, he fine!
Some dude walking by: ...You're a rabid fangirl. Of course he needs help.
Me: *HUGE black claws appear out of nowhere* He be fine. You not be fine if you touch him.
Some dude walking by: *starts backing up very slowly* Okay, "he be fine." I understand. I am goind to leave now, leaving you and him alone. Okay?
Me: *nods furiously*
Some dude walking by: *turns, runs away*
Kurama: T_T Coward.
Me: *moon disappears claws disappear, goes back to "normal," huggles* ^^
Kurama: O-kay then...
Me: Sorry! ^^;; That happens whenever a full moon and a sexy bishi are both in my view!
Kurama: ...Joys...
Me: Hmmm... *grabs Kurama's rose from hair* Oh, for me? *giggles*
Kurama: *snatches rose back, puts it back into hair* You'd better get off of me AND get away from me, real fast!
Me: ...You'd think you'd be used to this sort of thing by now...
Kurama: ...
Me: Ohh, fine. *gets off of* But I'm not leaving!!
Kurama: T_T What must I do to make you leave me in peace?
Me: Hmmmm... Ooh, I know!
Kurama: It had best not be perverted...
Me: Don't worry, it's not!
Kurama: *sighs*
Me: It is... *dramatic pause* A KISS!! ^^
Kurama: O_o *walks off*
Me: -_-...Damn.

*nervous laughter* ^^;;;; I couldn't help myself! Sorry!

Anyways, really great pic! Out of five stars (*****), this is... one (*)... One hundred (****************************************************************************************************), that is! (There really are a hundred stars there... I counted them!! (I'm retarded, so what??)) This is awesome. *faves*

(By the way, if you read this whole comment, I will love you forever!! (AS A FRIEND!!))

Sexyhieigirl on March 27, 2006, 9:40:22 AM

Sexyhieigirl on

arctic_fox_sakura on February 10, 2006, 8:16:20 AM

arctic_fox_sakura on
arctic_fox_sakuraDAMN,HE'S SO FREAKIN' SEXY!!^_^

Anjinx4 on February 2, 2006, 11:11:14 AM

Anjinx4 on
Anjinx4DAMN HES HOT!!! graet pic ^_^ * adds to favs *

EvilMinionOfPuu on January 2, 2006, 11:44:08 PM

EvilMinionOfPuu on
EvilMinionOfPuu...*stares and drools* *,* yummy....*adds to favs*

Badger_The_Charmeleon on November 23, 2005, 10:58:42 AM

Badger_The_Charmeleon on
Badger_The_CharmeleonReally good,really good!

Inuyashas_gurl on November 22, 2005, 2:43:24 PM

Inuyashas_gurl on
Inuyashas_gurlOMG! Thats really good! Keep it up!

Kagome211 on November 14, 2005, 11:33:08 PM

Kagome211 on
Kagome211Thats beautiful1He looks so real!

Shadow_Warrioress on October 16, 2005, 4:52:32 AM

Shadow_Warrioress on
Shadow_WarrioressOh, and READ MY YYH FANFIC! It mostly centers on our favorite kitsune so far, *glomps Kurama and continues, while Kura-kun looks a bit dazed* but I'm trying to add in my other bishi too! *cough* Hiei *cough*
Note: It isn't for Yusuke fangirls, though (his part is minimal), Kuwabara fans (I don't have a very good handle on his character, so I don't use him much), or people who don't like original characters (cuz there are a WHOLE LOT of those, no self-insertions, though). Anyway, go read it! And comment! I like comments...

Shadow_Warrioress on September 22, 2005, 4:55:37 PM

Shadow_Warrioress on
Shadow_WarrioressEeeek! SEXY FOX BOY *glomps you* Thank you for bringing such a beautiful thing into existence!
*clicky clicky go the fave buttons*

punkrocker on September 8, 2005, 2:00:00 PM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCool pic+_+

Just2Silly on September 8, 2005, 1:23:28 PM

Just2Silly on
Just2Sillypretty nice coloring looks very nice and i live the shading and love ow u did his hair

moonlitdemoness09 on September 4, 2005, 4:15:00 AM

moonlitdemoness09 on
moonlitdemoness09WOW!!! HOLY CRAP THATS GOOD!! i love the hair and eyes and clothes and colors and shading donner and blitzen and...

smallsilentdarkpixie on August 27, 2005, 8:26:50 AM

smallsilentdarkpixie on
smallsilentdarkpixiei think you should make your own manga!! ^_^


angelliz1 on August 11, 2005, 7:37:15 AM

angelliz1 on
angelliz1I am sooooooo jealous. I can't draw Kurama even though I can draw Hiei. Ur Kurama's eyes are so intense. His shading is wonderful. Hope to see more in the future=D>

OrliDeppgrl1425 on July 13, 2005, 1:11:01 PM

OrliDeppgrl1425 on
OrliDeppgrl1425I luv this. Awesome!!! *faves!*

DemonTheifQueen on July 11, 2005, 12:15:04 PM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueenKURAMA! ^___^ *tackles him and steals him*



punkrocker on July 2, 2005, 4:55:47 AM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCool pic+_+

rockgirl14 on June 17, 2005, 4:17:42 AM

rockgirl14 on
rockgirl14whoa. that is good. a whole heck of a lot better than my first kurama. *mentally kicks self for putting it on main page* awesome!

ladymartian21 on May 6, 2005, 7:29:44 AM

ladymartian21 on
ladymartian21yes very, very, very sexy!!!
Though I like Jin a WHOLE lot more. HE'S PERFECT=)

ShampooSama on May 2, 2005, 10:05:15 AM

ShampooSama on
ShampooSamayour a really good artist but you waste it on stupid pics now ranma I LIKE RANMA!!!!

ShampooSama on May 2, 2005, 10:05:07 AM

ShampooSama on
ShampooSamayour a really good artist but you waste it on stupid pics now ranma I LIKE RANMA!!!!

mark5 on March 20, 2005, 10:38:23 AM

mark5 on
mark5Wow O.O ^O^ *FAVS*

zefi on March 17, 2005, 12:28:52 PM

zefi on
zefiOMG *dies* +favs

RinjiAsthore on February 15, 2005, 6:02:31 AM

RinjiAsthore on
RinjiAsthore*screams with delight as Rinji-chan cuddles Ickle-Kuramakins*
yummy! He does look sexy in this pic, but then again, he's sexy all the time!!!!
You're good.

TasteTheRainbow on February 13, 2005, 8:13:52 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!great job!!!!!mmmmmmmmm so sexy *sighs* hes so beautiful!!!

JarJarrBinx6 on February 12, 2005, 6:19:52 AM

JarJarrBinx6 on
JarJarrBinx6Crayola colored pencils to color this. Nothing fancy! ^.^ Thanks for all the great feedback! Love ya!

Cresent on February 11, 2005, 7:40:37 AM

Cresent on
CresentWAII! I luv Kurama-kun! This is really good. Did you use watercolor pencils or what? Great work!

musicfreak1389 on November 21, 2004, 6:44:13 AM

musicfreak1389 on
musicfreak1389Wow! Lol He's beautiful ^___^

Princess_Tyuto on October 2, 2004, 6:11:12 PM

Princess_Tyuto on
Princess_Tyutovery hot!

Cat_Inu_lilsis on September 22, 2004, 8:30:17 AM

Cat_Inu_lilsis on
Cat_Inu_lilsis"faints" For this picture made me fall in love with him more.

MANGA_ANIME_FREAK on September 1, 2004, 8:17:13 AM

MANGA_ANIME_FREAKthat IS one of the best drawings of Kurama I've seen! such an awsome job dude! great coloring too. just SO COOL!!!!!! *adds to fav's*! -Da Freak

Neko_Amber on August 25, 2004, 12:36:10 AM

Neko_Amber on
Neko_Ambervery good pic one of the best kuramas i've seen on here so far!

Aura on August 23, 2004, 10:58:27 AM

Aura on
AuraExecellent!! Your Kurama pic's awesome!! *faves*

Ginx on August 3, 2004, 10:22:13 AM

Ginx on
GinxAwww!!! HELL YEAH! Yummy. U r a great arteest. If you take requests could you draw me n kurama? Love the pic!

Kurama_Rose on July 23, 2004, 5:04:31 AM

Kurama_Rose on
Kurama_Roseawsome!! luv it much! great job!! hey do u take requests? well if yah do could u draw me a kurama and youko pic? please!!

smashsweetie on April 12, 2004, 11:05:54 AM

smashsweetie on
smashsweetiethis pic is so good! *fav*

devilschild13 on April 8, 2004, 7:53:15 AM

devilschild13 on
devilschild13^_^ me like!

tenshi on March 5, 2004, 8:23:26 PM

tenshi on
tenshikawaii!!! he looks so much like the real thing! you're amazing!!!

mikoa on March 4, 2004, 8:16:00 AM

mikoa on

tornartist on March 1, 2004, 11:19:41 PM

tornartist on
tornartistBABE ALERT, BABE ALERT?!?! =^-^=

KenshinLover on February 25, 2004, 5:56:29 AM

KenshinLover on
KenshinLovermine! *steals* just kidding! great job! love the coloring ^ ^

kuramas_girl on February 11, 2004, 1:47:24 PM

kuramas_girl on
kuramas_girlOOOOOOO sexy exelent job!!!!!

kuroiyouko on February 1, 2004, 1:52:47 PM

kuroiyouko on
kuroiyoukogood pic, looks like he has eyeliner though o.o

kuri on January 7, 2004, 4:37:21 AM

kuri on
kuriyou whatch Inuyasha but you dont now who naraku is well .....thats interesting well Anyways could you just do like another awsomely cool picture of Kurama then that would be like so awsomely cool unless you want to proceed with my master Challenge (hahahha) then do it that would be like so cool ;) its up to you may the force be with srry dont now where that came from i dont really like star wars .....Hmmmmmmm. ok well um....yeah bye

JarJarrBinx6 on January 6, 2004, 6:34:00 PM

JarJarrBinx6 on
JarJarrBinx6Hiei is in the works...keep an eye out.

JarJarrBinx6 on January 6, 2004, 6:32:41 PM

JarJarrBinx6 on
JarJarrBinx6Question...whos Miroku and Naraku....The only Miroku I know of is on Inuyasha...hehe I don't watch DBZ...~.~;; Are they both from DBZ? I'd gladly do it...but,yea.I'm DBZ challenged.

firedemon on January 6, 2004, 2:29:32 PM

firedemon on
firedemonWOW!!!!!!!! That rocks I suck at coloring!!!!!!!!!

kuri on January 6, 2004, 5:53:24 AM

kuri on
kuriOMG I LOVE your picture thos eyes o there wonderful *gazes misticly at eyes* HMmmmmmmmmmm *smacks self* ouch ok srry any ways i have a challange for you DUN DUN DUN can you draw me a picture of.......ready for it......(hopfully you watch dbz) ok could you do a fusion betwin KURAMA (my love *cough*) and MIROKU...........and also DUN DUN DUN...........Naraku *gasp* ehhehe if its do difficult for thee could you just do KURAMA and Miroku that would be like so cool yeah and if you cant do that just another awsomely cool pic of Kurama will be cool and I sall be forever in your debt :) well gots to go bye *waves bye*

CheshireGoddess on January 6, 2004, 1:43:06 AM

CheshireGoddess on
CheshireGoddessooooooooooooooooooooooow :) lol that ish soooo cute!!!!!!!

iNuLuVeR89 on January 6, 2004, 1:06:23 AM

iNuLuVeR89 on
iNuLuVeR89AHHHHHHHH!!! its Kurama!!! :faints: I love his eyes!!! :savs to favs:

Nami on January 6, 2004, 12:41:06 AM

Nami on
NamiWOW this pic is awesome!! I love his eyes! *stares* I LOVE IT!! *saves to faves*

Kri_Minamino on January 6, 2004, 12:32:01 AM

Kri_Minamino on

Shinigami-no-Kaze on January 6, 2004, 12:22:41 AM

Shinigami-no-Kaze on
Shinigami-no-KazeThat's amazing cell-style! I'm guessing you did that with colored pecils, which makes it all the more amazing. The eyes are intense and wonderful!