Green Goblin Loves His Pumpkin Bombs
Green Goblin Loves His Pumpkin Bombs
Green Goblin Loves His Pumpkin Bombs by Jessrillaz


Originally this image was never shaded. I decided I love this pic so much that it is worthy of shading so I've added some in. My shading skills still aren't the best in the world but oh well, practice makes perfect. I mostly just highlighted the close up of his face to show the glow from the pumpkin lighting up his features. Hope it looks convincing enough.
Hurray for terrible banter by Gobby! 8D Also yes... this time it has a deviantART watermark on it lol! XD
Okay... this is what I've been fooling around with since Friday night. Omg... am I ever shocked I actually pulled this off OoO *faints*
Ahem, as some of you may already know I'm a fan of the new Green Goblin in the series The Spectacular Spider-man. So as such, I thought why not draw a little pic in honor of the big guy :3 Well, the first pic of him holding the pumpkin bomb came out so well I had to turn it into something more <3 Tada! A mini comic of sorts :D I totally wasn't expecting my first real attempts at the Goblin to come out this good though :0 Seriously... I dunno if I can even call this style mixing it looks so much like the original *o* Honestly though... this was just an excuse to draw him with that sexy, maniacal, twisted expression of his C:<
Anyway, he loves throwing those little bombs of his. I swear, he totally gets aroused. I swear it! XD Also, if any of you think the Loincloth is a little too revealing well guess what... it was drawn that way on purpose ;) Why? Simply cuz I can C: Oh and I know that the glow on the pumpkin is fail. I honestly don't have a damn glowing option in my coloring programs that doesn't make it look stupid T_T Therefore... I improvise.
Well needless to say I'm EXTREMELY impressed with my work on this. I know it could've been better but oh well. I'm still very happy with it ^_^
Plus now that I've gotten the hang of drawing him I may do some more pics :D You never know!
Hope you all enjoy! *huggles*
Artwork (c) to me Jessrillaz 09
TSSM Green Goblin character design (c) Sean Galloway
The Spectacular Spider-Man series (c) Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
Hurray for terrible banter by Gobby! 8D Also yes... this time it has a deviantART watermark on it lol! XD
Okay... this is what I've been fooling around with since Friday night. Omg... am I ever shocked I actually pulled this off OoO *faints*
Ahem, as some of you may already know I'm a fan of the new Green Goblin in the series The Spectacular Spider-man. So as such, I thought why not draw a little pic in honor of the big guy :3 Well, the first pic of him holding the pumpkin bomb came out so well I had to turn it into something more <3 Tada! A mini comic of sorts :D I totally wasn't expecting my first real attempts at the Goblin to come out this good though :0 Seriously... I dunno if I can even call this style mixing it looks so much like the original *o* Honestly though... this was just an excuse to draw him with that sexy, maniacal, twisted expression of his C:<
Anyway, he loves throwing those little bombs of his. I swear, he totally gets aroused. I swear it! XD Also, if any of you think the Loincloth is a little too revealing well guess what... it was drawn that way on purpose ;) Why? Simply cuz I can C: Oh and I know that the glow on the pumpkin is fail. I honestly don't have a damn glowing option in my coloring programs that doesn't make it look stupid T_T Therefore... I improvise.
Well needless to say I'm EXTREMELY impressed with my work on this. I know it could've been better but oh well. I'm still very happy with it ^_^
Plus now that I've gotten the hang of drawing him I may do some more pics :D You never know!
Hope you all enjoy! *huggles*
Artwork (c) to me Jessrillaz 09
TSSM Green Goblin character design (c) Sean Galloway
The Spectacular Spider-Man series (c) Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
General Info
General Info
Media Other digital art
Time Taken several hours
Reference yes
Media Other digital art
Time Taken several hours
Reference yes
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Jhihmoac on February 22, 2010, 9:48:30 PM
Jhihmoac on

Forestdahedgehog on October 25, 2009, 5:28:12 AM

But then I would expload
And be dead-ified..
And there would be no Gobby for me :(
I dont think they have TV's down...South...-looks at ground-
So...Id give him a hug anyways..But then I still might..Blow up....Darn your awsome attarctiful insaneness Gobby...
Lol,but Very awsome pictureee :D I love his expressiion in the second part. Id steel his face if I could xD You did excellent with it -nod-
I love the S.Spiderman charrie designs xD Lol, my fave as well. -Faves-
Jessrillaz on October 25, 2009, 10:22:37 PM
Jessrillaz on

Lol, you could steal his face! He wears a mask! Although, I'm not too sure how Norman would feel about that XD Thanks for the fave! <3
Alma on August 4, 2009, 3:21:21 AM
Alma on
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Jessrillaz on August 6, 2009, 4:06:12 PM
Jessrillaz on
Rubius on July 26, 2009, 8:45:03 AM
Rubius on
Jessrillaz on July 26, 2009, 8:55:48 AM
Jessrillaz on
Rubius on July 26, 2009, 8:58:22 AM
Rubius on
Jessrillaz on July 26, 2009, 8:59:34 AM
Jessrillaz on