Creator Plus Five
Creator Plus Five
Creator Plus Five by KelekiahGaladrian


Hello everyone. I have once again returned. The nightmare you see above this comment box is one of the reasons I have taken so long in getting more pictures to you (I have a very small handful that still need to be colored, but my laziness and preparations for the future have kept me from coloring them just yet. I’ll work on them soon).
This beast took me . . . 2 hours to draw, 2-3 hours to outline, and 3-5 hours to color (way too much stupid BLUE, everyone has at least something that is BLUE, I hate blue right now XP). 83 layers (was once 87, but as I outlined, I changed some things, which gave me need to delete a few of them). 83 HORRIBLE LAYERS. I have NEVER used that many layers before, and never before have I drawn that many people in one picture. I’ve done four a handful of times, but never six, despite the fact that one of them is a chibi. Holy cow. This thing was HUGE. And to think I want to try one with almost twice as many people *dies* Good thing none of them will be wearing clothes (MERPEOPLE FTW). AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S SAD?! As soon as I finished coloring it, I had no clue what to do with the background. I did a few versions, but none of them stuck with me. This one’s supposed to have a transparent background. We’ll see if it actually worked.
Goodness, now that I’m past that, where do I even begin? I suppose I should intro all the characters.
First, the chibi on top. Your most beloved Lego-chan AKA Ray Ray Leowis, teh awesome creator and artist (just in case you’re confused, the chibi is wearing shorts and leggings, which is why the legs are white). Behold teh awesome me :D I personally really like my anime self.
Now, from left to right, Orenji Ringo, Kel Shadow, Venessa Potter, Sakura Kaoru, and Parvani Ohara :D
Although you should recognize most of them, I’ll give you a brief overview. Orenji Ringo is my Tokyo Mew Mew OC, Kel Shadow is my main YuGiOh OC, Venessa Potter (gee, I wonder where she’s from XP) is my Harry Potter series OC, Sakura Kaoru is my Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch OC, and Parvani Ohara is my Pokémon OC. I will give you the links to profiles already given so I don’t have to redo them here (also, shameless advertising here, feel free to please comment on the pictures offered too, despite the fact that some of them are a little old, especially Kel’s):
Kel Shadow: (Please note that this bio has been edited since I posted this picture and although I made the changes there, most people tend to not notice. Also, disregard the comment for Millennial Star, which is currently undergoing revision with a different name is the story itself is currently discontinued)
Sakura Kaoru: (Please note that a few small revisions were made to her character and bio and are included within the new profile)
Parvani Ohara:
Orenji Ringo:
Please note that the outfits shown are the signature outfits for all five bottom characters.
As much as I have a feeling people will not like this OC, I’ll offer a bio for Ven so people can understand her better.
Birth Name: Alyssa Lily Potter
Adopted Name: Venessa Malfoy
Name She Goes By: Venessa Lily Potter
Age: 11-17 (depending on where you are in the series)
Height: 4’10”-5’7” (also depending on where you are in the series)
Race: British
Family: Her true family consists of James (father), Lily (mother), Harry (twin brother), the Dursleys (aunt, uncle, cousin), and Sirius (godfather). Her adopted family consists of Lucius (father), Narcissa (mother), Draco (brother), and Bellatrix (aunt).
Parents were killed by Voldemort, Muggle neighbor found baby Alyssa and took her to orphanage, matron, who is a banished pureblood, gave baby to Narcissa, became a Malfoy, after first year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore considered giving her to Dursleys, Dursleys refused, Ven went with Weasleys instead
Harry was found by Hagrid, he couldn’t find Alyssa because the neighbor had already found her, he was taken to Dursleys, after first year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore tried to give both Potter twins to the Dursleys, they refused, both went to the Weasleys instead
(Yes, it’s convoluted, I understand that, give me a break)
Love Interest: Draco Malfoy (yes, I understand this is weird, however, it is a good explanation as to why such a cold-hearted bully would be interested in a romantic relationship *eye roll*)
Wand: 9” Maple, Fairy wing core
Short Background:
- Venessa (nicknamed Ven by Draco, and that’s what she goes by) has a scar like Harry’s (his is on the right side of his forehead, hers on the left) but it disgusts her and she uses a special cream to hide it.
- Draco is not only her love interest, but her best friend. Their romantic feelings toward each other don’t consciously manifest until fourth year. They get together eventually, I haven’t really decided when yet.
- Ven is sorted into Gryffindor, much to her, Draco, and Gryffindor’s chagrin. Because of her supposed Malfoy heritage, she is shunned by the other students. She sits with Draco at mealtimes and classes with the Slytherins, corresponds with him through letters, rides to and from Hogwarts on the train with him, and sits by herself in classes without Slytherins (until she starts to make friends in Gryffindor).
- Ven doesn’t make friends with the Golden Trio until partway through their first year.
- Right after Christmas, Dumbledore reveals to Harry, Ven, and Draco that she is truly Harry’s twin, Narcissa confirms this.
- At the end of first year, Dumbledore decides he doesn’t want Ven going back to the Malfoy household now that he has rediscovered her, and tries to send her with Harry to the Dursleys, but the Dursleys won’t have any of it, so, after much debate and argument, Ven and Harry go to the Weasleys, where they spend every summer.
- Lots of canon stuff happens but since most of it is spoilerific and/or boring, I won’t relate it here, not to mention it’s really long. However, it’s important for you to know that Harry dies in Sirius’s place in the fifth book, which makes Ven the true Chosen One rather than Harry.
- Due to lots of stuff happening in fifth year, it is decided at the end that Draco will go with Ven to the Weasleys.
- Ven’s strengths lie in defense. Her best subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts (though she’s fairly good at Transfiguration and Potions). History of Magic, Divination, and Charms are her worst subjects. Her goal is to become a defensive spell worker and creating more effective defensive charms. She also wants to become an Animagus, which Sirius has suggested helping her with. She casts the Patronus Charm well (hers is an Eagle, which is probably what her Patronus would be).
- Ven is rather anti-social and has a hard time making friends.
- Rather than an owl (since Draco has one, she normally uses his), Ven owns a white cat by the name of Snow.
I understand that reading over this, you might think Ven is a Mary-Sue. If you want to believe that, fine, and while I can slightly agree, I’m against it. I just have a VERY convoluted opinion of the Harry Potter series, and although certain Harry personalities in many fanfictions I have read make him appealing to me, canon!Harry is an idiot and he drives me up a wall. So I had him die. The very original idea just left Ven as his twin, and then in a fit of madness, I decided to replace Harry with Ven entirely, then decided it would be better to keep Harry in canon until I killed him. I dunno, that’s just my opinion. Hate her if you want, but no harsh comments please.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, I can more fully discuss the contents of the picture’s design and such. I’ve seen multiple people on DA do this kind of thing before and I thought, “What the heck,” so I did it too (I’m good at doing things other people are XP). Besides, I wanted to show off my favorite characters to draw (though I honestly prefer Sakura’s idol form to her human form) and needed an excuse to draw Venessa.
Through this, you can tell I’m not a fan of long sleeves or covering sleeves, and I also have an obsession with blue (which is odd ‘cause purple’s my favorite color, go figure). You can also tell that I don’t really know how to shade and/or highlight properly—I hope to improve that eventually, but for now, I like my own style.
With this one, I decided I wanted each character to have the eye style (and the facial structure to the best of my ability) of their own fandom. I’m not sure I did that very well but I tried. Venessa, obviously, has my own style (very simplified, but mine-ish nonetheless (I think I borrowed it from a friend of mine a long time ago and never bothered to change it)) since realism is still way too hard for me. I hope they somewhat resemble what they’re supposed to, but if not, whatever.
As usual, the hair is my favorite part. I’m really proud of the way I do it, though I can always improve, especially in the initial drawing of the hair.
Kel’s face bothers me, Sakura’s face bothers me, Sakura’s legs bother me, Sakura’s arms bother me, and the lack of folds bother me. I really need to learn how to draw those better. And naturally, my lineart is rather thick. I’m trying to discover ways to make my pictures turn out better when I color, but it’s slow-going. I also need to find better ways to show different body sizes (for instance, Orenji is rather large in the chest for her age, which is NOT shown here XP it worked much better in the last picture of her I did XP) and show age better. Goodness, they all look rather young to me.
Speaking of, in this picture, Orenji and Parvani are 5’4”, Kel and Sakura are 5’5”, and Ven is 5’7”, and Orenji is 15, Parvani and Sakura are 16, and Kel and Ven are 17.
Hmm, I think that about covers it. Any questions, concerns, praise, or tips, please leave them for me in a comment. I’d really appreciate it :D
Man, this comment box is LONG. Hope that wasn’t too hard of a read for you guys, if anyone but luckylace reads them at all XP
Me, Orenji Ringo, Kel Shadow/Kelekiah Galadrian, Venessa Potter, Sakura Kaoru, Parvani Ohara, Art © Kelekiah Galadrian
Tokyo Mew Mew © Reiko Yoshida, Mia Ikumi
YuGiOh © Kazuki Takahashi
Harry Potter series, the Potters, the Malfoys, the Dursleys, the Weasleys, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Dumbledore © J.K. Rowling
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch © Hanamori Pink
Pokémon © Still don’t know yet, but it’s not me
This beast took me . . . 2 hours to draw, 2-3 hours to outline, and 3-5 hours to color (way too much stupid BLUE, everyone has at least something that is BLUE, I hate blue right now XP). 83 layers (was once 87, but as I outlined, I changed some things, which gave me need to delete a few of them). 83 HORRIBLE LAYERS. I have NEVER used that many layers before, and never before have I drawn that many people in one picture. I’ve done four a handful of times, but never six, despite the fact that one of them is a chibi. Holy cow. This thing was HUGE. And to think I want to try one with almost twice as many people *dies* Good thing none of them will be wearing clothes (MERPEOPLE FTW). AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S SAD?! As soon as I finished coloring it, I had no clue what to do with the background. I did a few versions, but none of them stuck with me. This one’s supposed to have a transparent background. We’ll see if it actually worked.
Goodness, now that I’m past that, where do I even begin? I suppose I should intro all the characters.
First, the chibi on top. Your most beloved Lego-chan AKA Ray Ray Leowis, teh awesome creator and artist (just in case you’re confused, the chibi is wearing shorts and leggings, which is why the legs are white). Behold teh awesome me :D I personally really like my anime self.
Now, from left to right, Orenji Ringo, Kel Shadow, Venessa Potter, Sakura Kaoru, and Parvani Ohara :D
Although you should recognize most of them, I’ll give you a brief overview. Orenji Ringo is my Tokyo Mew Mew OC, Kel Shadow is my main YuGiOh OC, Venessa Potter (gee, I wonder where she’s from XP) is my Harry Potter series OC, Sakura Kaoru is my Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch OC, and Parvani Ohara is my Pokémon OC. I will give you the links to profiles already given so I don’t have to redo them here (also, shameless advertising here, feel free to please comment on the pictures offered too, despite the fact that some of them are a little old, especially Kel’s):
Kel Shadow: (Please note that this bio has been edited since I posted this picture and although I made the changes there, most people tend to not notice. Also, disregard the comment for Millennial Star, which is currently undergoing revision with a different name is the story itself is currently discontinued)
Sakura Kaoru: (Please note that a few small revisions were made to her character and bio and are included within the new profile)
Parvani Ohara:
Orenji Ringo:
Please note that the outfits shown are the signature outfits for all five bottom characters.
As much as I have a feeling people will not like this OC, I’ll offer a bio for Ven so people can understand her better.
Birth Name: Alyssa Lily Potter
Adopted Name: Venessa Malfoy
Name She Goes By: Venessa Lily Potter
Age: 11-17 (depending on where you are in the series)
Height: 4’10”-5’7” (also depending on where you are in the series)
Race: British
Family: Her true family consists of James (father), Lily (mother), Harry (twin brother), the Dursleys (aunt, uncle, cousin), and Sirius (godfather). Her adopted family consists of Lucius (father), Narcissa (mother), Draco (brother), and Bellatrix (aunt).
Parents were killed by Voldemort, Muggle neighbor found baby Alyssa and took her to orphanage, matron, who is a banished pureblood, gave baby to Narcissa, became a Malfoy, after first year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore considered giving her to Dursleys, Dursleys refused, Ven went with Weasleys instead
Harry was found by Hagrid, he couldn’t find Alyssa because the neighbor had already found her, he was taken to Dursleys, after first year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore tried to give both Potter twins to the Dursleys, they refused, both went to the Weasleys instead
(Yes, it’s convoluted, I understand that, give me a break)
Love Interest: Draco Malfoy (yes, I understand this is weird, however, it is a good explanation as to why such a cold-hearted bully would be interested in a romantic relationship *eye roll*)
Wand: 9” Maple, Fairy wing core
Short Background:
- Venessa (nicknamed Ven by Draco, and that’s what she goes by) has a scar like Harry’s (his is on the right side of his forehead, hers on the left) but it disgusts her and she uses a special cream to hide it.
- Draco is not only her love interest, but her best friend. Their romantic feelings toward each other don’t consciously manifest until fourth year. They get together eventually, I haven’t really decided when yet.
- Ven is sorted into Gryffindor, much to her, Draco, and Gryffindor’s chagrin. Because of her supposed Malfoy heritage, she is shunned by the other students. She sits with Draco at mealtimes and classes with the Slytherins, corresponds with him through letters, rides to and from Hogwarts on the train with him, and sits by herself in classes without Slytherins (until she starts to make friends in Gryffindor).
- Ven doesn’t make friends with the Golden Trio until partway through their first year.
- Right after Christmas, Dumbledore reveals to Harry, Ven, and Draco that she is truly Harry’s twin, Narcissa confirms this.
- At the end of first year, Dumbledore decides he doesn’t want Ven going back to the Malfoy household now that he has rediscovered her, and tries to send her with Harry to the Dursleys, but the Dursleys won’t have any of it, so, after much debate and argument, Ven and Harry go to the Weasleys, where they spend every summer.
- Lots of canon stuff happens but since most of it is spoilerific and/or boring, I won’t relate it here, not to mention it’s really long. However, it’s important for you to know that Harry dies in Sirius’s place in the fifth book, which makes Ven the true Chosen One rather than Harry.
- Due to lots of stuff happening in fifth year, it is decided at the end that Draco will go with Ven to the Weasleys.
- Ven’s strengths lie in defense. Her best subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts (though she’s fairly good at Transfiguration and Potions). History of Magic, Divination, and Charms are her worst subjects. Her goal is to become a defensive spell worker and creating more effective defensive charms. She also wants to become an Animagus, which Sirius has suggested helping her with. She casts the Patronus Charm well (hers is an Eagle, which is probably what her Patronus would be).
- Ven is rather anti-social and has a hard time making friends.
- Rather than an owl (since Draco has one, she normally uses his), Ven owns a white cat by the name of Snow.
I understand that reading over this, you might think Ven is a Mary-Sue. If you want to believe that, fine, and while I can slightly agree, I’m against it. I just have a VERY convoluted opinion of the Harry Potter series, and although certain Harry personalities in many fanfictions I have read make him appealing to me, canon!Harry is an idiot and he drives me up a wall. So I had him die. The very original idea just left Ven as his twin, and then in a fit of madness, I decided to replace Harry with Ven entirely, then decided it would be better to keep Harry in canon until I killed him. I dunno, that’s just my opinion. Hate her if you want, but no harsh comments please.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, I can more fully discuss the contents of the picture’s design and such. I’ve seen multiple people on DA do this kind of thing before and I thought, “What the heck,” so I did it too (I’m good at doing things other people are XP). Besides, I wanted to show off my favorite characters to draw (though I honestly prefer Sakura’s idol form to her human form) and needed an excuse to draw Venessa.
Through this, you can tell I’m not a fan of long sleeves or covering sleeves, and I also have an obsession with blue (which is odd ‘cause purple’s my favorite color, go figure). You can also tell that I don’t really know how to shade and/or highlight properly—I hope to improve that eventually, but for now, I like my own style.
With this one, I decided I wanted each character to have the eye style (and the facial structure to the best of my ability) of their own fandom. I’m not sure I did that very well but I tried. Venessa, obviously, has my own style (very simplified, but mine-ish nonetheless (I think I borrowed it from a friend of mine a long time ago and never bothered to change it)) since realism is still way too hard for me. I hope they somewhat resemble what they’re supposed to, but if not, whatever.
As usual, the hair is my favorite part. I’m really proud of the way I do it, though I can always improve, especially in the initial drawing of the hair.
Kel’s face bothers me, Sakura’s face bothers me, Sakura’s legs bother me, Sakura’s arms bother me, and the lack of folds bother me. I really need to learn how to draw those better. And naturally, my lineart is rather thick. I’m trying to discover ways to make my pictures turn out better when I color, but it’s slow-going. I also need to find better ways to show different body sizes (for instance, Orenji is rather large in the chest for her age, which is NOT shown here XP it worked much better in the last picture of her I did XP) and show age better. Goodness, they all look rather young to me.
Speaking of, in this picture, Orenji and Parvani are 5’4”, Kel and Sakura are 5’5”, and Ven is 5’7”, and Orenji is 15, Parvani and Sakura are 16, and Kel and Ven are 17.
Hmm, I think that about covers it. Any questions, concerns, praise, or tips, please leave them for me in a comment. I’d really appreciate it :D
Man, this comment box is LONG. Hope that wasn’t too hard of a read for you guys, if anyone but luckylace reads them at all XP
Me, Orenji Ringo, Kel Shadow/Kelekiah Galadrian, Venessa Potter, Sakura Kaoru, Parvani Ohara, Art © Kelekiah Galadrian
Tokyo Mew Mew © Reiko Yoshida, Mia Ikumi
YuGiOh © Kazuki Takahashi
Harry Potter series, the Potters, the Malfoys, the Dursleys, the Weasleys, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Dumbledore © J.K. Rowling
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch © Hanamori Pink
Pokémon © Still don’t know yet, but it’s not me
General Info
General Info
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 7-10
Reference Various anime screenshots for eyes
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 7-10
Reference Various anime screenshots for eyes
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Mhera213 on July 18, 2011, 8:59:25 AM
Mhera213 on