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Decorer Chibi

Decorer Chibi

Decorer Chibi by Kerushi
Decorer Chibi by Kerushi


I think its funny that I'm posting this girly pic while listening to Seikima II's "Yuugai Rock". Not like anyone on this site will have ever heard them prolly ;_; They are sooo good!
Anyway, I was working on a design for a contest at the most active decora comm on lj, but after inking it I decided it didn't fit the parameters of the contest. I colored it anyway, just cuz I think its kinda cute. :) hope you like!
Also...I'm having fun drawing chibi! Do you think I shoud draw a lolita one (and if so, which kind of lolita? I like all kinds) or a ganguro one next? (Still not sure why i like the look of ganguro so much, I'd never dress that way- we all know how I don't like being tan! but I find it really cool to look at)
Braces suck, I just got lower ones (thank goodness I get it all of in November!..but then I get to go have "fun" surgery) and I can't eat. The top ones never hurt this much. ;o; Please send me lots of soft e-food! But no oatmeal or bananas! XD
I don't want to eat icecream, I'll get fat. Here, you eat it. *pushes carton of mint-chip*
ha ha. My brain has vacated my head right now, and I'm typing this all as if I were a crazy person! (No comment plskthxbai)
heheheheh *nervous laughter* I think I'll be leaving now....
comments muchly luved! ^^

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Chibis
Date Submitted
Views 1559
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 0
Comments 7
Media Other drawing
Time Taken
Reference none


Comments (7)

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Peach-Bunny on August 28, 2009, 3:55:22 PM

Peach-Bunny on
Peach-BunnyFurry leg warmers! <3 Gotta get me a pair of those.

GaYBoYFriendD on July 9, 2008, 1:34:09 PM

GaYBoYFriendD on
GaYBoYFriendDgreat work with the coloring! O: It's so fun but her outfit is tops! ^_^ awesome job here~!

Kioko-chan on August 30, 2006, 6:18:26 AM

Kioko-chan on
Kioko-chan Aww, I love Decorer! @.@ i want to dress like that...and GREAT JOB! ^.^

kiaragurl03 on June 16, 2006, 12:45:21 PM

kiaragurl03 on

TheWolfy on June 11, 2006, 2:45:40 PM

TheWolfy on
TheWolfyCute! :D I love all her little hairclips and fuzzy legwarmers. I need to make me some, but some lady borrowed my sewing machine and decided not to give it back, so I'm stuck with my old orange ones that look bad with my skirts. Nuuu. ;o;

A ganguro chibi would be interesting, I absolutely adore the utter tackniness of that style.

sesshy_lil_gurl on June 11, 2006, 6:49:23 AM

sesshy_lil_gurl on
sesshy_lil_gurlshe is so cool lookin....i like it alot. so creative. keep up the great work.

Shadow_Fox360 on June 9, 2006, 4:31:34 AM

Shadow_Fox360 on
Shadow_Fox360ur right this is cute... n_n *gives u jello* u can eat jello, can't u?