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My characters and I

My characters and I

My characters and I by Kindelesante
My characters and I by Kindelesante


This is an EXTREMELY quick pic. I'm ok with it but not too happy. But anywho, the elf in the green is my brand new character...erm... I have no name for her yet ^^;;; but she's the sister of Kinde who is on the very right weraing the red... need I say more? Sisterly love ~.^. But the one in the middle is yours truely, just for the sake of it and the ickle kitty is also a new character of mine, though not used for rp... or maybe not yet. If anyone has a name for the elf in green idea.... please post it... I'm out of ideas.... maybe even a name for the kitty....

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 3038
Favorites... 25
Vote Score 1
Comments 24
Media Unspecified
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Comments (24)

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zender23 on July 10, 2007, 7:32:44 AM

zender23 on
zender23to cute

ITcame_Fromthe_BBQ on March 11, 2006, 4:02:34 PM

ITcame_Fromthe_BBQ on
ITcame_Fromthe_BBQreally good!! *yells* I DO NOT!! o sorry im r-guing wit my mom, she says i look like the gurl in the middle and i dont!!!*glares at mom*

Xx_AviloriA_xX on October 25, 2005, 1:54:30 PM

Xx_AviloriA_xX on
Xx_AviloriA_xXthis ish great! me like.

OrangeArt on July 2, 2005, 11:46:45 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArthey i like ur style! cool picture

Rinii on October 23, 2004, 1:42:04 AM

Rinii on
Riniihaha makes me wanna kick one over for some reason... haha maybe it's cuz they look so happy ^^ heh heh

strawberry_smoothie on September 15, 2004, 2:27:25 AM

strawberry_smoothie on
strawberry_smoothieI LOVE YOUR ART!!!!!! You are so good. this is amazing and it makes me wanna dance! lol *does a little jig*

SmilinJuanValdez on August 24, 2004, 6:42:04 AM

SmilinJuanValdez on
SmilinJuanValdezHehe, every one of your pics so far has been great.

kohaku_theblackwolf on June 18, 2004, 9:37:46 AM

kohaku_theblackwolf on
kohaku_theblackwolfIs your name supposed to have three n's? Just wondering. Aw hell, whats it matter, this pic r00lz. good job!! Lol like your expressiobn! ^ ^

feari on February 22, 2004, 8:30:15 AM

feari on
feariAwesome!!! THe colored version is really good, but I think that the inverted color scheme is cuter! ^___^ They both look amazing!

notrub_mit on December 27, 2003, 12:25:35 AM

notrub_mit on
notrub_miti wish i had a fang. then i could point my finger and smile at people. sigh.

MiKotheHalfbreed on December 23, 2003, 3:26:18 AM

MiKotheHalfbreed on
MiKotheHalfbreedI know what the kitty's name could be..wait I don't...HIEI QUIT LOOKING OVER MY SHOULD!!!!!!! Sorry about that now as i was saying the kitty's name could be Greyanna(Grey-on-uh)

kittengirl on December 9, 2003, 6:56:07 PM

kittengirl on
kittengirlwow!! i love your art!! you do hair so perfectly ^_^ and the kitty is so cute! *saves to favs*

sheep_say_baa on December 6, 2003, 3:52:54 PM

sheep_say_baa on
sheep_say_baaThat's so good! I love the cat's wings! *savs 2 favs*

Kaikuu on November 3, 2003, 11:19:00 PM

Kaikuu on
KaikuuWill you draw a request for me and in return I'll draw a request for u? pwease? If you do, please make it a girl with blonde-brown hair, blue eyes, and any clothing u put on her!

TeraElement on August 31, 2003, 8:03:04 AM

TeraElement on
TeraElementwoah!!!!!! thats an awesome pick wish i had your skills >.<

vaporeon134 on August 30, 2003, 6:28:17 PM

vaporeon134 on
vaporeon134COOL!!!! me love

jenni90991 on August 25, 2003, 8:18:08 PM

jenni90991 on
jenni90991kool there all awsome

lilwashu on July 21, 2003, 2:12:14 AM

lilwashu on
lilwashui love it!!! sooooooo great.a quick sketch more like took u forever. how long did it take? i dont no why the cat should be kit and the green elf girl cheryl.

rikko on July 20, 2003, 2:50:56 PM

rikko on
rikko=^_^= awwww.. me like kittie! *hugs pic*

Nianome on July 20, 2003, 2:48:59 PM

Nianome on
NianomeME LIKE IT SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE hehehe me like the one in red she so happy!!!

Kh-gurl on July 10, 2003, 5:59:59 AM

Kh-gurl on
Kh-gurli like this and i don't care what u say! *saves to my favorite* SO THERE!

Missy-chan on July 9, 2003, 8:19:03 PM

Missy-chan on
Missy-chancool! i wish i could draw like that! i cant color and draw as well as you. T_T dat makes me sad.....

GuitaristPunk on July 7, 2003, 5:50:28 PM

GuitaristPunk on
GuitaristPunkWoah! that is really cool drawing! :D the colors make it stand out! ^_^ Well done! ::BOWS:: :D Great job! can't wait to see more!! ^-^