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Coloring Practice- Lena

Coloring Practice- Lena

Coloring Practice- Lena by KingdomHeartShera
Coloring Practice- Lena by KingdomHeartShera


After getting all those lovely tips on drawing and coloring from Trinity_Fire, I decided to put them to use! ^^ Trinity-san, please don't sue me! T_T The background coloring and shtuff looks a lot like your tutorial, I know, but it was easiest to copy the general idea of yours and practice on it now. That okay? ^^;;

If you haven't seen her tutorial yet, GO SEE IT! =0

Anyways, the results were okay, though the scanner made it grainier and muted some of the colors. >.> It's much smoother then my old piccehs, though, and I had a lotta fun doing it. Took a lot longer then the old pics, but looks better, so it's an even tradeoff. =3

So, whaddya think? Remember, I luve comments, darlings! <333

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Female)
Date Submitted
Views 1206
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 4
Comments 6
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken coupla hours to color
Reference Trinity_Fire's tutorial


Comments (6)

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tayloralisa on October 21, 2007, 10:10:50 AM

tayloralisa on
tayloralisaAS I SAID B4, ROCKIN'! LOL!

KingdomHeartShera on October 22, 2007, 6:04:58 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThanks. =3

evi19koko on October 20, 2007, 6:46:29 AM

evi19koko on
evi19kokoWOW YOU HAVE AMAIZING COLORING SKILLS *jaw drops* Lovely :) *votes good*

KingdomHeartShera on October 22, 2007, 6:04:18 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXD Thank Trinity, she's the one who taught me. ^^ But thankies anyways. <3

Trinity_Fire on October 15, 2007, 6:07:20 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireWhoooooooooooooo~!!! Now this is just quite beautiful, darling. :) Seriously, i think my jaw dropped when I saw this~ it was just so amazing~ *_*
But really, really gorgeous. Particularly the hair; I know how much fun it is to shade and color hair, too. X3 But~ whoah~ GORGEOUS~♥
And it's something all your own, love. ;) I don't mind you copying/basing a few things; actually, I'm rather honored, hahaha. XD; Flattered, really.
But really, all the shades in her hair are gorgeous. Oooh, so pretty. :) (And isn't gold fun to play with, too?? Hehe.)

Mmn... Your skin tones look a little fleshy. I guess the character's not the same as mine; I usually just love to slap on the layers of goldenrod and touch of terra cotta and whatever else is handy, haha, but I think you could stand just a little bit more 'yellowish' shades for her skin. (Unless it's the scanner, of course.) Human skin isn't peachy, just so you know; it just makes the colors a bit more natural. :3
And ooh, BG. Prettiness. X3 As you've probably picked up on, there's a lot with traditional artwork and pressure sensitivity! Don't throw that idea away; like with the way I color highlights; move your brush sweeps so they lift up off the paper at the end; that's how I get my smoother highlights, like around the hair and all. So for example, above the highlight, my strokes would be starting at the top of the hair and going down, with a sharp initial push, then lifting off the paper around the highlighted area to leave a pretty fading line. :) (It's easier to do this with your paper turned upside-down; don't be afraid to turn your paper around and around, haha! I do it all the time while coloring~)
And so then, from the bottom up it'd be a stroke somewhere further down the hair and then sweeping up~ get the idea? It really gives the highlights a smoother (in a way) edge, and it more believable, as you have to remember that hair is made up of a million thin strands, not chunks. (even though this is anime, haha.)

Anyway~ sorry for the continual barrage of crits, crits, and more crits~ this is really beautiful. I'm so seriously glad that you appreciate my crits; you've no idea how bad I feel about all this, hahaha. :3 I'm glad you're finding them useful!!
Oh, and also, I like how your coloring follows the flow lines of the hair. ;) Some newbie artists don't pick up on this when they color, and it makes the hair look bland and unrealistic. But you've got it down pat, girl, and it's gorgeous. ;)
Thanks for being so damn awesome, really. I'm flattered. And keep it up, because you've got skill all your own. ;)

KingdomHeartShera on October 15, 2007, 7:15:44 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXD Thanks so much! ^^ I'm glad YOU like it at least. <333 The hair took a while, but was the most fun part of the entire piccheh! <333 Thankies! *loveslovesloveslovesloves* An I'm so glad you don't hate meh for borrowing shtuff. o.O

Jah, the skin was one of the bits I didn't like with it. ^^;; I don't have that much experience with it. That's a good idea . . . and the scanner did kill it a little. >.> Highlights I usually just randomly stick in there, so thanks for the tips on that. =3

Nuus, I definately appreciate it! ^^ I couldn't have done this picceh a few weeks ago before you started helping! Seriously, you're really helping, and don't feel bad at all! ^^

It drives me nuts if I accidently color it not flowing the hair. o.O It looks odd and shtuff. ^^;; But man, I love you to death! You're the one that's awesome! Thanks for all the lovely comments and for all the support/crits. ^^ <333